Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


I remember everything around me became a blur as I ran through the hospital hallways and passed all the nurses and everything.

This couldn't be happening!

"Marcy!" I screamed out as tears filled my eyes and I saw Troy up against the hallway wall sobbing into his hands.

I gave him a look of sympathy as I brought him into me.

"She's gone, man. She's gone." He sobbed into my chest.

"What?" Tears started to slide down my cheeks as Troy held on tight to me as I squeezed him out of anger.

"What do you mean she's gone?" I said through clenched teeth as he sobbed harder as everyone around us stared.

"She's dead, Alex! She has to be! Look!" Troy yelled at the top of his lungs as he pulled away from me and pointed into the glass window as I saw Marcy laying down on the hospital bed. She was pale and her lips were blue.

Tears continued to slide down my cheeks as I banged on the window.

"Let me in! Please let me in! Please!" I screamed bloody murder as the nurses around Marcy stared up at me in shock.

"I'm her husband! Please!" I begged as they continued to stare at me and got the electric pads ready.

"Please!" I screamed as loud as I fucking could as I continued to bang on the glass window.

A nurse gave in and let me in as I shut the door behind me and looked at Troy as he watched Marcy in shock.

I walked up slowly to Marcy and held on tight to her pale hand as the nurses pulled me away from her.

"You have to stay back, sir." The one in the blue scrubs said as I shook my head and stared at Marcy with tears filling my eyes.

"Marcy..." I whispered as I watched Troy in the window as he put his hand up to the glass and sobbed uncontrollably.

He really did love her. And so did I...

"Marcy!" Troy screamed out as they rubbed the electric pads together and I hoped to God that she would come back to me...

She just had to!

I bit down hard on my lip as tears trickled down my cheeks.

I watched as they pressed the electric pads up against her chest and tried to hold her down as her body shook.

I swallowed hard as Troy looked away and cried into his pale hand.

"Marcy, no!" He whimpered as I leaned up against the wall and sobbed into my hands.

I couldn't watch either...This was awful. Why do bad things happen to good people? First Daniel...Then Maddie...And now my own wife.

I watched as Marcy continued to stay pale and her lips continued to stay the same color. I knew that she was never going to wake up...And that's why it killed me.

But I still kept hope.

Tears ran down my cheeks as Troy stared with his blue eyes wide at the window. He was completely devastated. And I was too.

"Marcy." He mouthed and tapped his pale fingers along the glass as I gulped and looked down at Marcy as they did it one last time with the electric pads.

The doctor waited for a while as everything turned silent and the nurses backed away from Marcy.

She didn't all.

"Marcy?" I whispered as they let me go over to her. I knelt down beside the bed and took her cold, pale, soft hand and kissed it gently.

"I'll always love you." I whispered and closed my eyes as I let the tears fall.

"You'll always be my girl. You have to wake up." I then started to sob as I opened my eyes and Troy stared at me from the window in complete shock.

"Marcy, please....Wake up." I shook her lightly as her eyes continued to stay shut.

"Marcy!" I exclaimed as the nurses and doctors watched me with looks of sympathy on their faces.

"Marcy!" I yelled bloody murder and shook her harder.

"Please wake up! Please!" I yelled as tears started to fill up my eyes again, making everything blurry.

"We will leave you alone for a minute." I heard the doctor say as he led the nurses out of the room and Troy came in and stared at Marcy from the door.

"I can't believe it. Ella and Marcy...They're both gone." Troy whispered as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I can't believe it either! My girl is gone! She's dead...What am I suppose to say to the girls?" I sobbed into my hands as I felt Troy put his hand on my back.

"I loved her so much." I heard his voice crack as I nodded and sobbed lightly into my hands.

"I know you did, Troy. I did too." I said in a muffled voice as Troy let his hand off of my back and grabbed Marcy's other pale hand.

"Marcy, I love much." Troy whispered as he squeezed his eyes tight letting the tears fall down slowly.

"And I just wanted you to know that." Troy looked up at me as I nodded and half smiled.

"I know you loved her...Who wouldn't?" I chuckled as Troy gulped loudly and patted my shoulder roughly.

"I'll be out here..." He mumbled and walked out of the room as I danced my fingers along Marcy's cold, pale, soft cheek.

"Marcy, baby...I want you to wake up. The girls need you...What am I suppose to do?" I then started to sob lightly again.

"I can't believe you're out of my life now..." I whispered and wiped the tears off quickly off of my cheeks.

"It's unreal." I continued to whisper.

"You're actually just going to...Leave me like this?" I continued to talk to her as she laid there...dead and cold.

I rubbed my thumb across her cheek and half smiled.

"I'm not going to move on...I love you so much. You're always going to be mine." I whispered as my voice cracked and I started to cry again.

How am I suppose to live without her?!

"Marcy." I started to raise my voice.

I desperately wanted her to come back to me...She's not dead! I will not believe it!

"Marcy, babe. Come on. Wake up." I shook her lightly again as she continued to lay there...with her eyes closed and her lips blue.

"Marcy..." I whispered and shook her again.

"Marcy!" I screamed and stood up off the ground and picked Marcy up bridal style.

I pushed open the door as the nurses and doctors stared at me.

"Sir, put her down! Right now!" The doctor shouted as I ran down the hallway with Marcy in my arms and tears streaming down my cheeks.

I got in the elevator as the nurses and doctors chased after me.

I went to the bottom floor.

She has to come home with me. I'm not going to leave her here!

I walked out of the entrance to the hospital as the rain poured down harder and the lightning showed up in the night sky.

I fell onto my knees in the middle of the parking lot and stared up at the night sky and screamed as my voice echoed.

"Marcy!" I screamed and stared at her in my arms as she continued to stay dead...

"Marcy." I whimpered as the thunder grew louder.

"Marcy, I love you! Come back! Please!" I screamed as the rain poured down harder and soaked my clothes.

My bangs hung in front of my eyes as I stared down at Marcy and petted her wet dark hair back from her pale face.

I continued to stay on my knees in the middle of the parking lot as I cried and held Marcy in my arms.

"I'm never letting go..." I whispered in her ear as she stayed in my arms. I held onto her hand as I heard a guy yell at me from the doors of the hospital entrance way.

"Hey! Get back in here with her!" I heard him call as I continued to stay there in that spot...Just staring at her beautiful face.

"I'll never let go." I whispered.

And as I stared up at the dark sky...I heard her voice echo inside of my head.

"I'll never let go..."
♠ ♠ ♠
This song describes the story really well. :] So listen to it!
Alright...Very short chapter.
And you all are so pissed at me right now....
I know, I know.
I'm terrible.
But I am very stressed out right now.
I'm not going to make it in high school...I was right.
But anyways...
Give me 30 comments and I'll update tonight!
I love you guys and the amazing fucking comments you give!
Also...Drama is coming soon with Troy.
I'll give you a hint. ;] And if you guess in your comments I might update in two hours?
But anyways...On with the hint!
- I was thinking about making this dramatic thing happen back in I Miss Alex Gaskarth. It adds a twist to this story...It's something that involves Troy...
Can you guess?
Guess! Guess! Guess!
And give me 30 comments and I'll update tonight or sooner! :]
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3