Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


"Hell yeah!" I laughed and chugged down my beer as tons of babes surrounded me and Jack on the dance floor.

Seriously. I love my fucking life.

I set my beer down on the bar counter and went back out on the dance floor and put my hands on a blonde chicks waist from behind.

"Damn. Where are you from?" I smiled as the music continued to play all over this big ass club. My head felt like it was going to fall off, but at least I forgot everything that happened that day.

"I'm from Cali." She grinned and turned around to face me.

She grinded up against me as my eyes grew wide. Hell yes. Jack watched me and rolled his eyes as I smiled and pointed down to the blonde girl who was rubbing all over me.

"You sure know how to move." I said in her ear in a husky voice as she smirked and pulled me closer to her and wrapped her thin tan leg around my waist.

I kissed the girls neck and nibbled at it as she squealed and ran her hands all over my chest. I smirked and continued to nibble at her soft neck. She smelled amazing. Her scent wrapped around my nose. I was begging for more and so was she.

I thought about if I should take her back to Jack's place and fuck her...But then I thought about it some more... I couldn't do that...

I looked up and found Troy with Ella. He was staring at me with a look of hatred on his face. I gulped. He would tell Marcy about this for sure...

I had to get this chick away from me, but I didn't want to. She made me feel like a teenager again.

"Can I get a name?" She winked and continued to dance with me as I laughed and looked up to see Troy with his strong pale arms folded across his chest.

"A-Alexander." I slurred and held out my hand as she grinned and shook it.

Did I just say Alexander? What the fuck is wrong with me?

We continued to dance as she turned around and pressed her back up against my chest. She wrapped her arms around the back of me and slid up and down as I gulped and tried not to have a boner.

Is it my fault Marcy and I haven't had sex in a month? No, it isn't. She's either too tired or too busy with our kids.

I didn't want to think about Marcy right now. She's probably at home right now and sleeping...She probably never thinks about when I'm away. What the hell am I saying? I rubbed my temples as she continued to dance up against me.

"What's your name?" I spoke up as she swayed in front of me and giggled.

"Anything you want it to be." She winked as I smirked and licked my dry lips. I stared off at Troy who continued to keep an eye on me.

I rolled my eyes. Why the hell is he here anyway?

Then Ella told him something and he shook his head and pointed over to me as her mouth parted slightly. She then laughed when Troy whispered something in her ear.


I pulled away from this strange, hot, slutty girl and went back to the bar. I grabbed my beer and took a swig of it. Jack then danced up to me with a chick connected to him.

"Dude, this is Beth. Isn't she...great?" Jack breathed as I nodded and took another swig of my beer.

I wanted to get so wasted and just forget about everything.

"What about Dallas?" I spoke up as Jack gave me a stupid look.

"Dallas?" Beth said in surprise.

"Yeah, his young...Girlfriend." I smirked as Beth slapped Jack hard across the face and walked off towards the dance floor.

"Oh, burn." I laughed as Jack rolled his eyes and pointed to the blonde babe I was dancing with a couple of minutes ago.

"What about Marcy?" He asked as my breath caught in my throat.

"What about her?" I said and sat down on a bar stool.

"She's your wife. Isn't she? Wait. Are you guys fighting? You two never fight." Jack chuckled as I smirked and shook my head.

"I'm just tired of all this shit." I mumbled and got another beer from the bartender. I chugged it down as Jack watched me.

"You're tired...Of what?" He said in shock.

"I don't know. Troy is over there. He saw me dancing with that chick. He's going to tell Marcy...I just know it." I said and shook my head as Jack nibbled his lip.

"Sorry about that, bro." Jack patted my shoulder roughly as I shrugged and swallowed hard.

"Hey, do you know what time it is?" I asked him.

"Time to...Get wasted and fucked?" Jack smiled from ear to ear as I rolled my eyes.

"No, I'm serious. What time is it?" I said as he took his phone out of his pocket and then it fell on the bar floor as Jack cussed to himself and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and took my blackberry out of my skinny jean pocket and looked down at the screen.

Fuck! Three new messages from Marcy...And it's two-thirty in the morning. Shit!

I stood up off the bar stool and took another big sip of my beer and told Jack and Rian that I was leaving. I jogged out of the bar and checked my messages.

I listened to that annoying bitch talk on the other end of my phone about my new messages. I leaned up against the brick wall and stared off at the parking lot as the music buzzed inside of the club.

"First new message from...Marcy."

I gulped and sighed loudly. I am so fucking stupid for not answering...What is wrong with me? It is so fucking late.

"Um, hi, Alex...It's me Marcy. I'm calling at midnight. I really want you home..." Her voice then started to crack as I bit down on my lip. "Uh, bye..." She then hung up.

Oh, fuck. What's wrong now?

Then it went onto the second message she left me...

"Alex, please hurry home. I don't know what you're doing or where you are...But our daughter. She uh...She needs help. So call me back. I love you, bye." She sniffed and then hung up as I swallowed hard.

Which daughter? And why the hell is she crying? Anger rose with in me. I don't know why I was so pissed off...

Then her third message came on...

"Alex, it is two in the morning. Where are you? I don't really appreciate you going out and leaving me like this every weekend...Our daughters...They miss you...Please, come home. Bye." She sounded angry in that one. She also had sadness in her voice. Damn it. I had to get the fuck home. Although I didn't want to...I knew I had to.

I headed over to my car and got in, starting it up. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed for my house.

When I got there and opened the garage I saw that all the lights in the house were off...Marcy must not be up then.

I got out of my car and shut the door slowly. I locked my car and walked inside the house and locked the door behind me. I swallowed hard. The house was quiet. I took off my hoodie and threw it over on one of the dining room chairs. I walked up the stairs slowly and walked to Maddie's room.

I should at least check on her. I acted like such a dick.

She wasn't in her room? I started panicking. I went to Emma's room and saw her sleeping with her nightlight on. I walked into my room and saw Marcy, watching Maddie sleep and she had a tissue in her hand and she was dabbing at her eyes.

Marcy looked up at me slowly as I stood in the doorway, breathing heavily. Oh, shit. What was going on?

I swallowed hard as soon as I saw Marcy's pretty blue eyes fill with tears. I walked inside of our room and stared at her as she sobbed silently and I gave her a look of sympathy. My honey colored hair hung in front of my brown eyes as Marcy continued to sob.

I walked around on her side of the bed and took off my shirt and my converses. I got in bed by her and wrapped my arm around her waist as she continued to stare down at Maddie sleeping and she cried.

"Don't cry, babe. What's going on?" I whispered in her ear as she turned around and faced me.

"Why were you gone so long?" She whispered as tears ran down her cheeks and I looked at her and gulped.

"I lost track of time is all." I half smiled as she nodded and touched my face with her soft, warm, delicate hand.

"Maddie...she misses you. And I miss you. And...she is so scared, Alex. She's like...I don't know." Marcy shook her head and continued to sob into my chest as I stared at Maddie sleeping.

"What is she scared of?" I whispered in Marcy's ear as Marcy continued to sob.

"She is scared of you. I don't want her to be scared of her own...D-dad." Marcy stuttered as I swallowed hard and my mouth parted slightly.

"Why is she scared of me? I didn't do anything to her...So what? I yelled at her? She needs to learn a lesson sometimes. My dad taught me the same thing. Maddie is getting old enough now. Pretty soon she is going to be in first grade." I told Marcy as she continued to sob.

"But she still is young, Alex. You need to be nice to her...I mean...after what has happened. She's afraid of you touching her. I don't know why. How did you touch her?" Marcy whispered and her eyes roamed my face as I gave her a pathetic look.

"What are you trying to say?" I said, giving her a dirty look.

"I'm just wondering...Where and how did you touch her? She has never been afraid of you. So why is she now? What did you do to her?" Marcy asked in panic.

I shrugged and stared up at the ceiling.

"Are you kidding me right now, Marcy? You think I would hurt her...You're acting so fucking stupid right now." I whispered as she rolled her eyes and turned over on her side and faced Maddie while she slept.

"Marcy, I-." She cut me off.

"I don't wanna talk to you right now. Just go to sleep. Or take a shower. You smell like alcohol and another girls perfume." She said as my heart stopped and I squeezed my eyes tight.

"Marcy,..." I paused, but she just shook her head and curled up in a ball next to Maddie and closed her eyes. I stood up from the bed and headed over to our bathroom.

She thought I touched Maddie in a bad way? Why would she think that? What did I even do to her besides tell her to hold the fuck still while I took her clothes off? I called her Madison. So what? Big fucking deal.

What the hell is going on?

I rubbed my temples and turned on the shower and stripped out of my skinny jeans and boxers. I got in the shower and let the hot water rain down over my body.

I was so pissed off right now. How could she even think that way?

What did I do with Maddie today? I'm so fucked up right now I can't even concentrate...

I played with Emma, I made them lunch. Emma wanted to ride on my back so I let her...Maddie went upstairs...Oh, fuck.

I followed up after her and went into her room...Fuck my life.

"Daddy! Daddy! Don't weave me down here!" Emma shouted as I headed up the stairs and followed up after Maddie. Emma has always been afraid of the stairs.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go check on your sister." I smiled as she folded her arms across her chest and sat down on the bottom step of the stairs and played with her doll Marcy got her.

"Otay." I heard her sigh as I walked up the stairs and headed for Maddie's room.

She was sitting at her little table and messing with her tiny little tea cups my mom bought her.

"Hey, babe." I said as she continued to pout and stared down at her tea set. I walked over to her and knelt down beside her as she continued to stare down at her pink teddy bear that dumbass Troy got her the day she was in the hospital after everything that happened.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and put my hand on her back as she looked up at me with tears in her pretty brown eyes.

"You never wisten anymore! Y-you always pway with Emjay and forget about me!" Maddie exclaimed as I gulped and shook my head slowly.

"Maddie, I could never forget about you. Ever." I gave her a serious look as she swallowed hard and picked at her pink teddy bear Troy got her.

"I love you." I whispered as she looked up at me with her sad brown eyes just like mine.

She didn't respond. I sighed and picked her up fast by her tiny little waist as she giggled and screamed. I smiled and threw her down on her tiny little bed.

I tickled her like crazy as she continued to giggle and squirm.

"Daddy!" She giggled and closed her eyes tight as I smiled and got on the bed by her and tickled her more. She turned red faced and screamed when I lifted up her shirt and blew on her stomach.

She screamed some more as I did it again. I then did it again as she kicked her legs and yanked on my hair.

"Daddy stop!" She screamed bloody murder as I did it one last time, but then I looked up at her curiously.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Maddie? You used to love that." I said in shock as she jumped up from her bed, but I grabbed her by the wrist. I didn't want her to be pissed at me for the rest of the day.

She continued to scream.

"Emjay! I know you're afraid of da stairs, but hurry!" Maddie screamed at the top of her lungs as I continued to give her a curious look.

"Maddie, what the fuck?" I whispered in shock and grabbed her by her waist and tried to make her sit on my lap.

"Let go! Pwease! Pwease!" She pleaded and cried like crazy as my mouth parted slightly and I let her go. She then ran out of the room and I heard a big thud and lots of screaming and crying.

"Maddietins...Are ew otay?" I heard Emma say as Maddie continued to cry like crazy.

I ran out of Maddie's room and saw her on the floor at the end of the staircase, screaming and crying like crazy.

She must have tripped and fell down them.

Emma was trying to help her up, but Maddie kicked her in the back of her tiny arm. Emma screamed out in pain and held onto the back of her arm.

"Daddy!" She sobbed and reached up for me as I gave them both a look of sympathy. I picked up Emma as she hung on my hip. I tried to help up Maddie, but she crawled away from me and went into the living room and cried in the corner by the TV.

I swallowed hard and looked at Emma who continued to cry on my shoulder.

"She hurt me, daddy." Emma whimpered as I looked at Maddie in shock as she gave me a terrified look...

I leaned up against the shower wall and stared down at my feet. Fuck. I sighed and shook my head, making my wet bangs fall in front of my eyes. I pushed them out of the way and turned off the shower. I got out and dried off.

I walked out of the bathroom with the towel around my waist and walked over to our dresser drawer and I pulled out my navy blue boxers and my checkered pajama pants. I went back to the bathroom as Marcy stared at me and sniffed.

I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me.

I put on my boxers and my pajama pants. I sprayed some AXE across my chest and all around me. I walked out of the bathroom and shook my almost dried hair around as Marcy stared up at me and swallowed hard.

"Since Maddie is afraid of you...You can sleep on this side of the bed." Marcy said quietly as I gulped and made her move over a little as I got under the covers by her.

I laid my head by hers and put my lips up to her soft ear.

"Do you love me?" I smiled as she stayed silent for a while. I swallowed hard and rolled my eyes.

"I'll always love you, Alex. The question is...Do you love me? Your wife." She said in a stern tone as she watched Maddie sleep.

"Of course. I married you didn't I?" I smirked as she continued to stay quiet.

Fuck. Now everyone is pissed at me.


I woke up with a major ass headache. I stared around the room and looked to the right of me to see that Marcy or Maddie wasn't next to me anymore. Sorrow rushed with in me and I nibbled at my lip.

I got up out of bed slowly and ran my fingers through my hair. I heard music coming from downstairs as I arched my eyebrow up at the clock.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon. I itched the back of my neck and walked to Emma's room and saw her still sleeping.

"Wake up, Rugrat." I smirked and got in bed by her as she stared up at me and smiled.

"Daddy, you wook funny." She giggled as I smirked and brought her into my arms.

"Oh, yeah? Why do I look funny?" I continued to smirk as she poked at my nose and giggled. I smiled as she cuddled into my chest.

"Dat hair is messy." She yawned and pulled at my bangs as I laughed and ran my fingers through my hair so my bangs would be out of my eyes.

"Do you love me?" I asked her as she looked up at me with Marcy's pretty blue eyes.

Emma nodded fast and giggled.

"I wove you dis much!" She yelled and opened her tiny arms as I laughed and kissed her cheek as she giggled again.

"Well, I love you this much and this much...And this much." I continued to kiss her over and over again on her cheek as she giggled and held on tight to me.

"Where is sider and mommy?" She asked me as I shrugged and got out of bed with Emma still in my arms. She hung on my hip and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck as I carried her down the stairs.

I then heard the song I Want You To Want Me by Cheap Trick playing in the kitchen. I arched my eyebrow and looked over at the dining room and saw Troy dancing with Marcy as Maddie ate her pancakes and clapped her hands together and giggled while she watched them.

"I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me. I'm beggin' you to beg me. I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me. Shine up the old brown shoes, put on a brand-new shirt. I'll get home early from work if you say that you love me." Troy and Marcy sang together as Emma gave me a curious look and I rolled my eyes and continued to stare at them.

Troy spun Marcy out and brought her back into him as she laughed and he spun her back out and dipped her down as he leaned into her. Marcy then froze and stared up into his eyes.

Maddie looked up at me and gave me a dirty look as I narrowed my eyes at her. What the hell? Seriously?

Troy then leaned in closer and they were almost touching lips.

Troy had that urge in his eyes and Marcy just stared into his eyes in a complete daze.

I cleared my throat as Marcy looked up at me and her mouth dropped as Troy let her go and she fell on the floor as I chuckled and Troy stood up straight and offered Marcy his hand as she took it and he helped her up off the floor.

"Sorry to rain on your parade." I said and sat Emma down next to Maddie as Marcy blushed and Troy rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. I walked over to the living room and turned off the Cd player as it stopped playing "their" special song.

I walked back to the dining room and saw that Marcy was getting Emma's plate of pancakes ready. She cut it up in tiny bites so Emma could eat it and she poured a little syrup over them.

She then poured Emma a glass of apple juice and set it down in between Emma and Maddie.

Marcy put her hands on her hips as I looked her up and down.

She looked good today.

I smiled.

"You look very nice today, babe." I spoke softly as she shook her head and took off her wedding ring as my mouth nearly dropped. Troy observed and smirked.

He told. I knew it. Oh, shit.

Marcy came up to me as everything turned silent.

"Does this ring mean...anything to you?" Her pretty eyes then filled with tears again.

"Of course it does. Whatever he told you is a complete lie." I said and pointed over to Troy as Troy rolled his eyes and shook his head, making his black bangs fall in front of them.

"So it's a lie that...You were dancing with some strange blonde girl? And trailing kisses up and down her neck? Is it a lie that...she had her hands all over you? Is that all...A lie?" Marcy whispered as tears flew down her cheeks. I cupped her face and wiped her tears away with my rough thumbs as I pulled her to me and she sobbed into my bare chest.

"Is it a lie, Alex?" She sobbed.

"Hey! She took my apple duice!" Emma yelled out and stood up in her chair as Maddie started chugging down Emma's apple juice like crazy.

"Uncle Twoy!" Emma yelled as her pretty blue eyes grew wide.

Troy calmed her down and got her some more as I took Marcy into the kitchen and rubbed her back softly as I made her slip her ring back on and she stared down at it.

"Well, is it a lie? Troy told me everything." She sniffed and her beautiful eyes roamed my face.

"No, it's not a lie...But I thought about you every second I was there. And...She didn't mean anything to me, Marcy. I'm being honest. I love you more than any women...Any girl. Any actress. I may think a chick is sexy or gorgeous every now and then...But you will and always will be the only girl in my life." I told her as she sniffed and shook her head.

"How can I ever trust you again if you ever go out alone again?" She asked as her voice started to crack again.

"Because I am promising you...Right here and right now...That I will never do it again." I said quietly as Troy stared at us from the dining room.

"Okay." Marcy whispered as a tear trickled down her cheek.

"Okay." I half smiled and rubbed my thumbs in circles on her soft cheeks.

"You promised me...In that church that you would be a faithful and true husband." She whispered as I gulped and kissed her softly.

"I am." I smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so...
Some of you were happy about the first chapter and some of you didn't think it was that good.
But, oh well. I guess?
I have lots of plans for this...
And the little girl that I use for Maddie is the same girl I use every time for each story.
Just letting you all know that. Because some of you didn't know...
Oh, yes!
And there was a cat at the beginning of I Love Alex Gaskarth that Alex named Marcy...
I forgot about that cat. Haha...So...Let's just say he gave it away to his mom?
Good? Good. Okay. :]
Also...You guys succeeded in giving me more then 26 comments. :]
It made me happy.
I like to know what you guys think. It helps me with the story...
And on whether or not I want to change anything. Your guy's opinions help me alot.
So keep on giving them to me!
And you didn't have to wait for 3 days because you guys gave me comments!
So, that's a good thing :]
Let's see if you guys can give me...29 comments. I might update sooner then ya think ;]
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3