He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Thirteen, Aiden; And the Mistakes Just Keep on Coming

Aidens POV

So I’ll admit right now that I have no idea what I was going to do when I got to the house. I pull up to the drive way and park the car before hopping out of it. I don’t even bother knocking or ringing the doorbell, I just slam it open.
Moments later Logan walks in and sees me, surprise flashes over his face, “Aiden?”
“what? Were you waiting for someone else to come and beat you up.” He gulps, meaning yes.
“uh. No.” Logan answers, “look, I’ll give you three free hits, anything after that though I’m fighting back.”
“why should I take free hits?”
“because you’ve already beat me up twice, the second time your parents witnessing. Now I’m sure they wouldn’t be too happy if you went home with a black eye.” Fuck. He’s right.
“fine. Three hits. Anywhere.” He nods in agreement.
I’m not stupid, I know where it hurts the worst for guys so that was the first place I kicked. And I kicked hard. He fell against the wall with a loud thud and caught his breath in pain.
I knew this probably wasn’t the best way to handle things. But he just had sex with my girlfriend! And technically we’re supposed to be friends though we both know that’s not true. Still, you don’t have sex with any guys girlfriend.
Logan stands up straighter and I take my second hit, a punch in the jaw. First punch and I already split the lip. I shake off my hand and let Logan take a quick breather before starting in on the last hit.
“STOP!” we both freeze in position. Logan ready to take the punch and me ready to punch. Callie was standing there in the doorway staring at us, shocked. I drop my arm and Logan reaches over to a box of tissues. “would one of you like to explain what the hell is going on here?!” man, she was mad.
I take a small step forward, “we need to talk.”
She glares at me. Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.
“okay, how about this. How did you find me!?” I glance over at Logan and then back at her. What should I tell her?
Callie turns her attention to Logan. She must have caught onto my glance, “sorry.” Logan says. You could tell he was actually scared of Callie at the moment. As was I. I’d never seen her this mad.
“how could you tell him when you specifically told Cathy you didn’t want drama?”
wait, my mom knew? She just told me Callie was safe! What the hell!?
Logan gulps nervously, “I-I didn’t know what to do and felt like I needed to apologize. You guys are still together and what happened really should not have happened. I knew better and I should have stopped it.” Well, half of that was true. The other half he was totally making up. You could see it all over his face.
Callie turns back to me. Great, now it’s my turn for explaining things. “and why are you beating him up?”
Doesn’t that seem a tad bit obvious? I keep my eyes on everything but her. I couldn’t look into those blue eyes, not now. “uh, boyfriend instinct?” I question. What else would it be? He just had sex with the girl I love! What was I supposed to do?! Say thanks!?
Callie crosses her arms impatiently. Well that wasn’t the right answer, “as I told Logan yesterday, we’re over.” What?! But-how the hell is that fair? We are so not over.
“okay, then friend instinct. He knew better than to take advantage of you when you were so vulnerable and did so anyway.” I say, “even though I’m sure you were the one to start it.”
“I’m not coming back if that’s what you’re here for.”
I sigh. “I’m here to talk.” For a moment she looked hurt at my words and I didn’t know why. Didn’t she just tell me she wasn’t coming back?
I notice Logan not around anymore and feel as if I missed something. Where did he go? He was backing me up on this! For once we agreed on something and I needed him here to fight it. Wimp.
“I don’t get why you’re so mad about this. You knew I was keeping something from you.” I say. Which was true. We both had our secrets and accepted that.
“I thought you had like a crazy step-brother or something. I don’t know. Anything but being a dad!” she exclaims.
“you hid your brother from me! How is this any different?” she pauses and I knew she was stuck on a reply.
“because,” she starts, “I thought he was dead.” How the hell is that any better? “and it’s not like he was my son. That’s a big deal Aiden. Plus when were you going to tell me? On our wedding night? Just toss it into conversation? I mean really, you waited almost a year and you still didn’t mention it.”
Wedding night? Did she think we were going to last that long? I mean, I love her and I know, even now, that she still loves me. But I hadn’t really thought passed high school. I shake the thought out of my head and go back to the conversation. What was the question? Something about why I hadn’t told her?
“I was ashamed.” I mumble, though it was loud enough for her to hear. I wonder where that thought came from. I didn’t think I was ashamed but maybe I was. Now though, I have to think up why.
“ashamed?” she asks.
“If I just told you I was a dad, it would make me seem like the typical teenage father. you know, the whole drunken sex and then not actually caring about the girl and ditching her after the birth. Just knowing that I wasn’t going to be in Reilly’s life was bad enough for me, having other people know that I got a girl pregnant and ran would have been worse.”
Callie takes a step forward, “you should have said something.” I shrug. “Aidne, one of the only reasons you and I actually worked as a couple is because we talked about stuff. Surprisingly you did a lot of the confessing, but still, we talked it through. If you just explained to me what happened, things may have turned out differently. I mean, one day you tell me you’re not virgin and months later you tell me you were drunk both times. Were you going to tell me when school started that you impregnated one of them? Really, what was your plan here? Because I really don’t understand why you waited so long to tell the whole story.”
I look up and stare at her for a moment, waiting for her to break down her guard. Finally, I realize it wasn’t going to happen, not now, and turn to leave. “where are you going?” she asks.
Oh, now she cares about me. I turn back to face her for a moment. “home. Where else? Obviously you know now and nothing that I say is going to change this situation. I’ll have Christie pick your stuff up when she and Justin stop by.” I step out onto the porch and close the door, then lean against it for a moment. Tears were pushing to get out but I wouldn’t let them. Aiden Baker does not cry.
I heard a body fall to the wood floor and Callies crying. Now she breaks down. Now she decides she can’t hold it in anymore. But now is too late.If she wants to be with Logan then so be it. Let her be with Logan.


I sit at the church with my parents for the memorial. She looked so sad up there, giving her speech. It’s been a week since our fight and it hurt to know I couldn’t be there to help her get through this. I should be there though, it should be me, not Logan. I was there for her through it all. When her mom told her she was pregnant, when her brother came home, helping her get back to a good relationship with her parents, Joey’s birth, the airport, and finally their deaths. And now, just over two weeks later, I can’t be there for her. Funny how it only takes one moment to ruin someones life.
“mom, dad, no matter what or where you guys are, Ill always be your little Princess Calvina.” She finishes her speech. I smile, remembering the first day of school when I called her that.

At the reception my dad got into a conversation with some business guy. I don’t know. I was just standing there, pretending to be interested. I glance over and notice Callie and Alice talking and hugging. I wonder what happened. I wonder a lot of things actually. She hadn’t talked to my parents since the 23rd, and hadn’t talked to me since our fight. She was even ignoring her other friends such as Jamie. I must admit though, that when I got home from Logans that day, I went straight to my room and haven’t spoken a word to any one in the group since. I haven’t even spoken to Zach and he’s staying with me.

I switch my stare to a bush beside me when I noticed Callie coming toward us.
“um, excuse me,” her voice cracked a little when she spoke, “Robert, Cathy, can I speak to you two privately please?” I watch as they leave and she gives me a small smile before disappearing around the corner. The businessmen had moved onto another crowd, leaving Mike and I to ourselves.
“Man, you got to get over her.” Mike says. He was always one to say there’s more fish in the sea. Which I guess was true. But it hadn’t been that long since she left.
“have you ever been in love Mike? No. so you have no fucking idea what it’s like when the person you love leaves you. for her ex nonetheless.”
“she’s moving on obviously. You should too. You were never one that was good at commitment.”
“seriously, you need to drop this subject. I will eventually move on. But it’s going to take more than a week to do so. Back off Mike.” He shuts up for the evening but I knew that by tomorrow he’d be talking again.
My parents reappear with smiles on their faces. “she’s moving back in.” my mom says. My face drops. What? Why the hell would she move back in? how am I supposed to move on if she’s right next door to me?!
I sigh and walk out of the room. I need out of there, out of these clothes, out of this life.

The next day I left early in the morning to the cabin. I didn’t want to be around when she showed up. I didn’t want that awkward silence between us to happen, ever. So, I would spend as little time as I could at the house.
The cabin, at least for now, seemed like the best place to go to. It has always been my ‘hideaway’ place in some way and now I could be there by myself. I brought my guitar and decided to write a new song.

Broken promises
But you don't really mind
It's not the first time
And you know it, don't you know
Tell me why it is you only smile inside
But when you break me into nothing
Don't you know
It's not like I haven't tried
Over and over again
Stupid fights
Wrong or right
I Remember when you came with me that night
We said forever, that that you would never let me go
But here I am again
With nothing left inside
No I don't wanna but I gotta let you go
You're the one mistake
I really didn't mind
So beautiful, unmercifully
It took me down
Too little and too late
So now I know your kind
You fake it easy, just to please me
Don't you know
It's not like we haven't tried
Over and over again
Sleepless nights wrong or right
I Remember when you came with me that night
We said forever, that that you would never let me go
But here I am again
With nothing left inside
No I don't wanna but I gotta let you go
I gotta let u go...
It's you...
Theres nothing I can do
I remember when you came with me that night
You said forever
Here I am again
With nothing left inside
No I don't wanna but I gotta
Let U Go
I Remember when you came with me that night
We said forever, that that you would never let me go
But here I am again
With nothing left inside
No I don't wanna but I gotta let you go

when I finished writing the lyrics down and changing a few chords my phone vibrates. I flip it open and notice it’s a text from Jamie. He hadn’t tried contacting me for a week now so it was weird he started now.
Hey, you left the memorial early, what gives?

Had to get away. I answer simply.

Well where are you then?

Not going to tell you that

Okay then… there’s a party and Ricks tonight, you going?

Should I go? I haven’t partied since Jamies last year and even then I didn’t do much other than watching Callie. I haven’t really partied for like two years now.

I dunno I answer truthfully

Come on! You haven’t left the house in ages! You need to get out there and have some fun without her for once.

This confused me a little. Jamie was like a brother to Callie, yet he was basically making it sound as if I didn’t do anything without her. Was that true.

Whatever. I’ll go.

Sweet! Don’t get there too late!

Late? Huh, I wonder what time it is. I check the time on my phone and it reads six. Oh. Wow, I guess I should head back in. I’ll get to the party by 7:30 or so then.
The drive to Ricks was boring. Really, really boring. I missed having her in my passenger seat, talking to me, listening to me, singing really off key at the top of her lungs. UGH! I have to forget about her, now! Though how is that possible when she lives with me?! Fuck. I knew this whole plan was going to backfire.

The instant I get to the party I grab a beer. Just one night I’ll drink. Wash away my worries and never touch alcohol until I’m 21. the bitter taste slips down my throat of the first beer. Then I grab a second, third, fourth…who knows how many.
A random girl grabs my hand and drags me out to the dance floor and I follow. Not too long after we were in my car on our way to my house. We stumbled up the stairs, giggling the whole time and finally made it into my room.

I shift in my bed with a killer headache. I really shouldn’t have had any beer last night. I turn over to find blonde hair next to me. What? Why would Callie be in my room.
“Morning.” Fuck. That’s not Callies voice. That’s- she turns over and faces me, “last night was fun.” Can I say fuck again?
“Samantha?” I hiss.
God, I know I’ve basically ignored you my whole life. But if you do exist, please make it so that Callie does not find out about this.
“you sound surprised? You weren’t so surprised last night.”
“what the hell about last night?”
“we danced and then came back here. Do I really have to tell you everything?” fuck.
She slips her shirt over her head, “you know, I always liked you more than Logan.”
“oh shut it. I know you’re lying.”
“you don’t know anything.”
“get out of here Samantha. NOW.”
“no breakfast? Logan made me breakfast.”
“I’m not Logan. Now out.”
“I don’t know, I really-“
“but Aiden-“ I was pushing her toward the door now.
“I said out! I don’t know what I was thinking last night, but it wasn’t about you!” my hand was on the door handle now.
“oh don’t fool yourself, you know I was good-“
I open the door and push her out of it, “out Samantha! NOW!”
Samantha stops for a moment and I realize she’s looking at Callie who was sitting there, frozen. She look like a deer in headlights, though instead of jumping out of the way, she was just waiting for her death. “obviously you’re not doing something right since both of your exes came running to me.” Samantha says to Callie. I. Did. Not. Go. To. Her.
“I think Aiden told you to get out enough times Samantha. And now I’m going to ask you nicely, can you please get out of my room?” Callie says. That’s my girl! Or was my girl or whatever. Samantha leaves and slams the door behind her. Callie stands up to head to her room.
“don’t want to hear it.”
“we’re over Aiden. You can sleep with whoever you want to. At least you waited until after we broke up. A step better than Logan there.” I didn’t like being compared to Logan. I was nothing like that jerk.
“Wait, Callie-“
“Please, don’t.” she shuts her door and I fall to my knees. Ironically the pain in my chest thinking that Callie just witnessed all that was worse than my headache, and that was bad itself.
Callie blasted music in her room, loud enough for the neighbors to hear. I banged on her door over and over again, getting no where. Eventually I slide down her door and just sit there, letting the tears fall down my face.

“Aiden! Callie! Dinner!” my moms voice wakes me up. I was laying on the floor in front of Callies door, waiting for her to come out. Neither of us respond and I can still hear her music playing loudly.
I close my eyes again and rest my head against her door. This was not going as planned. There was a knock on the first door and then it opens. I know it’s my mom so I don’t bother moving.
“You guys, I said din-“ she stops. I guess she saw where I was. “what are you doing Aiden?” she asks, coming closer to me.
“waiting for her to leave.” I answer simply.
“hey Callie, what are you doing in your room?” My mom asks loudly.
“waiting for your son to leave.” She answers harshly. My mom looks down at me and I stare back.
She sits down on the floor across from me. “what did you do?”
“you don’t want to know.” I mumble.
“she came here to move on Aiden. She knew she’d have to come back at some point and decided now wouldn’t be worse than later.”
I laugh a short, ‘whatever’ laugh. “that has absolutely nothing to do with this.”
“you’re obviously not helping her move on.”
“oh, so this is about her now? I’m your son and she’s just a friend.”
“you did lie to her.”
“and she lied to me, then had sex with my friend. Two strikes on her side, one on mine.”
“actually, two now.” Callie chimes in.
“was I talking to you?” I ask harshly.
“just saying. You’ve got two strikes too. We’re even.”
I roll my eyes and don’t respond.
“what happened?” my mom asks.
Before I could answer, Callie did for me, “he got drunk last night and slept with Samantha.”
“will you let me answer?!”
“when you let me leave.” UGH! How am I supposed to live with this!”
“who’s Samantha?” my mom asks. Really? Why is she doing this now?!
“she’s-“ I start to say but obviously Callie would answer it better.
“she’s the girl Logan cheated on me with. And now Aiden has picked her up.”
My mom glares at me.
“okay, seriously do not take her side on this. I don’t remember a thing about last night, I was way too drunk and in all honesty thought the blonde hair was Callie.”
“ew.” Callie comments.
“will you shut up!”
“nope. You know I’m not a quiet person.”
“yeah, one of the things I hated about you.”
“well it’s not like you’re mr. perfect.”
“at least I accept that.”
“I do not think I’m perfect.”
“no? cause you act like it. Head cheerleader, nice to everyone, even your cheating ex.”
“he’s your friend.”
“he was never my friend.”
“but you said-“
“it’s called acting Callie, maybe you should try it sometime.”
“so you lied to me.”
“nope. I was his friend when you were around. He was in on it too, so don’t blame me.”
“I can blame you all I want.”
“you can but you won’t.”
“UGH! Why won’t you just leave!”
“why won’t you?”
“because it’s my room!”
“mine too sweetheart!”
“fuck you.”
“you have your ex to do that with.”
“you two stop it right now.” My mom intervenes. I forgot she was sitting there.
There was a long pause between us and then there was a crash in Callies room.
“Callie, what are you doing in there?” my mom asks her.
“breaking the picture frames Aiden put in my room.”
“I didn’t touch your room.”
“no? because these are the pictures from the cabin.”
“I swear I didn’t go into your room at all. How the hell would that help me forget about you?”
“you’ll never forget about me darling.”
“not with you living next door.”
“so if you didn’t put them in here, who did?”
“who do you think?”
“your mom didn’t have access to them, and neither did you dad.”
“damnit Callie, my brother! It’s kind of obvious.”
“whatever, still breaking the frames.”
“do whatever you want to your room. You’re the one who gets to clean it up.” The crashing stops and I smirk. Got her there.
“Aiden go down to dinner.”
“now Aiden.” I knew I wasn’t going to win a fight against her so I make my way downstairs and to the dinner table.
I doubt I’ll ever know what they’re talking about up there.
♠ ♠ ♠
song: Let U Go by Ashley Parker Angel.