He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Fifteen, Callie; The Truth is Revealed

I went back to school the following Monday and stuck by Aidens side for most of it. You could see that everyone was happy to have me back. Well, everyone except for Logan. He looked almost hurt when he saw me walk in with Aiden.

After school I had promised Paige that I would help her with some cheer stuff. Since I had been absent for so long, I passed along the captainship to her.

“you’ve got cheer, right?” Aiden asks as we walk to my locker.

I nod, “thought I’d help out some.”

“well I’ll be helping out with the freshman basketball team, so meet you in the gym?”

“since when do you play basketball?”

“Since I realized it wasn’t hard to throw a ball into a hoop.”

We had made it to my locker by now and I was twisting the locker. “yeah, I can meet you in the gym” I open the door and an envelope slips out of it. Aiden picks it up off the floor and hands to me.

“who’s it from?” Aiden asks, curious now.

There was only my name scrolled in the middle of the envelope. Though I recognized the handwriting in an instant. “Logan.” I whisper.

“Logan?” you could see Aiden turn red with anger.

“Aiden, it’s fine, it’s just a letter.” I reassure him, “I’ll open it later when we leave.” With that I slip the envelope into my messenger bag. “I’ve got to go, so I’ll see you in about an hour, okay?”

“yeah.” He leans down and gives me a quick kiss before heading for the gyms. I walk the opposite way to the classroom cheer was meeting in today.

The group of girls were chatting when I walked in and Paige had no control over them. She looks over at me helpless. I roll my eyes and whistle loudly, getting everyone’s attention.

“come on girls!” I scream at them, “Paige here is your captain, listen to her!”

“why don’t you come back?” one of the girls asks.

Before I could answer, another shouted out, “yeah, you were much better than Paige.”

“stop it!” I yell. “Paige is an amazing cheerleader and captain. You guys need to settle down and listen to her if you want to win any awards this year.”

“they are right…” Paige whispers next to me.

I pull her to the side, “give us a second ladies.” I say and we exit the room. “what has gotten into you Paige?”

“just stating the obvious. They’re right, I’m not as good as you.”

“so? You’re as good as you and that’s all that matters. I don’t want to hear you bring yourself down again!”

“what has gotten into you?” she asks.


“really? You aren’t usually this serious about stuff.”

I sigh, “Some things have come up, that’s all. But it doesn’t matter. If you show weakness in front of them, they are going to eat you up like there’s no tomorrow. Now get back in there and be the leader I know you are.”

After an hour or so the girls finally settle down and listen to Paige. I leave since I told Aiden I’d meet him then. When I enter the gym I find him kneeling down, bandaging a kids leg.

I sit down next to the freshman on the bench and Aiden looks up, “sprained ankle.” Aiden explains, clipping the bandage with a safety pin. “okay Sam, just rest it up and you should be good in a week or two.”


Aiden stands up and looks down at me, “ready to go?”


He takes my hand and we walk out of the gym and through the doors to the parking lot. “how was cheer?”

“eh, the girls don’t listen to Paige and Paige doesn’t have the confidence to make them listen.”

“sounds fun.”

I laugh, “totally fun. How was basketball?”

“kid sprained his ankle, not exactly what I would call a successful practice.”

Aiden opens the passenger door for me and I get in, tossing my bad in the back. “you didn’t, uh, open the note, did you?” He asks, sliding into the drivers seat.

“I told you I would wait, and that’s exactly what I did. so no, the note hasn’t been opened. I’m a little scared to open it actually.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing terrible. He’s probably just apologizing.”

“I hope your right.”

Aiden pulls into the driveway. The kids stayed with Melanie until about five, giving us time to get some work done without distraction for a little bit at least. Today though, the time would be used reading the letter that was still in my bag.

We walk in the living room and sit on the couch like every other day. I lean against him and he pulls the envelope out of the bag, handing it to me.

I stare at it in my hands, not making a move to open it. “it’s not going to explode Calvina.” Aiden whispers to me.

I sigh and slip my finger under the flap, opening the sealed envelope and taking out a single sheet of paper.

Since I knew Aiden would be reading it over my shoulder, I didn’t dare read it out loud.

Callie (and Aiden since I’m sure you’re reading this too),

When I told you that I couldn’t do this anymore I didn’t mean us. Though when you started assuming things it seemed easier to lie than tell the truth. Now though, I think it’s time you know what really has been happening.

Tristan, he came to me awhile back, after he disappeared but before he came back into your life. He made a deal with me, one that I can barely remember now. Though I know it to do with getting rid of you and then I would get a percentage of the money. For some reason I agreed. When I told you I couldn’t do this anymore, I meant the whole killing you thing, not breaking up with you.

Then Tristan found out your mom was pregnant and that changed things since he’d have another person to go through to get the whole inheritance. That’s when he decided that he better get rid of your parents, which was obviously done.

I turned him in and he’s being held under a bunch of charges. Most likely won’t be getting out any time soon.

I don’t expect you to forgive me or anything. Just thought you should know the truth.


Aiden and I stayed silent for what seemed like hours. “what do you want to do?” Aiden finally asks

I say the only thing that was in my mind, “I want to talk to him.”

“so you forgive him?” I turn my head to look at him.

“do you think I should?” I ask.

“I think that whatever you choose will be the right choice.”

I nod slowly and lean back into Aiden. “we were always friends. Before we started dating that is. And I guess, even when we were dating we were still friends. I know something like this should make me not trust him. And maybe I don’t trust him. But that doesn’t mean I want him to be lonely and have everyone hate him.” I felt like I was rambling.

“do you want me to drive you?” I nod again. “now?”

“yeah. I just want to get this over with.” We get up and I set the note down on the table in front of me. Aiden walks into the kitchen to grab something to drink and I go to the bathroom before we leave.

When we get into the car, Aiden instantly turns down the music. “I called Melanie, she said she can take care of them as long as we need.”

“thank you.”

he smiles weakly at me and starts to drive toward Logans house.

“Aiden, you okay?”

“yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“you just seem distant, that’s all.”

He sighs, “I just, don’t want to lose you again.”

“Aiden, this guy was planning on killing me. I’m not exactly going to run back into his arms, even if I do forgive him. I love you and my ex apologizing isn’t going to change that.”

Aiden grabs my hand that was in my lap and squeezes it gently. I smile and look out my window, waiting for the drive to be over.

Jason answers the door, which, by the way, made this whole ordeal a hell of a lot more awkward.

“sorry, we were just leaving.” Christie says, coming into view. She grabs onto her boyfriends arm and pulls him passed us.

“we were?” he questions as they walk away.

Aiden and I laugh and enter the empty house.

“we should check-“ we both start at the same time.

I smile and Aiden finishes his sentence, “the music room.”

“how did you know about that?!” I ask shocked. I was one of the few people who knew of Logan’s musical talents.

“you’re not the only one who knows.” I put my hands on my hips and glare at him, “fine, Christie showed me.”

“now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“are we going to stand here fighting or go up and talk to Logan?” Aiden asks impatiently.

“I hate it when you’re right.”

“come on Callie.” He pulls on my hand until I budge and finally we walk up to the music room.

Sounds of the piano echoed into the hallway and I slowly twist the door handle to open.

“don’t want to talk Christie.”

“finally you and Christie act like normal siblings. Not talking to each other and all.” Logan stops playing the piano and turns to Aiden and I in the door way. Aiden takes another step into the room and closes the door behind him.

“what do you want?” Logan asks harshly.

“well, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us, including Alice…” I trail off at that last bit.

Here’s something that wasn’t mentioned about Alice. Well, a lot wasn’t mentioned about her, but anyways. She has liked Logan since about fifth grade. I guess I kind of owe to her, especially after she moved back here and broke up with her boyfriend because of it, to a date with Logan.


“um, yeah.”

“why do I feel as if this is some set up?”

I look to Aiden for help, “what? I have no clue what Alice has to do with any of this!”

“fine. Don’t tell her I told you this, but she’s really liked you for like eight years now…”

“so you want to go on a double date tonight because…”

I look to Aiden again for help and he sighs, giving in. “um…because we both forgive you for what you did and- seriously Callie, I have no idea why I’m even here.”

Logan laughs at Aidens poor attempt, “fine, I’ll go out tonight.”

“and really Logan, I do forgive you.”

“well you shouldn’t. what I did would usually fall under unforgivable.”

“will you just let this all be. I’m saying I forgive you, don’t argue that.”

“fine, fine.” Logan gives in. I smile victoriously.

“now that that’s worked out, can you leave the room Callie?” Aiden asks. I turn to face my dear boyfriend, shocked and slightly afraid. If I left, what would he do to Logan?


“because I have something to ask Logan.”

“so, I can stay here.”

“it involves you. now shoo.” He pushes me toward the door.

“bu-“ I say, standing out in the hallway.

“bye Callie.” Logan says, laughing at the scene.

I decide to walk downstairs and watch t.v. no more than five minutes of doing this, Jason comes in through the front door.

“what are you doing back?” I ask.

“gotta go talk to Logan for a sec.”

“but Aiden is talking to him.”

Jason pauses on the stairs, “who do you think would text me Callie? Logan or Aiden?”

I cross my arms and sink down in my seat, letting out a little ‘pfft’ sound. I hated being out of the loop on everything. Especially things that consisted of my ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend.

Ten minutes later though, all three boys come downstairs. I hop up off of the couch and walk over to them.

“come on Aiden, I still have to get ready for tonight.”

“fine, we’ll leave.”

“wait, what am I supposed to wear tonight?” Logan asks.

“Jeans, shirt. Socks will be quite necessary…” I list a couple of the items.

“so it’s not formal?”

“not at all.”

Aiden and I walk out of the house then and drive back home.


“so don’t be mad at me.” I tell Alice as we get ready for the double date.

“what a way to start a conversation.”

“I kind of might have told Logan.”

“told Logan what?”

“oh, you know, that thing that we had in common that one time.” I play around the actual topic. Though Alice got it all the same and throws a pillow at me, “hey now, violence is never the answer.”

“I can’t believe you!”

“hey, he didn’t say no to the date tonight, so that’s a plus.”

“still hate you.”

“aw, don’t worry about it Alice.” Aiden chimes in. I hadn’t noticed he was standing at the door, “I’m sure you’ll be fine. But, to do that we’ve got to go like right now. Logan is downstairs waiting and it’s hard not to laugh at how nervous he is.”

I give him a warning look, “be nice Aiden.”

“fine, fine, we going or not?”

I grab Alice’s elbow and pull her out of the room, “we’re going.” I say, “or you and Logan are going. Aiden and I have to stop by and pick up the car seats from his dad.”

“bu-“ Alice starts arguing.

“nope. Go.” I push her down the stairs. Aiden and I wait a few minutes before leaving ourselves. We took my mustang since there wasn’t room for the kids in Aiden’s car. Oh, by the way, I sold the bug. That disgusting thing. Aiden wanted to keep it for the memories but I wouldn’t listen to him. We can just remember without having to deal with that awful car.

After picking up the car seats, we show up to the bowling alley to find Logan and Alice already have a game. I didn’t really want to interrupt their time, since they seemed like they were having a lot of fun, but Aiden insisted and so he got the pleasure of scaring the shit out of them.

By the end of the night a new couple (thanks to me) was created. Okay, so that’s a cheesy way to put it, still, that’s what happened.

On the car ride home, Reilly decided that it would be a good time to tell us what was on her mind. “Jo is my bro?” I couldn’t help but giggle while Aiden held his in.

“um, sure sweetie, Joey is your brother.” Aiden answers. We’d never really talked about that. I mean, it’s not like we’re married…yet and how do you explain that to a girl who, in all honesty, is going to be living quite a confusing life.

“that doesn’t work Aiden.” I whisper to him.

“how so?”

“that would make Joey my son.”

“then what is he?”

“technically, if we were to get married, he’d be an uncle.”

“an uncle who is younger, that’s would be weird. How about cousin?”

I laugh, “cousin works.”

“no whisp-ing.” Reilly shouts at us.

“Reilly! Be quiet, Joey is sleeping.” Aiden scolds her, taking his eyes off the road for a second to glance back at the two kids.

Reilly nods and I yawn. It had been a long tiring day and I was definitely ready to go home and sleep.

I lean my head against Aiden’s shoulder and close my eyes.

“Calvin-a” Aiden whispers in a sing-song voice.


“first of all, you can’t sleep on me while I’m driving. Sorry dear, but safety comes first.”

I turn my head up so that I’m facing him, “I’m not sleeping.” I mumble.

Aiden smiles, “of course not.”

“and second of all?” I ask as he stops at a read light.

“oh, yeah, that. I just love you.”

I give him a weird look before leaning up and quickly kissing him before the light changes, “love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Two more chapters