Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


2 Years Later

I smiled as Born To Be Wild by Bon Jovi played over the speakers at the Pimlico Race Track in Baltimore. Troy races now. He is an expert. He's been doing this for about a year now. Competing in races and stuff. I work here. I sell tickets and help the guys with the car parts, putting on the tires and what not.

Troy made his way passed the bright green car that had a number one on it. Troy drove a hot red car and it had a number ninety-two on the front of it and ads and stuff.

I took my ponytail out of my thick brown curly hair. I put it up in a high ponytail and let my bangs hang a little bit in my dark blue eyes.

"Come on, Troy!" I clapped my hands together as he made it passed a few more cars. The whole crowd went wild. I leaned up against the fence and smiled to myself.

Some fat guy eating nachos looked over at me and swallowed hard.

"Davis sure is something isn't he?" He said to me as I smiled big and nodded.

"He sure is." I grinned and stared at Troy as he made it passed the black and white checkered finish line.

"Hell yeah!" Another guy yelled that was sitting right next to the fat guy as I hopped up and down and laughed.

Troy exited off the huge track and went into his station as our crew in red suits gathered up around his car.

Troy hopped out of the window and took his hot red helmet off. He grinned and ran up to me, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Fuck yeah." He breathed heavily as I smiled and put my hands on my hips.

"You were so sick out there!" I exclaimed as he laughed and looked at all the other cars exiting off the big track.

"Really?" Troy smiled, looking over at me again as I nodded and hugged him once more.

"Troy, I think you could be going to finals if you do a few more of these races. You could actually get famous because of this." I smiled and hit him in his arm playfully as he laughed and stared down at his red helmet.

"I hope so. I really love this." He mumbled and then I heard that annoying voice and I couldn't help, but roll my eyes.

"Troy, baby! You were great out there!" Ella giggled and hugged him tight as he picked her up a little off the ground.

God, I hated her. I hated her voice. She had an Australian accent. She was from Australia. She used to work with Troy back at Buffalo Wild Wings, but she quit when she found out about what Bobby did. The way her hair was always curly and some how perfect. And most of all...I hated her face.

I clenched my teeth as Ella kissed Troy on the lips and then they pulled apart.

"Oh, hey, Marcy." Ella breathed as I chuckled and wiggled my fingers at her.

Then...I heard his voice and everything seemed to be okay...

"Go see mommy...She's right there. Do you see her?" I heard him say as I saw my two little girls run up to me with smiles on their cute faces.

"My babies!" I laughed and knelt down and brought them into my arms and smiled big.

"Hi, mommy." I heard Emma say in my ear as I grinned and kissed them both on each of their cheeks.

"And my other baby." I giggled and raised up. I jumped into Alex's arms and wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me roughly and I smiled as we pulled apart.

"How are you?" He asked, wearing his crooked smile on his amazing face.

"I'm wonderful. Now that you're here." I kissed him and then came up for air. "And now that I am in your arms..." I pressed our lips together again as he hummed up against mine.

"Okay, are we done here?" Troy said in an annoyed voice as Alex put me down and I rolled my eyes.

"I sure as hell didn't mind when you and Ella were tonguing each other right in front of me." I smirked as Troy looked at Ella and shook his head.

"Anyways. We gotta head home. It's almost seven. And the race is over. But text me later, Troy." I smiled at him as he half smiled and waved lightly to me.

"Love ya." Troy said quietly as I looked back at him and half smiled.

"Love ya too, Troy." I replied and looked at Ella who folded her arms across her chest. Her breasts were huge. I bet that's why Troy likes her. They've been dating for over a month now.

"Bye, Ella." I said in a snotty tone as she looked me up and down and scowled.

I picked up Emma as Alex grabbed Maddie's tiny hand and we walked out of the race track stadium as some people were leaving because they didn't want to stay for the evening race.

"Seems like you don't like her very much." Alex smirked as I shrugged and sighed.

"She's a bitch." I spoke softly as Emma looked at me and smiled as I smiled back at her.

"Did you have fun with daddy today?" I asked her as she nodded and looked at Alex with a shy expression on her face.

"We pwayed horsie. But Maddie hurt me! Look at dat owie!" Emma exclaimed and showed me the tiny bruise on the back of her pale arm.

"Did not!" Maddie yelled up at Emma as we made our way to Alex's car as Alex smirked and picked Maddie up so Emma and Maddie could see each other face to face.

"Did too!" Emma fought back.

"Did not!" Maddie shouted and stuck her tongue out at Emma as Emma's eyes filled with tears.

"Ew did too! And ew know it!" Emma said in her baby voice as her voice started to crack and her pretty blue eyes filled with tears.

"Emma, I'm sure she didn't mean to." I told her as Maddie folded her arms across her chest and gave Emma a mean look.

Alex and I stood by his car and stared at one another.

Alex sat Maddie down on the trunk of his car as I sat Emma down beside her. Then Emma started to cry harder and reached her arms out toward me.

"Mommy!" Emma yelled at the top of her lungs as I gave her a look of sympathy and scooped her back up in my thin arms.

"Emma, shh. Maddie didn't mean to." I told her as she continued to sob on my shoulder and she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.

I tried to sooth her by kissing the top of her head as Alex gave Maddie a stern look.

"Daddy, you know it was an accident!" Maddie yelled as Alex chuckled and looked at me.

"Emma, it's okay." I whispered in her ear as she continued to sob and people all around the big parking lot stared at us.

"Say your sorry." Alex folded his arms across his chest and stared down at Maddie as her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, Emjay." Maddie said in a mean voice. Maddie just turned six years old, but she acts like she's a teenager. I think it's funny, but Alex just doesn't seem too thrilled by her anymore. I don't know how to explain it. He seems sick of her. That sounds a little bad...Never mind. I don't know what I am saying.

Emma is now three. She's been three for a few months now.

"She said sorry, Emjay." I told her as she sniffed and reached out for Maddie as Alex set Maddie down on the ground by his car and I set Emma down as Maddie continued to give Emma a mean look.

Emma wrapped her tiny arms around Maddie as Maddie continued to stand there with that mean look on her cute face.

"Maddie, come on. Hug her." I laughed slightly as Alex rolled his eyes and smirked.

Maddie sighed and hugged Emma back as Emma dried her eyes with her tiny little pale fists.

"Come on, Emjay." I mumbled and picked her up as Alex led Maddie to his side of the car and helped her get in her big car seat. I did the same with Emma and strapped her in.

Alex and I got in and headed for home. A year ago we moved out of the house I used to live in with Dallas and Troy. Dallas has a little baby boy named Jonathan Lee Davis. He is a one year old.

And I have to babysit for her...In a week I think? She has like an interview for this dumbass job at Wet Seal in the mall here in Baltimore.

Alex drove into our driveway and pressed the button on the roof of the car so the garage door could open. It opened and Alex pulled in.

I got out and shut the door as I helped Emma out of her car seat and Alex did the same with Maddie. We both walked into our house as Alex threw his car keys down on the dining room table.

I sighed and looked at him as Maddie climbed up the stairs and Emma stared up after her. Emma has always hated the stairs. She has always been afraid to climb up them.

Alex walked over to her and scooped her up in his arms as she giggled and held on tight to him.

"Don't wet go, daddy." Emma said in baby talk as Alex smiled and kissed her temple.

"I won't, Emjay." He chuckled as I locked the front door and walked up the stairs behind him.

Alex walked into the bathroom with Emma and handed her to me as she rubbed her eyes and yawned softly.

"Go get Maddie." I sighed as he was getting ready to walk out of the bathroom, but then I stopped him.

"Make sure you get their pajama's." I told him as he rolled his eyes and nodded. He walked off towards Maddie's room as I nibbled my lip. What was up with him?

"You ready for your bath?" I asked her as she stuck her bottom lip out and shook her head slowly.

"Oh, come on, Emjay. It'll be fun. I have your pink little duckies ready and everything." I smiled and set her down on the bathroom counter as she stared at me while I started up the warm bath water as it filled up the tub. I put some bubbles in and started to take Emma's clothes off.

"I don't wanna take a baf." Emma whimpered as I gave her a half smile and took off her underwear as she stood there and stared up at me with that innocent look on her adorable face.

"Oh, come here, you." I giggled and picked her up, putting her into the bathtub filled with bubbles.

She giggled and splashed around as I grinned and handed her their pink duckies that Isobel bought for them.

The pink one was Maddie's and the bright green one with pink polka dots on it was Emma's. I heard Maddie scream as I jumped and rolled my eyes.

"I'll be right back. Stay in the tub. Okay?" I said to Emma as she continued to play with her rubber duck.

"Otay, mommy." Emma replied as I smiled and walked out of the bathroom. I saw Alex struggling to take her clothes off. She has never acted this way before.

"Damn it, Madison! Hold the fuck still!" He yelled, calling her by her full name. Which he never really does because she usually goes by Maddie...And only Maddie. So I thought that was odd.

"No! Don't hurt me! Stop it, daddy! Don't touch me!" Maddie screamed at the top of her lungs as my eyes grew wide and I went into her butterfly themed room that Alex and I fixed up by ourselves with a little help from Isobel and Peter.

"Alex..." I said quietly as he continued to struggle and try and take her little pink underwear off of her.

"Alex." I raised my voice as he stopped and looked over at me. He let go of Maddie as she ran over to me and hugged my leg tight.

"Damn it." He breathed heavily as his honey colored hair hung in his chocolate brown eyes. I gave him a half smile and picked Maddie up as she hung onto my hip. She just keeps getting heavier and heavier.

"I want mommy to change me." Maddie whined as I swallowed hard and gave Alex a serious look as he rolled his eyes and walked out of Maddie's room and into Emma's as I followed behind him.

He opened her bright white dresser drawers and took out her little pink night gown with a green frog on it and some white underwear since Emma was already potty trained, but sometimes she does wet her bed. But that only happens occasionally.

Emma's room was very pink. I actually pretty much did this by myself with the help of Isobel and my mom helped me some also. There was pink flower wallpaper all around the room. Emma's name was up above her big twin bed in pink and green letters and had a pink and green flower by them. She also had a pink sign off to the side that said Dream Big. My mom gave it to me, but I really didn't know where to put it. And it was pink so I decided to put it in Emma's room. Let's face it...Maddie and Emma are so spoiled.

Alex then went back to Maddie's room as I watched him with a worried look on my face. What was wrong with him? He seemed really stressed out. He was fine at the race track...

He grabbed Maddie's princess pajama's. He then handed both of the girl's night wear to me. He walked into our room as I swallowed hard and went back into the bathroom to see Emma just where I left her.

I shut the bathroom door behind me and set the girl's pajama's up on the bathroom counter.

"Why didn't you want daddy changing you, Maddie?" I asked her as she held onto my shoulders and I slipped her little pink underwear off and threw them aside. I stared down at her scars from the electric pads they used to jump start her heart with...

"Because...Daddy is a guy. And he acted like dat mean man who touched me." She said in a sad,scared, depressed voice as I gulped and gave her a look of sympathy.

"But daddy isn't nothing like that man, Maddie. I promise you. Daddy is a good guy...That guy who hurt you will never hurt you again. And daddy would never hurt you." I told her and set her down in the bathtub beside Emma as Emma continued to play with their colorful rubber ducks.

"He yelled at me. And I...Don't like it when he yells...Or calls me Madison." She sniffed as tears flew down her cheeks.

I half smiled and wiped the tears off her cheeks and knelt down beside the bathtub and got the shampoo ready and stuff. And the little pink Dora cup I used to rinse their hair out with.

Then Alex knocked on the bathroom door lightly as I cleared my throat and squeezed the shampoo bottle as some came out into the palm of my hand.

"Come in." I said quietly as Maddie looked down at the bubbles and she didn't look up at Alex at all...Not even a glance. I thought it was odd...

Alex half smiled at me and cupped my face as he pecked me on the lips quickly.

"What was that for?" I asked, a smile playing on my lips.

"I'm going out with the guys...I probably won't be back until a little after midnight. Maybe? I don't know." He spoke softly.

"Oh..." I said quietly and stared down at Maddie who continued to stare down at the bubbles with a sad look on her face as Emma splashed around.

"I love you." He smiled and walked towards the bathroom door as I nodded towards him and forced a smile.

"I love you more." I blushed. I don't even know why I still blush when I say something like that...

He laughed slightly and walked out of the bathroom as I gave the door a curious look. He didn't even say goodbye to the girls...

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Emma continued to scream at the top of her lungs over and over again as I heard loud footsteps and then the bathroom door flew open.

"What? Is everything okay?" He asked in panic as Emma giggled and smiled from ear to ear as I smiled down at her. Maddie still looked sad and stared down at the bubbles as I gave her a look of sympathy.

"I wove you! You fordot to say bye bye." Emma said in baby talk as Alex smiled his crooked smile and bent down beside the bathtub and stuck his lips out at Emma as she giggled and stood up in the bathtub, soaking wet with bubbles all over her. She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, getting him all wet. Emma giggled and pulled away as she pecked Alex on the lips real fast and then kissed him again and again as she giggled like crazy and fell back down into the bathtub as Maddie tried to hide her smile, but failed.

"Maddie, are you going to kiss daddy goodbye?" I asked her as she stared back down at the bubbles and shook her head fast as her brown curly hair bounced around her wet shoulders.

Alex stuck his bottom lip out at her as she looked up at him and gave him a mean look.

"I-I don't wanna talk to him." Maddie stuttered. She does that sometimes. She folded her tiny arms across her wet chest.

"What did I do?" Alex asked her as she continued to give him a mean look as her pretty brown eyes filled with tears.

I looked at Alex and curled my finger toward me as he arched his thick eyebrow up at me and came closer to me.

I put my lips up to his ear as the girls looked at us curiously.

"Let's see...You called her by her first name...Oh, and...You were really rough with her and she thinks you're the bad guy." I whispered in his ear as his mouth parted slightly and he pulled away from me and looked at Maddie in shock.

"Bobby?" He mouthed in shock as I nodded slowly.

"Maddie, how can you-." I cut Alex off.

"I already talked to her. Just go. I hope you have fun." I nodded as he stood up and put his strong hands on his skinny waist.

"Are you mad at me now or something?" He said and stared down at me as I rolled my eyes and shook my head slowly.

"I could never be mad at you. You didn't do anything wrong...Did you?" I met eyes with him as he swallowed hard and shook his head.

"Okay, then. I'll see you later tonight. I won't be waiting up for your ass either." I smirked as he winked and walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Okay, Maddie. What did daddy really do to you?" I asked her as she shook her head and I scrubbed shampoo into her hair as she sat there with a sad expression on her cute little face.

She didn't answer me...So I decided to talk about something else.

"It's a school night tonight. Sarah will be excited to see you tomorrow morning." I told her as she itched her nose and I sighed and started to rinse the shampoo out of her hair as Emma continued to play with the rubber ducks and talk to herself.

"Is kindergarten fun?" I smiled at her, but she didn't respond. What is going on with her? Maybe she needs some help...I have to get her some. She's old enough now for a therapist...Maybe?

I need to talk to Alex about it.

"Pretty soon Emjay is going to be in preschool. Isn't that exciting?!" I exclaimed and looked at Emma as she jumped up and down in the tub and clapped her hands together.

"Fun, mommy! Fun!" She shouted as I laughed and then started to shampoo her hair as she played with her rubber ducks.

"I love you two...So much. I feel like we haven't spent that much time with each other since I got that day job at the race track. So I am switching shifts. I'm taking the night time job." I smiled at them as Emma giggled.

"Dat way you tan take Me and sider to da park!" Emma yelled out as Maddie sat there awkwardly in the tub, picking around the bubbles.

"Yes, you, me, and sister...We will all go to the park. And you guys can swing on those swings you guys love so much." I grinned as Maddie looked up at me finally.

"Mommy?" She said as I looked over at her and started to rinse the shampoo out of Emma's hair as she whimpered and squeezed her eyes tight because she was afraid of getting shampoo in them.

"Yes, baby?"

"Why does daddy stay out at night? I-I miss him singing to me to sleep and stuff...He doesn't tuck me in anymore." She usually stutters her I's.

"Um, baby...Daddy is in a band...And he is at a pretty young age in his life right now to be a daddy. So I get to watch you two while daddy goes out and has fun. Daddy is a very busy man." I said and wiped my wet hands off as I watched Emma and continued to talk to Maddie about Alex.

"Oh...Otay." She sighed and I stood up off the bathroom floor and grabbed two towels from the miniature closet by the toilet.

I helped Emma out of the tub and made her stand up on the bathroom counter as I wrapped the towel around her and dried her off. I did the same with Maddie and helped them both get their pajama's on.

"I love you two very much." I smiled as they both smiled back sweetly. Maddie looked at Emma and stuck her tongue out at her as Emma pouted and stared up at me with her dark blue eyes like mine.

"But you wove me more right?" Maddie smiled as I laughed and picked up Emma as she hung on my hip. I took Maddie's tiny hand and led them out of the bathroom.

"My amount of love I have for you two is equal. Same goes with daddy." I chuckled and led Emma to her room as Maddie stood in the doorway and watched me tuck Emma in.

"I wove you Maddietins! Night, sider!" Emma yelled out as I smiled and kissed Emma on the forehead as she stuck her lips out and I pecked them quickly.

"I wove you, mommy." She smiled up at me as I turned on her night light and shut her closet door.

"I love you too, baby. Get some sleep." I smiled and peeped the door shut behind me after I turned off her bedroom light.

I led Maddie to her room as she ran up to her bed and hopped up in it. She then started jumping up and down on it and giggling. I smiled and shook my head.

"Not tonight, sweetie. You have school in the morning." I told her and pulled back her covers and helped her get into bed.

"B-But nobody likes me." She stuttered as I turned on her little night light and sat down on the edge of her bed by her.

"Maddie, who wouldn't like you? You're so cute. You're my sweet little girl. Everyone I know loves you. Is anyone making fun of you? I can tell Mrs. Robertson about it." I said as she shook her head and stared up at her ceiling.

She held on tight to her pink teddy bear Troy gave to her that night in the hospital right after the incident with Bobby.

"No...I don't like boys. I don't like daddy." She said quietly as my mouth dropped.

"Why don't you like daddy? That's an awful thing to say." I said in shock.

"He's a guy. And he touched me." She whimpered as I sighed and held onto her tiny hand.

"Maddie, he is suppose to touch you when you're in pain or if you need help with something. Like going to the bathroom. He's your dad, Maddie. He is nothing like that stupid man who hurt you." I told her as her eyes filled with tears and she started to sob as I sighed and she raised up and I brought her into my arms and kissed the top of her head.

"He's your daddy, baby." I whispered in her ear and smoothed some of her brown curly locks back from her cute, sad, precious face.

"Would you like to sleep with me tonight?" I asked her as she sniffed and nodded slowly.

"Alright. Come with mama." I told her and scooped her up in my arms as I turned her night light off and I walked out of her room and went to my room. I laid her down in me and Alex's big ass bed.

I tucked her in under the covers and turned on my lamp and turned the main bedroom light off.

"I have to go get my pj's on in my bathroom. But I will be right back. Just try and go to sleep. Okay?" I told her.

"Otay." She whimpered as I kissed her softly and walked off to me and Alex's bathroom in our room. I slipped off my red race track shirt, my black bra, my black high tops, and my black skinny jeans.

I slipped on Alex's purple Glamour Kills shirt. It was baggy on me, but I loved sleeping in his shirts. It smelled like him and it soothed me.

I then put on his navy blue pajama pants and let my hair down out of it's ponytail and ran my fingers through my curly brown hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Maddie sobbing like crazy into my big white pillow. I gave her a look of sympathy and crawled up in bed by her.

"Oh, baby. Don't cry. Mommy doesn't like seeing you like this." I whispered and got under the covers with her. I pulled her tight to me as she cuddled into my chest.

"Dat bad man is going to come and get me. I-I scared." She stuttered as I swallowed hard and kissed the top of her head.

"Oh, Maddie, sweetie. That man is locked up away. He is far away from here. He is never going to hurt you again, baby. Mommy promises you that." I whispered as she sobbed harder into my chest.

"I-I had a bad dweam about him." She continued to sob as I sighed and gulped.

"We don't need to talk about that, sweetie. Go to sleep. If you have another bad dream about him...Let me know." I said as she nodded and closed her eyes as a tear trickled down her cheek slowly.

I kissed it away and snuggled her close to me. I still felt bad for her. It's been two years...But she still can't get over it. I mean if I was in her position I wouldn't be able to either...I didn't want to know what her bad dreams were about. It terrified me to know.

It killed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Their house.
The living room.
The kitchen.
The dining room.
Emma's room.
Maddie's room.
Alex and Marcy's room.
Alright, so!
There is the first chapter to I Married Alex Gaskarth :]
Drama is coming very very soon. I can assure you that.
Oh, yes!
I didn't get 30 comments last time!
So here is the deal...If you don't give me at least 26 comments I won't update for 3 days! :o
Sorry guys :/
But what do you think of this so far?
Please let me know! I would love to know! Oh, yes! And what do you think of the new layout?
Love you guys!
And I went to go see Charlie St. Cloud tonight and I sobbed like crazy. You all have to see it!
I have a story sort of based off of that movie...If you haven't read them yet.
One is called This Isn't Goodbye.
And the other is Two Is Better Than One.
Which I am going to start working on soon. I know I haven't updated on that one in a while, but I have plans for it, my darlings!
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3