Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


I didn't know what to think...Ya know? I mean Marcy was actually gone...And she stood before me in our room last night and faded into dust...She was the only thing on my mind at that moment.

I stared off at Maddie's school. I was in my car and my heart was beating so fast up against my chest. Anger was rushing through me. What Bobby did...To my family. It wasn't right. And whenever I see him...

I'll kill him.

I swallowed hard and looked in my rearview mirror at Emma who was talking to herself in the backseat as Nothing Personal played all over my car. It was our song Weightless.

I ran my fingers through my honey colored hair and watched all the kids run out of the elementary school with smiles on their faces.

They were so happy. I wonder if Maddie is that happy. I wonder if I could ever be...that happy.

And then out of no where Maddie came out of the school hand in hand with Nikki. She was giggling and staring down at the ground as Nikki nudged her and she looked up.

I watched closely as a smile formed on my lips.

He kissed her cheek as she blushed and giggled some more.

His mom walked up to them and then she looked up to see me as I waved lightly and she smiled and waved back.

She walked Maddie and Nikki up to my car as I got out and smiled down at them.

"Alex, I heard about Marcy...Have they found any news on her yet?" Nikki's mom asked me as I shook my head slowly and Maddie's smile fell from her cute face.

"No, they haven't..." I whispered as Nikki's mom looked in my backseat and saw that Emma was waving to us and smiling as I chuckled and we waved back to her.

"Nitti! Nitti!" Emma yelled as I opened the backseat door as Nikki and Maddie looked at her with curious looks on their little faces.

"Maddie woves ew." Emma giggled as I rolled my eyes and smirked as Maddie blushed a bright red and looked down at the ground as Nikki smiled like crazy.

I shut the backseat door and picked Maddie up as she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and hung on my hip.

"Well, let me know if they find anything. I'm sorry to hear about that, Alex. It must be so hard for you. If you need anything at all...Just call me." Nikki's mom smiled and handed me her business card as I forced a smile and thanked her.

"Bye, Nikki!" Maddie yelled as he waved to her and they walked away.

Nikki's mom was almost forty years old and she had dirty blonde hair and she was very petite.

I helped Maddie get in her car seat and strapped her in. I was getting ready to get in my car and start it up before I saw Lisa come out of the elementary school hand in hand with some little blonde girl.

I arched my eyebrow up at her as she looked up and saw me.

"Alex!" She squealed and ran over to me and hugged me tight as I laughed and backed up against my car as she continued to hold on tight to me.

"Oh my gosh! Is this where Maddie goes?" Lisa breathed and pulled away from me as I nodded slowly and cleared my throat.

The little blonde girl walked up to us and looked up at me.

"Who is this?" I asked as Lisa met eyes with me with her pretty green ones.

"This is Annie. She's my niece." Lisa smiled as Maddie gave Annie a dirty look from the backseat. She must not like her very much....

"So how are you? I heard about Marcy. It was in the newspaper." Lisa said quietly as I sighed and nodded, itching the back of my neck nervously.

"She's uh...Gone. I don't know where she could be." I whispered with hurt in my voice as Lisa gave me a look of sympathy.

I felt the tears start to sting my eyes, but I blinked them away.

"Well, I'll pray for her...I'm sure she's fine, Alex." Lisa reassured me as I shook my head.

"I have a feeling that she's not..." I spoke softly as Lisa gave me a half smile.

"Well, how about you hang out with me and Annie today? We are going mini golfing. I would love it if you came. It might make you feel better." Lisa shrugged as I swallowed hard and looked in the backseat at Emma and Maddie who were sticking their tongues out at one another.

I laughed slightly and looked back at Lisa as her blonde bangs hung in front of her pretty green eyes.

"Um, sure. I guess? I'll meet you over at that mini golf place." I told her as she smiled and hugged me again as I returned the hug.

"Great! See you there, Alex. I really miss spending time with you." She smiled as I forced a smile back.

"Um, me too." I chuckled as she grinned and walked off to her car with Annie as I got in my car and started it up.

"Get ready, girls. We're going mini golfing." I smirked.


"Oh, come on, Lisa! You can do better then that!" I laughed as she giggled and rolled her eyes. She went up to the hole and tried to get her golf club ready, but she didn't have it positioned right.

I chuckled and walked up to her as Emma, Maddie, and Annie stared at us with curiosity.

"You're not doing it right." I laughed as she blushed. I grabbed my golf club and stood beside her.

"You do it like this..." I smiled and showed her what I did as she tried it, but failed.

"Oh my gosh! I suck at this!" She exclaimed as I laughed and put my golf club down.

"It's easy. Here...Let me show you." I said quietly and got behind her as I wrapped my arm around her waist so I could place my hand over hers on the golf club. Everything turned silent as I put my face up close by her ear.

She smelled really fucking good.

"What are you wearing?" I chuckled as she giggled and turned her head to the side so she could see my face out of the corner of her eye.

"It's called Beautiful. I've always loved that perfume. My mom wears it too." She bit her lip as I nodded slowly and smiled.

"I miss your mom. Good old Mrs. Ruocco." I continued to smile as Lisa giggled and I put both of my hands on top of hers as she rested her back up against my chest.

"Now all you got to do is swing it slowly and hit the ball..." I whispered in her ear as she continued to bite at her lip and she blushed.

"M'kay." She giggled again as I smirked and helped her swing it as I felt her body move up against mine as the three little girls stared at us.

I could feel a boner start to form.

I tried to shake off the feeling as Lisa swung the club with my hands on hers and the golf ball went into the hole.

"Yay! I did it!" She giggled and hugged me tight and kissed my cheek as I laughed nervously and smiled.

"Good job, Auntie Lisa!" Annie yelled out as Maddie gave her a dirty look.

"Daddy! It's my turn!" Emma shouted as I laughed and she came up to the hole with her white golf ball and her little pink golf club.

"I tan do it too! Watch! Wookie! Wookie!" Emma yelled out to Maddie and Annie as they watched and Lisa smiled as did I.

"Okay, Emjay. We're looking." I laughed as she smiled up at me.

"You can wook away now." She giggled and smiled as I laughed and stared down at her.

"Never mind! Everyone wook away!" Emma giggled as Maddie rolled her eyes and I turned my head as I saw Emma kick the golf ball into the hole with her foot out of the corner of my eye.

I chuckled as Emma hopped up and down.

"I told ew I tood do it!" Emma exclaimed as I smiled and picked her up.

"Are you going to become a golfer, Emjay?" I asked her as she shrugged and her beautiful blue eyes grew wide.

"Maybe!" She yelled out as I smiled and put her down.

"My turn." I smirked and got my golf club ready as Lisa watched me and stared at my ass as she bit her lip.

I chuckled and acted like I wasn't looking.

I walked farther away from the hole and whipped my ass as Lisa blushed and I laughed.

"Yes, my ass isn't like other asses. Well, that's what Marcy says." I laughed as Lisa laughed and shook her head.

I missed Marcy. I missed her touch...I missed her scent. I missed the way she tasted. I just wanted her in my arms again.

I swallowed hard and dazed off at the cloudy sky and thunder rumbled in the distance.

"Um, Alex? Ya gonna go now?" Lisa chuckled as I snapped out of my daze and nodded slowly.

"Yeah. I was just kind of uh...Spacing out. I guess?" I whispered and got my golf club ready, but then I felt my phone vibrate in my skinny jean pocket.

I sighed and took it out.

I looked down at the caller ID...


Troy's POV

"If this douche will answer his phone...Then-." I was cut off when I heard him on the other line.


"Alex! My main man. My...partner in crime." I chuckled as David and Josh laughed their asses off behind me.

"Troy, what the fuck do you want?" I heard him say.

"Oh, nothing. I was just going to ask you if you can babysit for Dallas tonight. Because I have a dinner date with Samantha. Is that okay?" I asked him as I heard him sigh into the phone.

"Yeah, whatever. Sure." He replied as I smirked and pounded fists with Josh.

"Okay, cool. Thanks, bro. Oh, yeah! You wanna come biking with us down by Cobalt creek?" I asked him as silence over came the line.

"Um, no. I'm with the girls right now. So I can't." Alex said as I chuckled and nodded.

"Alright then. Catch ya later." I hung up on him and smiled at Josh and David as they stared at me and put their helmets on as I did the same.

My helmet was a bright cherry red and it went fucking well with my shirt and skinny jeans.

Josh has blonde hair down to his shoulders and bright green eyes. He has been my friend since last year. And David is my cousin. He has a shaved head and a lip ring.

"Are you fuckers ready to fuck this bitch up?" I heard Josh say as I rolled my eyes inside of my helmet and got on my red dirt bike.

"You're so gay, man." I laughed and started up my bike as David and Josh went ahead of me. I smirked and followed behind them.

I worried about Marcy. Every fucking minute of the fucking day. I couldn't stand knowing that Bobby took her. That fucking dick. I'll kick his ass.

I was frustrated. I was so pissed that Ella hasn't called me back in like five days. And I was pissed about everything that has happened.

I clenched my teeth together and went up a hill and went in between the trees as I saw the creek.

David and Josh were still ahead of me as thunder rumbled in the distance and I felt the rain start to come down on us.

"Whoo hoo! Hell yeah!" I heard David yell as I laughed and went up another small hill.

We started to get lower down into the woods now and passed the creek.

The rain started to pour down harder as Josh and David went fast and I wanted to catch up...And so I did.

I splashed into the mud, getting my red skinny jeans wet and my arms.

"Fuck." I said and started to slid through the mud on my tires. I sped up to them more.

"Wait up, fuckers!" I shouted as I went fast and then I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and my bike fell over on something as I went forward and fell off my bike and into the mud.

"Ah, shit." I sighed and took my helmet off. I was dirty as fuck.

"Troy?!" I heard Josh yell as I leaned up against the tree and stayed there.

"I'm down here! By this uh..." I paused and stared at the metal board my bike fell over on. I arched my eyebrow and stared at it.

"By this....Tree." I said quietly as Josh and David came over to me and looked at me curiously.

"What happened, man?" David asked as I sighed and looked at the metal board.

"My bike...I fell." I managed to spit out as Josh looked over at the metal board curiously. Josh took it off as a horrible smell wrapped around our noses and the rain poured down some more.

"Aw, fuck. What is that smell?" I grimaced and plugged my nose. I got up on my knees and crawled over to the hole that smelled like something died.

"What the hell is that?" I whispered as Josh looked over into the hole with me.

"It looks like something is down there." He chuckled as I shrugged and sighed.

"It smells like shit. I know that much." I laughed slightly as Josh squinted and tried to look more into the hole.

David came up behind him and put his hands on Josh's back, trying to push him in.

"Whoa! Fuck, dude! Don't do that!" Josh yelled and stood up as I laughed my ass off and continued to stare down into the hole.

"Oh, come on, bro. I was just playing around with ya." David chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and saw something glisten down below. There was water down there...

"Dude, I think this is a well." I said quietly as David and Josh turned silent and stared at me.

"And your point is?" David said as I rolled my eyes again.

"I don't know. I was just saying." I shrugged and stood up.

"It really looks like something is down there though." I whispered as David smirked and took a pocket knife out of his back pocket,

"Wanna go down there?" He asked as I shrugged again.

"I can. You two stay up here. Alright? How in hell would I get back up here though?" I asked and thought about it as Josh looked over at a near by tree and saw some rope on it.

"There's a rope." He chuckled with a dumbass look on his fucked up face.

"Well, there ya have it." David said as I laughed slightly and he took the rope and I grabbed onto it and took the pocket knife from him.

"Pull me back up when I tug on it. Got it?" I said as David nodded and lowered me down as I held on tight to the thick ass rope. Why was a rope on the near by tree anyway?

I gulped as the water came up to my neck almost.

"Fuck! It's so fucking dark down here!" I shouted as my voice echoed.

"Find anything?" I heard Josh say as I looked around and squinted.

"What am I looking for exactly?" I laughed.

"I don't know. You said you saw something!" David yelled as I shrugged and looked through the water some more.

I swam around and then I felt something up against my leg.

"Holy fuck!" I yelled out and backed away as I heard David and Josh laughing their asses off.

"Dude, it's not fucking funny! Anything could be down here!" I yelled as I went under water and opened my eyes.

I saw some fish roaming around curly hair. There was a person down here. I opened my eyes and saw something else down at the bottom of the well floor.

I grabbed the chicks arm and brought her up above water with me.

I turned her around and realized...That it was Ella.

My mouth parted slightly as she stared at me with her wide green eyes...She was dead.

I felt like I couldn't breathe and my heart was pounding out of control.

"Troy?" I heard David say as his voice echoed all over the well.

I pulled Ella into me and kissed the top of her wet head as the rain started to pour down into the well.

"Yeah?" My voice started to crack as Josh and David looked down into the well at me.

"I found Ella." I said quietly as tears started to stream down my cold wet cheeks.

I held Ella close to me and put my lips on hers and tried to do CPR. But it just wasn't possible...

"It's okay, baby. I'm gonna get you home." I whispered and grabbed onto the rope.

"What did you say?" Josh shouted down into the well as tears continued to come down my cheeks, but I blinked a few of them away.

"Ella! I said I found Ella!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I knew exactly who did this to her...

I breathed heavily and tried to control myself, but it just wasn't no use.

"You found Ella?!" David yelled out in shock as I pushed her aside and she started to float in the water a little bit.

"Yes! Hold on!" I yelled and went under water again and saw something else at the bottom of the well floor.

I arched my eyebrow as I opened my eyes some more. I swam downward and saw another body...

I panicked and grabbed the girl around her waist and brought her up above water.

I gasped for breaths and turned her around to face me.

It was Marcy.

"Marcy!" I screamed out in shock as her eyes continued to stay closed and she didn't move at all....

"Marcy!" I then started to sob like a weak ass pussy.

"Marcy, baby...Wake up." I whispered and hugged her close to me as David and Josh stared down at me in shock.

"Help me! Get help! Call somebody! Right fucking now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as David nodded and Josh continued to stare down at me.

I brought Ella and Marcy over to the side of the well.

I held Marcy in my arms and stared at her pale face. Her lips were blue and her wrists were tied. Bobby did this to both of them! I'm going to kill him! I don't care if I go to jail or not! He needs to fucking die!

"Marcy!" I cried and sobbed into the crook of her neck.

"Wake up, baby. Come on...Wake up. I need you. We need you. Come on. You can't do this to us." I started to sob uncontrollably as I placed my ear up to her chest.

No hearbeat.

"Marcy!" I screamed and grabbed onto her arms and shook her lightly.

"You have to wake up! Come on, baby! Come on!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as she continued to have her eyes closed.

"The police are coming!" David shouted as I cried and continued to shake Marcy like crazy.

"Marcy!" I continued to scream over and over again as my eyes filled with more tears.

"Marcy, come back! Please, come back! I love you! I love you!"

I really love her...And if she is dead....Then I'm going to die too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so...I love you guys so fucking much!
The people who wrote the longest comments through out this story will get a big thank you at the end of it :] Believe me.
Alright, so!
I feel really bad for Troy...I don't know why.
I mean Marcy is like...The love of his life ya know?
He tries to hide it, but ya know...
And Alex and Lisa? Uh oh...
I am really fucking stressed out right now.
Because I just went to the high school today to check out my classes and stuff...and omg.
I'm not going to make it. I swear to god. The high school got bigger O.O
Because they were doing construction and stuff.
And me and my friend Hannah could like barely even find our way around.
I felt like I was going to pass out.
Getting the locker open was so easy.
Because I am a pro at lockers...But when it comes to...Classes.
No flipping way.
I'm like shaking right now.
I remember when I used to like be so excited for high school back when I was like a sixth grader...But not now. If I could go back and be a little girl again. I so would do that...
But anyways!
Thanks for giving me the comments on my hair :]
You guys are amazing!
Oh, yes!
Give me 30 comments and I'll update tomorrow if you're lucky...
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3