He was a Boy, She was a Girl

End, Callie; All I Know

Prom. Prom. Prom. That’s all there is to talk about these days. Or at least what everybody is talking about these days. The committee won’t tell us what the surprise is, but there’s going to be a surprise. So, with there being a day left until the dance, everyone is guessing on what the surprise is going to be. They’re all thinking big, like some famous band coming. I highly doubt that though.

At lunch, I swear my table was the only one not talking about the dance, which is ironic since we’re the ‘it’ group. Well, usually the ‘it’ group. I think it changes on a day to day basis. We had been discussing on Monday that we’d go to Starlite. Word got around though and soon the majority of the couples decided that’s where they’d go.

So where are the twelve of us going? To the bowling alley. Maggie makes delicious food and we didn’t see any reason not to go there. Though this time around, no one knew.

And yeah, the twelve of us. Logan and Alice, Jason and Christie, Matt and Paige, Jamie and Mollie, Lukas and Emily, and Aiden and I. six couples, twelve people. In the beginning we weren’t going to invite Lukas and Emily just because of the past we’ve had with Emily. But after months of watching them be all lovey-dovey it’s quite obvious that she’s not after Aiden any longer.

Logan, after a couple weeks, finally admitted to Alice that he liked her and they’ve been a couple for about six months now. With the rest of us, we’ve all be in our relationships since almost two years ago.

“Callie, when do we get to see your dress?!” Paige asks for the millionth time. Though I went dress shopping with the girls, I didn't buy my dress with them. I decided to surprise everyone.

“well, at about seven tomorrow night. That's when.” I answer.

“guys! It's the last day of class for us, why are we talking about the stupid dance?” Matt wonders.

We all laugh at him. He wasn't the romantic guy on the outside, but according to Aiden he was very sappy on the inside. “you do have a point there.” Logan says, “After today we never have to step foot in this school again.”

I lean my head against Aiden's shoulder. “hmm, I think I'm going to miss it.”

“yeah.” Alice agrees, “we've had some good times in this school.”

“and some bad.” I add.

“and some just plain out crazy.” Aiden says.

“crazy huh?”

“I don't know what other category to put your mom calling you under.”

I smile, remembering Aiden's first day of school, “that was your first day of school.”

“and what a first day of school it was.”

Alice looked lost, “what happened on your first day of school?” she asks, curious now.

Aiden looks to the group, “should I tell?”

“of course you should!” she argues. Everyone else laughs and nods their head, giving him the approval.

“well, Alice. In the beginning of this all, as I'm sure you already know, Callie and I weren't exactly best friends.”

“that's an understatement.” I mumble.

“shush. I'm telling the story.” I stick my tongue out at him. “anyways, she had to give me a ride to school because my car hadn't been shipped yet. When she came downstairs the shirt she had on read 'I'm pregnant, rub my belly.”

Alice interrupts, “I remember getting you that shirt!”

“yeah, and I put it to good use too.” I smile sweetly.

“pretending you were pregnant was good use?” I nod, “whatever. Um, so yeah. That was that. She changed shirts when I pointed it out to her. Then we got to school and Mollie practically attacked me with a hug. I didn't know who she was though and was honestly a tad bit creeped out.”

“hey!” Mollie protests from the opposite end of the table.

“Sorry Mols, but you were pretty insane. After that Emily here started flirting with me non-stop and badmouthing Callie.”

Emily blushes next to Luke, “you were cute, what else was I supposed to do?” she questions.

“were?” Aiden asks, “I'd like to think I'm still cute.”

“don't worry babe, you're still cute.” I reassure him.

“Logan acted pissed at me during French. Jamie invited me to a party, and Samantha wouldn't give up on the fact that Callie and I were dating. Which we weren't.”

“what were your words exactly Aiden?” Logan asks.

“Logan, I can still kick your ass.”

Logan smirks, “this is so worth it. Wasn't it something like-”

Aiden breaks in, “I told you that I was not and never would be dating Callie.”

“don't worry about it, I said worse things about you.” I tell him.

“thanks, that makes me feel so much better.” He replies sarcastically. “after that Samantha made quite a scene at lunch and then Callies mom called to inform her she was pregnant.”

“yeah, that sounds like your first day.” I tell him “except I think you left some stuff out.” I say, thinking back to after school and the whole dinner situation.

“well, that wasn't exactly school, that was after school.”

“wait, are you guys talking about when he tried to kiss yo-” Alice stops at the end. “I mean...”

“less than a day after saying you were not going to date her you tried to kiss her?” Logan sounds confused.

“do you think I was telling the truth Logan? You seemed mad at me for just existing, I didn't think telling you I had the hots for your ex would have been the best idea.”

“point taken.”

After a little more talking the bell finally rings and we all go our separate ways to the last couple of classes.


“Callie, this is my last warning. If you're not out here in ten seconds than I'm coming in!” Aiden calls from outside my door. I don't know why I was nervous, but I was, and that was making everyone wait.

“Fine.” I say, grabbing my clutch and opening the door. Aiden was a couple feet away, getting ready to break into my room.

“really dude? You were actually going to break down the door?”

“I was thinking about it...”

“uh-huh. We going or not?”

he grabs my hand, “we're going.” Aiden starts to walk and I stay put, “what's wrong?”

“aren't you supposed to say something?” I was wearing a knee length red dress with black lines randomly placed.

“hmm, would it have something to do with the way you look?” I nod my head, “well then, you look fabulous. But I'm sure you already knew that.”

“try again.” I tell him. He steps in front of me and looks straight into my eyes before leaning down and giving me a slow and sensual kiss. “you look beautiful Calvina.” he says, pulling back.

I smile, “now that was it. Let's go.”

hundreds of pictures and a fun dinner later, we finally made it to the dance. We all were having a great time, goofing off by doing old dance moves like the mashed potato.

About an hour into the dance Aiden excused himself and actually the whole group of guys left to go talk somewhere else. Something was going on and I didn't know what exactly.

“think they're the surprise?” Mollie asks.

“Jamie playing an instrument? Highly doubtful.” I remind her.

“correct you are.” she says and the lights dim down a little more, “or not. I still think they're the surprise.”

“we'll find out in a couple of seconds I guess.”

and it turns out Mollie knew what she was talking about because up there on stage were all five guys. Aiden was sitting on a stool in the middle and the other guys were at their own instruments.

“okay guys!” the crowd quieted down, “I'm Aiden Baker, though I'm sure you already knew that. We're here to sing a song dedicated to our awesome girlfriends. It's called 'Took Me Awhile,' and Matt wrote it himself.

“it took me awhile

to tell you how I feel

I tried once or twice

but girl you got me stuttering


“and I say

I'll be there when

the skies are falling down

I'll be your friend

no matter when, what, or how


I'll be there


I'll be there”

“The day you brought me home

man was I nervous from head to toe

the moment your brother came into view

I felt the need to run from you

and make my way back home”

“but instead I tell you

I'll be there when

the skies are falling down

I'll be your friend

no matter when, what, or how


I'll be there”

“our first kiss

the way I almost missed your lips

your smile and your laugh

I could get lost in your eyes if I had the chance

and baby you're mine all mine”


I'll be there when

the skies are falling down

I'll be your friend

no matter when, what, or how

I'll be there

I'll be there when you want me, need me

love me, hate me

I'll be there


I'll be there”

“It took me awhile

to tell you how I feel

I tried once or twice

but girl you got me stuttering


but now that your mine

I'm one hundred percent sure

that it will be you and I

forever and more”

“I'll be there when

the skies are falling down

I'll be your friend

no matter when, what, or how

I'll be there

whether you want me or not

you'll be my girl from this point on


you'll be my girl from this point on”

the music fades out and the crowd cheers. The girls and I were both laughing and crying. Who could ask for better boyfriends than ours?

“well that's all! Enjoy the rest of your evening!” Aiden says into the mic and they all jump off the stage. The DJ takes over again and another slow song comes on. Aiden grabs my hand and I smile as he pulls me onto the dance floor.

“is that what you kicked me out of the room for back in October?” I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“I guess you'll never know.”

“you know, that first day...I think I already knew something was going to happen between us.”

Aiden chuckles, “you mean under all of that hate there was actually some love?”

I frown, “don't tell me you didn't feel anything.”

“you're right. I didn't.” I slap his arm, “fine, yes, there was something. But I still hated you.”

“as did I. I do miss it though.”

“miss what?”

“you calling me Barbie. Remember when your mom got mad at you for that?”

we both laugh at that memory, “definitely remember. I got in so much trouble for it.”

“that's what I was there for.”

“that's for sure, Barbie.”

I pull back to look him in the eyes, “doesn't work anymore.” I tell him.

“yeah, doesn't sound as mean.”

“well then, I guess you'll just have to stick with Callie.”

“in your dreams Calvina.”

“you're lucky I love you.” I remind him.

“not as much as I love you.”

He may not be the right person for me. We may fight and hate each other at times.

But all I know is that I love him. I know that he's stayed by my side when things have gone a little crazy. All I know is that right now, in this room, I can't imagine myself being with any else.

What the future will bring, I have no clue. This time around though, I'm ready for anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I didn't get those two comments. but I really don't care all that much.
Thank you for everyone who read this and liked this, even if you didn't leave a comment.
Please read my other stories, I hope you like them as much as you liked this.
: )