He was a Boy, She was a Girl

Four, Aiden; Secret Calls and Midnight Fights

The next morning I got up early to call Hannah.

I dial her number and wait through rings, “hi, you’ve reached Hannah, obviously I’m not here at the moment so just leave a message.” I sigh and wait for the beep.

“hey Hannah, it’s Aiden. Could we, uh, talk at some point? Please. It’s really important. Okay, well that’s it, you know how to reach me. Hope you and riley are doing good. So yeah, I guess I’ll talk to you later.” I quickly hang up the phone. I’m not supposed to contact her; I’m not supposed to connect to that life anymore. That was the whole reason for leaving, right?

I get dressed and walk over to Callies, who was ready the moment I open the door. There wasn’t much to talk about and the drive to school was pretty silent. The atmosphere of the school was different than yesterday. It seemed more lose. Like everyone forgot about what happened yesterday. Classes went fine, nothing exciting happening, except for Logan still being pissed at me for whatever reason.

It wasn’t until the break before lunch that stuff got intense. I was just standing at my locker, about to head to the lunch room, when I was pulled down the hall and into a classroom. I notice it was Mollie who was doing so and then caught Callie watching her pull me into the room. “this can’t be good.” I mumble more to myself than to her.

“no, no it can’t be.” Mollie says, letting me go which ended up with me stumbling.

“what do you want Mollie?”

“to talk.”

“to talk? Okay, how about the fact that you called Zack?”

“oh, that was just a silly phone call, nothing important came out of it anyways.”

"You had no right at all to call Zack, Mollie!” I scream at her.

“thought you guys were tight, that maybe you already told him.”

I roll my eyes, “It’s been a freaking day! Give a guy some slack.”

“luckily, that’s not what I brought you here to talk about.” She looks over at me and I turn away, not meeting her eyes, “she’s not going to go out with you. Not after she knows the truth.”

This caught me off guard. How the hell did Mollie know anything about that?! it was long after she had left. “what?!”

"You know what I’m talking about Aiden.” She states. She was right, I did know, not that I wanted to know, but I did.

“but-how-how did you know?” I stutter out.

"You’re not the only one with friends.” She tells me with a hint of ‘duh’ in her voice.

“Mollie, don’t tell her.” My voice had switched from angry to worry. I knew Mollie would actually follow through with this. That’s just the type of person she was.

“she has a right to know Aiden. You can’t just leave that out of your life.” Well, can’t argue with that. Callie does have a right to know, but it wasn’t my choice to leave her out of life.

“it wasn’t my choice to leave her out of my life. It was hers. So how about you just stay out of my life and I think we’ll be able to get along.” I start toward the door.

“see? That’s just not going to work for me because, well, for starters I hate Callie. I also hate you. So, now that you’re together, I can just make the revenge juicier.”

“we’re not together Mollie,” I say sternly, every word stinging as it left my tongue. “and also, get over it, we broke up years ago.

“Callie is going to find out about your little secret Aiden, that is one thing I’m positive about.” She threatens and then leaves the room.

I take a few deep breaths before leaving. And the moment I do I spot Callie down the hallway. Shit, I hope she didn’t hear any of that.

I walk toward her, “hey Cal!”

As I got closer I could see she wasn’t looking too well. I knew instantly that she heard the fight I just had with Mollie. “hi” she whispers.

“hey, hey, what’s wrong? You were all happy this morning.” I say, calmly. If she doesn’t bring it up, I don’t have to tell her. Right?

She sighs, “I heard you and Mollie talking.” Right, that only works if she doesn’t bring it up. To my dismay, she had to bring it up.

"You-you heard?” I get out, “look, she’s just trying to-“

but before I could get out my reasoning, Callie interrupts me, “don’t try it Aiden. Either tell me what you’re hiding or you can just walk to and from school everyday.” She stares at me, trying to drag me down, I could tell. But I didn’t budge, she just couldn’t know yet, no matter what the consequences are.

“I can’t tell you. Not now. Just please, trust me Callie. Mollie is trying to get you mad at me. You can’t let her win.”

‘and I can’t trust liars. So I’ll give you a second chance. Tell me, or I’m gone.”

My eyes started watering. WHAT THE HELL! I’m not one to cry, and this isn’t going to change things. It’s just another girl along the way. It’s nothing that I can’t handle.

“I’m sorry. I can’t.” I tell her and then I walk past her, down the hall toward the lunchroom. Although, I didn’t go to the lunchroom, instead I turned into the library. The last thing I wanted to do right now was eat.

I sat there in the back, doing basically nothing. I finished the little homework I had and then just sat back, thinking. The lunch bell finally started ringing and it was then that I decide to go grab some food. I talk the lunch ladies into giving me a sandwich and after I pay they shoo me away so that they can close up. As I start walking back to the halls I notice Mollie sitting down at a table. Across from her was none other than Callie. At first I start walking toward them, I couldn’t her do this to me nor Callie. But then I realized that it wouldn’t make a difference at this point, and with that in mind, I walk back to the main hallway.

It was there that I sit down and eat my lunch, watching the few stragglers run to get to class. Once finished I wander around the school, becoming familiar with each and every hallway. Down the hallway I spot Callie looking around, as if she were looking for someone. Someone like me.

I walk up behind her, trying not to freak her out, “looking for me?” I ask and she turns around.

“actually I am.”

“I saw you and Mollie talking.” I repeat Callies words from this morning.

Her eyes looked worried but she kept calm, “did you hear anything?”

“no,” I say truthfully, she lets out a sigh of relief, “so, do I have a ride home after school?”

“Aiden, Mollie didn’t tell me.”

“tell you what?”

“she told you she’d tell me. She didn’t. She couldn’t. She told me that for whatever reason, she couldn’t get herself to tell me. Mollie knew it was the perfect situation to ruin us both but she didn’t.”

I was seriously confused at the point she was making.

“she didn’t tell you?”

“no. and we actually had a normal conversation.”

“about what?” I ask.

she had been ignoring looking at me until that moment, “look, we both have our secrets. Let’s leave it at that.”

“until when?”

“until one of us is ready to share.” We start walking down the halls toward biology, “so, is yours big?” she asks, curious now.

“humongous.” I tell her, “what about yours?”


“nu-uh, mine is WAY bigger.”

“nope, mine is much more gigantic than yours, sorry aids.”

Did she just call me aids? “Aids? Really? What kind of nickname is that?”

“yours mr. change the subject. So obviously, I won here.”

I shrug and hold the door open for her before walking in myself. “we’ll see about that later.” We take our seats at the desk and attempt to pay attention to the most boring topic in the history of classes.

Once class is over we both quickly get out of there, “so I have cheerleading today.”

“which means…?” I ask.

“you’ll either have to find another ride home, or wait a few hours until practice is over.” Callie tells me, putting her books into her locker.

“hmm…walk home or watch girls jumping in the air in short skirts… tough one.” I think about my two options, which, I guess made Callie unhappy.

“funny.” She says sarcastically, and then Jamie walks up to us, “oh, hey Jamie!”

“hey cal, hi Aiden.”

“hey.” I reply.

“guess what? I came up with the perfect solution. Jamie, can you please give Aiden a ride home?”

“Callie, I was joking, I’ll just wait in the library.”

“I’m not risking it.” she smirks and turns back to Jamie, “please.”

“I don’t see any reason why not.” Jamie says, “it’s Alice’s old place, right?”


“so I don’t get a choice anymore?” I ask her.

“nope. It’ll just be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until your car comes. I gotta go now though, so have fun you two!” with that Callie jogs down the hall towards the gymnasium.

Once she is totally out of sight I turn back to Jamie, "You play football, right?”

He looks at me confused, “uh, yeah.”

“any chance there’s a spot open?”

"You play football?” he asks in a tone that told me he didn’t believe me.

I just smirk, “there’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

“your right, that’s why you’ll be doing a lot of explaining on the way home.” He says in a joking manner but I knew he was being serious, “and yes, the JV team is looking for some players. If you’re good enough you might just be bumped up to varsity. But, the coach isn’t in until Monday, so we’ll talk to him then. As for right now, I need to drop these off to my locker and then we can head off.”

I waited out front for him to return and then we walked over to his…Jeep. Not as fancy as my car, but still, I always thought jeeps were pretty damn awesome.

Jamie slides into the drivers seat and starts the car at the same moment as starting the conversation, “so, football?”

“I’ll give it to ya straight.” I say, “I’m not punk nor skater or any of those other stupid stereotypes.”

We pull up to a red light and Jamie take that time to look me up and down "You sure about that?”

I laugh, “Positive. I started skating and people started talking. It was easier to change than to take in some of the stuff they were saying about me. That was over a year ago and I guess I just got used to it. I used to be one of you though.”

“one of me?”

“well, actually, more like Logan than you, but you get the idea.”

“Logan?” he laughs and shakes his head, “keep in mind that I’m practically Callies older brother, so if you want any chance with her, you shouldn’t compare yourself to her ex.”

“I said used to be. Things change, people change.” I tell him a little quieter.

“okay, so you’re not like that anymore. I can tell you this; Callie likes you…like you. I don’t think she’d want you to change.”

“really?” I ask surprised. I was surprised for two reasons, first that she actually talked to Jamie about this stuff and second because of what she told him.

“yeah. I think she wants something different from Logan.”


“look, just talk to her about it. If there’s one thing that Callie hates, it’s lies. Or not being told something. I mean, it’s not you that’s changing; it’s just your appearance. If you talk to her about it, she’s bound to understand.”

I nod and pull out my phone, “on another note, thought you’d appreciate this.” I show him the picture on my phone.

“dude! Is that your car?!?!!”


He whistles a low whistle “she’s a beauty.”

“indeed she is.” I agree with him.

A sly smile forms on his lips, "You’re trying to win me over, aren’t you?”

“is it working?” I ask, not answering his question.

“defiantly.” He pulls up to my driveway and I thank him for the ride before getting out. We said our goodbyes and he drove off. I stood their, not particularly in the mood of going home. So, I do what any sensible person would do. I walk over to Callies and lift up the rug grabbing the key from underneath. Typical family keeps their key in a typical spot. Technically, I wasn’t breaking in. I was just…entering the house. I put the key back under the mat before closing and locking the door. After that I plop down on the sofa and before I knew it I was taking a nap.

The nap only lasted until 5:15 which was when Callie walked through the door. I don’t exactly know what she was doing, but soon after the door closed she grabbed the remote and sat down on the sofa—on me.

“ugh” I let, finally being fully awoken. She looks down and spots me, then practically jumps off.

“Aiden? What in the world are you doing here?!”

I groan as I sit up and rub the back of my neck. Her couch really wasn’t comfortable to sleep on. “no one was at my house.”

“no one was at mine either!”

“true. But I needed to talk to you.” I wasn’t quite sure how this was an excuse to be at her house and not mine, but it worked.

“how did you get in anyways?” she asks, sitting back down next to me this time.

“do you really want me to answer that? I ask her.

She takes a bite of her apple, “talk.” She orders before taking another bite.

When she sat down the first time she had turned on the tv, which happened to family feud. After I didn’t talk right away I could see her getting attached to the show.

“we’re still on for tonight, right?” I ask.

A moment later she looks up from the tv, “what?”

Really? She got that sucked into the show. I let out a sigh before starting to repeat myself, “w-“ but she cuts me off.

“never mind.” She says.

I was totally confused and showed it, “huh?”

“I know what you said, so you don’t have to repeat yourself.”

I didn’t really know what to say to that so I just stuck with, “oh.”

Neither of us said anything for quite sometime which was making me think she didn’t actually hear me. So I break the silence, “so…”

“so, what?”

“Callie, really! You have nothing to say?!” I ask.

“I don’t know.” I didn’t say anything back, not knowing if she was going to continue on with a reason or not. “I’m still getting over Logan, and I really don’t know how this works. I mean, I’d known Logan for a long time before we were together, I don’t really know what to do when you just meet someone…” I started staring at her like she was crazy the instant she started talking those words, but it wasn’t until now that she noticed and stopped, “what?”

“what are you talking about?” I ask even though I knew damn well what she was talking about. She was practically admitting she liked me without me saying anything. Oh, wait. I thought about the conversation before and had to hold back a laugh. Did she think I told her I liked her? Oh god, this was going to be good.

“um…” she was blushing hard by now, totally embarrassed. “what are you talking about?”

I raise my eyebrows, “the party.”


“so, you’re still taking me, right?”

“um, yeah, sure.”

We finished watching that round of Family Feud before I spoke up again, “what were you talking about?”

“nothing.” Callie replies quickly. Too quickly if you ask me.

“really? Cause it sounded like something.”

“just drop it Aiden, please.” I decide not to push and do as she says

I stand up to leave, “alright, I’ll be over at seven.”

“great, see you then.”

I go home and take a quick shower before changing into somewhat nice clothes for the party. I grab my cell and turn it back on. Noticing I had a few missed calls, and a message. I check the message, sort of shocked.

“um, hi Aiden, it’s Hannah. I was actually meaning to call you. It’s about riley. She’s doing fine, don’t worry. But we need to talk. So, if you could give me a call when you get this. Oh, um, call me at ***-****, I got a second line that my dad doesn’t know about, that way he won’t know you’re calling. Okay, well, hope everything’s going good for you. I’ll, uh, talk to you later.” I sat there, playing the message over and over again. You could hear riley crying in the background and hannahs sweet voice. God, how I wish I was back there. At least for riley if nothing more. It’s not like I liked or even loved Hannah, but she shouldn’t be forced to do this on her own. It does, after all, take two to tango.

I plop down on the couch and watch some tv waiting for seven to come around. I must’ve dosed off because when I checked next, it was 7:15.

I don’t bother knocking on the door as I enter Callies house, since it was only her home. Or so I thought.

“too good to knock?” she asks as I enter the room.

“at least I used the front door this time.” I wink. She still didn’t know how I got in last time, and it was fun messing with her. Even if I did use the front door, she didn’t know that. I see Mollie standing there then, right next to Callie as if they were talking.

“hey.” Then she turns to Callie, “I can’t go to the party in this.”I was totally confused. Since when were they friends? Or even having an actual conversation. Since when was Mollie coming to the party?!

"You know where my clothes are.” Callie says and Mollie nods, heading up to Callies room. Then Callie turns all her attention to me, “hi,” she grabs her make-up back and hands it to me, "You’re my make-up person from now on.”

I laugh and take the bag from, starting on her make-up.

“so, w at’s she doing?” I ask.

“she came over to warn us, well you.”


she sighs before answering, “Logan plans on fighting you tonight at the party.”

“ha! I could so take him.” I say.

“that’s what I was thinking. Anyways, we sort of made up and both apologized for the past couple of years and I asked if she wanted to come along.” That was quick for them to go from fighting to friends…

“that was nice of you. Especially since you guys were about to smash both your noses in just yesterday.”

“yeah, well, I forgive and forget easily.”

“good to know.” I finish up and then turn her to the mirror, “there ya go,” I say.

“thanks. I’m still betting on you being gay.” She smiles.

“yeah, well, you’d defiantly lose that bet.” I tell her returning the smile.

If only she knew…

Mollie then walks down the stairs in one of Callies cocktail/party dresses. My mouth practically dropped at how amazing she looked in it and I could tell the same happened to Callie too. We were both shocked.

"You’re defiantly keeping that dress.” Callie tells her

"You sure?” she asks.

“positive. I don’t need it at all, plus it looks a hell of a lot better on you.” I highly doubt that. The dress would look ten times better on Callie.

"You two ready to hit the road?” I ask, walking toward the door.

“defiantly” they both say in unison. Callie grabs her mustang keys and we follow her out to the car.

Callie was turned around when Mollie winked at me and took the seat in the back. I was confused on why she did that at first but then realized she wanted Callie and I to get together. I shake my head and sit down in the front passenger seat.

As we listened to the radio, a contest came on to win four tickets to go see Paramore. Mollie quickly grabs her phone and dials the stations number. Callie turns off the radio just in case she did win.

About a minute later Callie stops the car and we turn around to the sound of screaming, “NO FREAKING WAY!!!!!!!”

"You won?!” I ask, surprised by it and Mollie nods frantically in reply.

Callie starts the car again and Mollie gives the station her information.

“Paramore, November 20th!” she screams into our ears.

“yeah, we got the message.” Callie says.

“sorry. So, you two since you were here with me, and then who else?”

I didn’t know anyone except for them and Jamie and…well, okay I knew a bunch of people, but I wasn’t about to speak up about it. plus I really didn’t care who went or didn’t go.

Callie on the other hand instantly responds, “Jamie.”

“Jamie?” Mollie asks sounding as confused as me.

“yeah, why Jamie Cal? I mean, he’s a cool guy as far as I can tell, but you’re the only one who’s friends with him.” I point out.

“well, I wasn’t supposed to say anything and actually I didn’t want to say anything before, but he really likes you Mollie.”

“me? Jamie likes me?”


"You’re kidding, right?”

“um, no. it’s been like two years or so now.”

“but he’s had like five girlfriends in that time.”

Wait, wait, five in two years? Wow. I mean, I had like 7 or 8. But 5 is still a big number. “five?”

“he hasn’t found ‘the one’ yet.” Callie answers my question. I held back my laugh, thinking that Jamie and I were more alike than I thought.


Then she goes back to the original conversation, “I hate admitting this. But he hasn’t said anything to you cause of you and my relationship. He didn’t want anything happen or something like that.”

“so it’s your fault I’m not dating the hottest guy in school?” Mollie remarks.

“pretty much. But now it’s my fault that you will be dating the hottest guy is school. So, it all evens out.”

This conversation totally didn’t have me in it, but I didn’t mind too much. I was just happy they weren’t fighting anymore.

“okay, so Jamie. That makes four. Sweet.” Mollie says as we pull up to Jamies house and parked in the back to what seemed like a VIP parking area. We all get out of the car and Mollie and just stand there not knowing what to do.

“come on!” Callie yells over the loud music, motioning for us to follow her. We ended up at a less crowded area that once again looked VIP. It was a bunch of football and soccer players along with many of the cheerleaders. Mollie and I eye each other and the crowd before continuing on.

"You guys chill for a bit, I’m gonna talk to Jamie alone real quick.” I’m not quite sure why she added the alone part in, but also didn’t care at all. Mollie, on the other hand, seemed to understand.

“okay, okay, we get the message.” And then we head over to the food.

About five minutes or so later Jamie comes over, barely acknowledging my existence and takes Mollie by the hand dragging her away. I looked around for Callie but didn’t see her anywhere.

Instead, Emily spots me and I guess thinks I was looking for her since she walks over to me and starts talking, “hey cutie” she smiles, blinking her eyelashes.

Ugh. Really? For a punk she’s really preppy.

“hi.” I reluctantly reply.

“oh, do you need some cheering up? You sound down.” She said, losing her balance a little.

“are you drunk Emily?”

“no, why would you say that?”

“cause you just lost your balance.”

She stands up on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear, “that’s so you can catch me.” I step back and she falls forward.

“or to just watch you fall.”

And then she does that really annoying fake laugh and touch of arm thing girls do. “oh you’re just too funny.”

“it wasn’t a joke.” I say, her hand was still on my arm. I then see Callie staring at us, hurt in her eyes. She got up and walked into the crowd, “get your hand off me.” I say, walking away to find Callie. But Emily grabs my arm again, turning me around.

“why do you like that slut?”

“she’s not a slut.”

“uh, yeah she is. Do you know who she was dating?”

“in fact I do, and if anything, he was the slut in that relationship. Now leave me alone.”

I shrug off her hand and go in to the house after Callie. I enter the overly crowded house searching. It would be hell to find her in here.

Then I hear a scream from the dancing area and follow it.

“Logan, get off now! I’m serious.” I hear, not knowing where from, but knowing the voice. It was Callie. “I said let go!” she screams again. I could tell I was getting closer but still couldn’t see anything

She stopped yelling, but her voice was still loud enough for me to hear. Which meant I had to be close, “Logan, what in the world has gotten into you? This isn’t the guy I know.”

Then I heard logans voice, and then found him quickly after, “no, it’s not. Thanks for that, I’m finally free to be my-“ I finally pushed through the crowd to them and pulled Logan off of Callie, turning him to face me. a circle was forming around us and I could see the hatred coming from logans eyes.

"You’re messing with the wrong guy” Logan tells me.

before I could reply someone in the crowd yells “FIGHT!” and that’s when Logan took the first swing, missing. I smirked.

“nice, you hit like a girl.” This got him even angrier and he threw another punch, once again missing. Then it was my turn and I hit him square in the jaw, making him stagger backwards. He then ran and tackled me, the fight was now on the ground. He got one serious punch in, giving me nothing more than a bloody nose. I got much more than that, beating the crap out of that guy. We were suddenly pulled apart with a lot of people wanting the fight to continue. Jamie was holding Logan back while I think a guy named matt had ahold of me.

“Callie! Come!” yells, still holding onto Logan. She pushes through the crowd to us, “any last things you’d like to do and/or say?” Jamie asks her with a smile.

She walks up to Logan, “hmm…” she says, thinking I guess. Then suddenly totally out of the blue she knees him the crotch, making him kneel over in pain. Callie grins and looks down at him, “yeah, I think that covers it.” then she grabs my arm and drags me away. I guess matt had loosened his grip on me.

She sits me down on the toilet and then pulls out Jamies first aid kit and starts cleaning up so of the scrapes.

“thank you.” She whispers. She dabs a few cuts on my knuckles and I wince at the pain. I could feel her chuckle at that, which was pretty funny. I mean, I just beat a guy up yet I wince at the touch of rubbing alcohol.

“are you okay?” I ask her.

“I should be asking you that. and yes, I am.”

“eh, just a few bruises and scratches, nothing I can’t handle.”

She finishes cleaning everything and I stand up. I guess I was hit harder than I though cause I stumbled into Callie. It ended up so that I was pushing her against the wall, our faces only inches apart. It took everything in me not to lean down and kiss her. My heart was racing and my body was just going crazy. I was looking down at her while neither of us moved. That was a sign, right? Her not pushing me away was a good sign. It had to be. I wait for a response, something to tell me what to do.

She looks up at me, "You can try now,” she whispers softly. I smile and slowly lean down, closing the space between us. Her eyes close and brush my hand across her cheek, resting it on the back of her head. Our lips were practically touching when the door swings open. I didn’t know what to do or who it would be so I jumped as far away as I could in the least amount of time. In doing so I knocked over some stuff on the counter. I look up to see Jamie standing there in the doorway

“Jamie?” Callie asks, still sounding slightly breathless.

“hiya!” he exclaims.

“what do you want?” Callie asks, she sounded irritated that he was there. So she did want me to kiss her… I think to myself.

“I was just checking to see if Aiden here was alright…”

“yeah, I’m good, just a few bruises.” I say. I was surprised at how calm I sounded, it was as if nothing happened.

“great.” Jamie says, “well, I kicked Logan out, so it’s safe to come down now.” He says and then walks away, leaving the door wide open.

Callie was still against the wall and I walk the few steps between us until I was back to where I was standing before. This time it felt different. There wasn’t that electricity or excitement between us.

“moment over.” She whispers.

“yeah, wasn’t feeling it either. Maybe later.” I say, still standing close. She was of height to which her head reached the nook of my arm. Perfect height if you ask me.

I bend down to her ear, "You look amazing tonight by the way.”

“thank you.” She mumbles against my shirt. We stood there for some time and I noticed her phone sticking out of her back pocket. So, just to mess with her, I slip it out and then step back, putting my hands along with the phone in my jean pockets.

We both walk downstairs and are instantly separated in the crowds.

“so, what did Jamie interrupt up there?” I hear Mollies voice out of all the guys trying to get me to talk about the fight. I turn to face her.

“um, nothing.”

“really? Cause he said you guys were pretty close. Well, his words were ‘too close’ but I always got the feeling he was like an older brother to Callie, so I’ll just go with pretty close.”

“nothing happened though.”

“because of Jamie?” damn she was good at guessing.

“pretty much.”

“eh, she’ll come around. Speaking of coming around, you seem to have gotten pretty popular.”

“all I did was beat someone up.”

“yeah, you beat up the quarterback. He’s not just a someone.”


“well, there’s my new beau so I’m off. Tata!” and then she ran off to Jamie who just got doe talking with Callie.

I walk over to the mustang to wait for Callie who showed up moments later. “can we go now?” I ask, slightly impatiently.

“yeah.” She says, “hey, did you see me drop my phone at any moment?”

I shook me head, “nope.”

“okay, get in now if you want a ride.” She tells me while starting up her car. We didn’t say much and just listened to the music. Then about halfway back her house her phone started ringing and she pulls over stopping the car.

"You heard that, right?”

“uh, yes.” I say.

“ugh! Where in the world is my phone Aiden?!” she searches around the car and after a minute I pull the phone out of my pocket, answering it.

“hey” I say.

"You’re not Callie.” A girls voice points out on the other end.

“yeah, sorry, she’s right-“ but she interrupts me

“I’m Alice by the way.” She tells me, “have you heard about the new boy?!”

“oh, um, no, I don’t know anything about that.”

“well Callie likes him already. I think their meant to be cause he calls her princess Calvina. But she says no. hmph.”

“huh, guess he’s amazing if she already likes him.” Callie was staring at me at this point and I thought I better hand the phone back to her, “Alice is it?”

“yes it is.”

“well, Callie is glaring at me so I’ll hand you over.”

“wait! I never got your name!”

“oh, my name’s Aiden.” I quickly pull the phone away from my ear, knowing that she’d start screaming.

“I didn’t mean to!” I could still hear her yell

“didn’t mean to what?” Callie asks, “driving home from Jamies. Look, can I call you later? Aiden has some explaining to do.”

She shuts her phone before turning to me, "You are in gigantic trouble.”

“what did I do?” I ask all innocent.

She raises her eyebrows, “let me think- oh! Stole my phone!”

“I’d like to correct you on that. I didn’t quite steal it, just slid it out of your pocket earlier.”

“to do what?” she asks.

“see your reaction I guess, no real reason.”

"You’re so-“

“amazing, sweet, gorgeous, got a nice car, fantastic abs, friendly, there for you…” I start to list off.”

“immature was actually the word I was looking for.”

“oh, well that too.” I smile at her and she rolls her eyes pulling back onto the road.

“I can’t believe Alice told you that.”

“in her defense, she didn’t know it was me she was talking to.”

“still, that was private girl talk, she shouldn’t be sharing it with anyone.”

“plus, Jamie actually told me that stuff. Alice just asked if I had met the totally hot neighbor yet.” So I exaggerated a little, but I’m pretty sure she would say that if I hadn’t started her little speech.

“I didn’t-“ Callie starts and then stops, “oh, wait, I might’ve said that at some point. But I call almost all of my guy friend hot at one point or another, so don’t take it personally.”

“that’s too bad, I was really stuck on the fact that we were meant for each other.”

Callie gasps and slaps my arm “no more talking to my best friends!”

“yes ma’am.” I say jokingly and she pulls into her driveway parking the car.

We both get out and walk around the front, meeting about halfway and stopping.

“so…” she trails off. Not knowing what to say. We stood there for awhile staring at each other, neither of us budging. I had enough of all of this. Us hiding our feelings and not even attempting to kiss. I’m not quite sure what came over me, but I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her against the hood. It was actually pretty hot if I may say so myself. We were both breathing hard and I could feel her heart practically beating out of her chest underneath me. I didn’t know what I was going to do next, or what I was doing at the moment, but when she practically breathed my name, well, lets just say that put me over the edge. I lean down and softly press my lips against hers. Since I didn’t know what I was doing, and I defiantly didn’t want this to be going too fast I just gave her a quick peck before pulling away. Her eyes shoot open and were staring back at me. I once again freaked and got off her, walking toward my house. I paused on the edge of our yards and whispered “goodnight Calvina” before totally disappearing into the darkness.

I walked into the house and my parents were sitting at the counter.

“where were you?” they both ask. I look at the clock and it was only 9.

“um, it’s nine, not even close to my curfew.”

“but you didn’t tell us where you’d be” my dad says.

“sorry, I went to a party with Callie.”

“why are you slightly bruised up?”

“got into a fight” I say, “but it’s okay, nothing horrible happened” I cover up before they could say anything.

“okay…” my dad say warily. I grab a bag of chips and head upstairs to my room, tossing them onto my bed. I started taking off my shirt to change when I caught the eye of Mollie and some other girl staring at me with their mouths hanging open. I smiled to myself and finished taking off the shirt. Callie looked over when one of them pointed my way and I smirked at her. I decided not to have three girls watching me undress and proceeded to closing my curtains.

I change into my plaid pajama pants and lie down on my bed thinking. I mean, I just kissed Callie and walked off. If you could even say that was a kiss. It was more like a kiss you’d give your grandmother, quick and simple. Very quick. I take out my notepad and write “tomorrow, pick you up at 6pm” on it and then rip the sheet out. I pull out my tape and tape it to my window. I don’t wait for an answer and just shut off my light to go to sleep. The kiss repeating over and over in my head.

Maybe Alice was right, maybe we really were meant for each other. The only problem was that I'd have to tell her my secret sooner or later. and neither one of those times seemed to work for me.