Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


Later That Night

"Troy, you really need to be getting home. Dallas probably needs help with Jon." I sighed and watched Transformers with him and the girls.

"Psh. Yeah right. Jack is probably over and I don't want to...Ya know. Go in when they are...Ya know." Troy said with an uncomfortable expression on his pale face as I laughed and nodded.

"I know what you mean." I rolled my eyes as Emma hopped up into my lap and Maddie ran up to Troy and hopped up into his lap.

"Where is Daddy?" Emma asked as Maddie looked up at Troy and smiled. He smiled back and brushed her brown bangs out of her cute little face.

"Daddy is..." I paused and then Alex came down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Right here." He grinned and plopped down on the couch in between Troy and I as Troy groaned and I couldn't help, but smile.

"Who wanted to know where I was?" Alex grinned as I took in his scent of AXE. He looked dressed up...where was he going? He had his black beanie, his denim skinny jeans, his nice brown jacket, and his white t-shirt on.

"I did!" Emma yelled out as Alex laughed and grabbed her from me and blew on her cheek as she giggled and held on tight to him.

Maddie looked up Troy and stuck her bottom lip out as he smirked and hugged her tight to him as she giggled.

"I wove you, Prince Troy." Maddie giggled as Alex looked over at Troy and rolled his eyes. Emma reached out for me as I took her and cuddled her in my arms.

"Maddietins does not wike dada anymore." Emma said as I arched my eyebrow over at Maddie and then looked back at Emma.

"Well, why not Emjay? Why do you think that?" I asked her as Alex looked over at her and half smiled.

"Betause...Maddie told me dat daddy touched her. And den he wouldn't wet go." Emma shrugged as I looked over at Alex. He clenched his jaw as Troy gave him a dirty look and held Maddie closer to him.

Maddie whimpered as I stood up and went to the kitchen with Emma still in my arms. Alex followed behind me as I leaned up against the island and met eyes with him.

"Alex..." I paused as he swallowed hard and closed his eyes.

"It's not what you think...Believe me, babe." He sighed as I rolled my eyes and looked at Emma who stared at us both curiously.

"What did you do to her?" I whispered as Emma gasped and we both looked at her as our eyes grew wide.

"I missed Barney today! I knew dat I missed him! I missed dat!" Emma exclaimed as Alex smiled his crooked smile and I laughed slightly.

"We're sorry you missed him, Emma. But grandma has the box set so you don't need to worry." I told her as she nodded and looked back at Alex.

"Sider said she hated dada." Emma whispered in my ear as I sighed and walked closer to Alex with Emma hanging on my hip.

"Just tell me what you did." I spoke softly as Troy watched Transformers with Maddie in the living room.

"She went upstairs and she was acting sad all damn day yesterday. So I went into her room and asked her what was wrong...She didn't really talk to me. So I picked her up and threw her down on the bed..." Alex paused as my eyes grew wide.

"You did what?!" I whisper-yelled as Alex cupped my mouth with his hand and Emma's blue eyes grew wide just like mine were.

"Shh. I don't want that dickhead in the living room knowing all of our business." Alex said quietly as I rolled my eyes and he let his hand off of my mouth.

"Anyways...I threw her on the bed and tickled her. Trying to make her feel good ya know? And she was fine with that...That was until I blew on her stomach a couple of times and she freaked out. She used to love that..." Alex sighed and stared down at the kitchen floor as I arched my eyebrow up at him.

"And then what happened?" I asked quietly as he looked up at me and shook his head.

"She screamed and got up from her bed and was getting ready to run out of her room. But then I grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her back to me and she wanted me to let her go..." Alex said as I looked at him more curiously.

"And did you?" I asked him as he chuckled and nodded slowly.

"Alex, baby, you have to be gentle with her now...I mean after everything that has happened. She's scared of men. I would be too if I was in her position. Oh, Alex." I sighed and shook my head as Alex half smiled and Emma whimpered and reached out for him as he smiled from ear to ear and took her away from me.

"I'll go get Maddie...And we can talk about this." I said quietly and walked out to the living room to see Troy opening his mouth as Maddie giggled and fed him a cheese puff.

I smiled and picked her up as she continued to giggle.

"I'll be right back." I mumbled to Troy as he nodded and ate another cheese puff and continued to watch Transformers.

"Where are we going?" Maddie asked me innocently as I pointed over to Alex and walked into the kitchen as Maddie stuck out her bottom lip.

"Daddy and I need to talk to you." I told her as she whimpered and I sat her down on the island as Alex sat Emma down beside her.

"Maddietins, do not hate dada. Dada only wants to pway wif ew! Dats it. Nufin else." Emma shook her head fast as I gave Alex a reassuring smile and was getting ready to leave the kitchen before I heard Maddie scream.

"Don't weave me!" She yelled as I turned back around fast and gave her a shocked look as Alex sighed and shrugged.

"Okay, I'm not going to leave. Just let daddy talk to you." I said to her and stood beside Alex.

"Maddie,...I-" Alex was cut off when Troy came into the kitchen with his shirt off and he was dancing around with the bag of cheese puffs in his hand as my mouth parted slightly.

"You shook me all night long!" Troy sang to me and pointed to me as Maddie giggled and so did Emma.

I just stood there in shock while Alex gave him a dirty look.

"Come on, Marcy. Dance with Uncle Troy." Troy winked at me and pulled on my hand as I shook my head fast and looked back at Alex who folded his arms across his chest and clenched his jaw tight.

"Troy." I said through clenched teeth and pulled him aside as Alex stared at us.

"We're trying to have a "private" conversation here." I said, doing air quotes around private.

"Oh...I see." Troy said quietly and nibbled his lip in between his two piercings.

"Yeah, so...Do you think you could dance your way out of here?" I laughed slightly as he growled seductively in my face.

"No problem, Miss Marcy. Meow." Troy said in a husky voice and winked at me as I smirked and he danced out of the kitchen and back to the living room.

"Anyways..." I said and turned back toward Alex as he looked down at our two little girls, staring up at us with curious looks on their adorable faces.

I stared outside as I heard a loud honk.

"Um..." I said as Alex looked up at me with a look of sympathy on his face.

"That's Rian. I promised him we would go out tonight...Sorry, babe." Alex shrugged as I looked at him in shock.

"Um, but, you were going to talk to..." I stared off at Maddie and Emma who stared up at Alex with sad looks on their faces.

"Dada, don't weave. Don't weave!" Emma yelled at the top of her lungs as Maddie had tears filling her eyes.

"They miss you." I whispered as anger rose with in me.

"I know. And I promise that I won't be gone for long. Only for three hours. I gotta go. I promised Rian. I'll be back soon enough to talk to..." Alex paused and looked at Maddie and Emma who stared at them with tears in their eyes.

"I love you both." Alex said, looking into both of their eyes as they whimpered and Alex gave them a half smile.

Alex reached out to kiss Maddie on the cheek first, but she shied away and reached out for me. I sighed and picked her up off the island.

Emma reached out for Alex as he hugged her tight and she pecked him on the lips. Alex set Emma down as I set Maddie down. He stared at me with a look of sympathy.

"I won't do anything bad tonight, babe. I promise." Alex said quietly and cupped my face with his hands as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

I half smiled as we pulled away from each other.

"Alright, well, hurry back. Please?" I said as he nodded and grabbed his wallet and blackberry and ran out the front door and to Rian's car.

I sighed as Troy came into the kitchen and sat down on one of the black stools by the island. He wiped his hands off on his jeans and smiled down at Maddie as she rubbed her eyes and tears trickled down her cheeks.

Emma reached out for me as I picked her up in my arms.

"Come here, my princess." Troy said in a manly voice as Maddie managed a giggle and Troy held his arms out to her as he picked her up and let her sit on his leg.

I sat on the other black stool beside him as he smiled at me and met eyes with me.

"Where did he run off to?" Troy asked me as I sighed and stared off at the time. It was eight o'clock at night.

"He went out again...With Rian." I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously? Without you? Once again?" Troy said in shock and then he shook his head as I nodded.

"Well, I wouldn't trust him, Marcy." Troy spoke softly so the girls wouldn't be able to hear.

"He promised me. I'm giving him another chance, Troy. That was the first time he had done that..." I said as Troy licked his dry lips.

"That you know of." He smirked as I arched my eyebrow up at him.

I stared off at the kitchen sink as Transformers continued to play on my TV in the living room. I didn't know what to do anymore about Alex...He always goes out now.

More then I do.

"Ya know...I bet Isobel could babysit your amazing baby girls while you and I go out." Troy wiggled his eyebrows up at me and I couldn't help, but giggle.

"Troy, they already miss their dad. If they know that their mom is leaving them too...Ya know how sad they are going to be?" I said as Troy sighed and looked down at Maddie and Emma.

"Yo, Emjay, Maddie." Troy said, getting Emma and Maddie's attention. They both looked up at him and smiled big as I laughed slightly.

"Would it be okay with you both...If your mommy over here goes out with me tonight?" He asked as Maddie looked over at me and Emma stared at Troy with her mouth open.

"But what about dada?" Emma spoke up as I gave Troy an 'I told you so' look.

"Oh, don't you two worry your pretty little heads about that. Daddy will certainly be there with us." Troy winked at me as my mouth parted slightly.

We're going to the same place Alex is going to?

"Um, Troy...How do you know which club he is going to?" I asked as Troy smirked and took out his phone and went through all of his text messages.

"I talked to Dallas. I was all like...'Hey, what's up? You and Jack still fucking in front of Jonathan. That is some bad mom skills'. And then she goes..." Troy paused and looked up at me and then back down at his phone. "Hold on. Let me clear my throat." He smiled as I watched him, a smile playing on my lips. "She goes...'Not funny, Troy! You know I am a damn good mom! What Jack and I do is none of your fucking business'!" Troy mimicked Dallas in a high pitched voice as I broke out into hysterics while Maddie and Emma watched me with smiles on their cute faces.

"And then I asked her what her and Jack were going to do tonight. And she said she was staying home with Jonathan like always and Jack was going out to that new club...The one across the street from that high priced hotel." Troy said as I thought about it and then I nodded.

I knew which one he was talking about I just didn't know the name. Troy put his phone back into his pocket and shrugged.

"Go get dressed, Lil' mama. We going out." Troy said, talking in gangster as I rolled my eyes and put Emma down and stood up from the bar stool.

Troy looked me up and down.

"Hurry up. Or you can go like that...No matter what you are in you look amazing to me." Troy winked as I blushed and shook my head.

"When was the last time you talked to Miss Ella?" I asked, trying to do an Australian accent, but failed terribly.

"Um...Yesterday. She talked to me early this morning on the phone. We were having..." Troy paused and covered Maddie's ears as she giggled. "Phone sex. She was on top I was on bottom." Troy whisper-yelled as I grimaced and nodded slowly.

"How wonderful." I said sarcastically and started doing dishes.

Emma ran up to me and hugged my leg as I smiled and looked down at her. Then Maddie came up to me and hugged my other leg as I laughed and stopped doing the dishes.

"Go det dada." Emma said as I chuckled and picked Emma up as she hung on my hip and then I picked Maddie up as she hung on the other side of my hip.

"Go get daddy? Hm." I thought about it as Troy took my phone off the island and looked through my contacts.

"I found Isobel." Troy sang as I rolled my eyes.

He then pressed a button and smirked down at my phone.

"It's ringing." He grinned as I gasped and Troy held my phone up to my ear since I was too busy holding Emma and Maddie.

"Yes?" I heard Isobel smiling on the other end of the phone.

"Um, hi, Isobel." I managed to spit out as Troy smiled his crooked smile and looked down at the kitchen floor as everything turned silent.

"Why, hello, Marcy! Why are you calling so late?" She asked with a curious voice as I cleared my throat and licked my dry lips.

"Is it alright if I bring the girls over...So they can spend the night with you? Alex wanted me to meet him at this club. And my mom is always busy and stuff...And I barely know where my father is half the time." I chuckled and rolled my eyes as Troy gave me a thumbs up.

"Oh, sure! I feel like I haven't seen my two precious angels in forever!" She exclaimed as I smiled and laughed slightly.

"Great! I'll bring them over in about twenty minutes?" I said, staring over at the microwave clock.

"Okay, that'll be good. Bye, Marcy, sweetie. Love you. Oh, and tell Alexander I love him too!" She said as I laughed and nodded.

"I sure will, Isobel. Bye." Troy then hung up my phone fast as I handed Maddie over to Troy.

"Go to Maddie's room and help her pack her bags while I do the same with Emma." I said quickly and jogged up the stairs as Troy followed up behind me.

"Where are we going, mommy?" Emma asked me as I went into her room and set her down on her bed.

"To Grandma Isobel's house." I said and grabbed her pink mini duffel bag from her dresser drawer and started packing underwear and everything she needed.

"Oh otay." Emma said quietly as I nodded and zipped up her bag and set it down on the bed.

"Get everything you want. You will be spending the night over there. I'll be right back, Emjay." I said and walked out of her room and to me and Alex's bedroom.

I opened my closet and pulled out something sexy. Something that will make Alex shit bricks when he sees me. He'll probably have a boner...

I smirked to myself and pulled out my turquoise mini dress. I then pulled out my ankle boots and went to the bathroom. I quickly got my mini dress on and my ankle boots. I didn't need to take a shower since I already took one this morning.

I then did my make-up and put my brown hair into a side ponytail and pulled my bangs back so they would be out of my eyes. I hair sprayed my hair and put on my brown lip gloss.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Troy sitting on my bed with his black t-shirt back on finally. He looked me up and down and whistled.

"You look damn good." He said in a husky voice as I blushed and laughed.

"Oh, Troy. Stop it." I giggled and walked out of the bedroom as I saw Maddie and Emma in the hallway by the stairs.

"I twiple doggie dare you!" Maddie yelled at Emma as Emma whimpered and stuck one foot out on the staircase as Maddie put her hands on Emma's back, trying to push her down them. I gasped and ran toward them. It was kind of hard to run in these ankle boots though.

"Maddie Ann Gaskarth, you stop that right now!" I yelled and picked Emma up before she was about to lose her balance and fall down the stairs.

"She is such a chicken." Maddie shook her head and folded her arms across her chest. Maddie then started to sob as Troy came up behind me and looked down at Maddie with sympathy on his pale face.

He picked her up as she laid her head on his shoulder and cried into the crook of his neck.

"Do not feel sorry for her. She almost pushed Emjay down the stairs." I whispered to him as he rolled his eyes and smiled down at Maddie.

"Atta girl." Troy smiled as my mouth dropped and I walked down the stairs with Emma hanging on my hip as Troy followed down behind me.

Troy grabbed both of their bags and I locked up the house and we went out to the garage and got in my car. I strapped Emma in her car seat as Troy did the same with Maddie.

Troy got in the passenger seat as I got in and started up my car. We then headed over to Isobel and Peter's house to drop off the girls.


When we arrived at the club I saw Rian's car out in the parking lot. I smirked and parked right next to his car.

"Oh, boy. I would hate to be in Alex's shoes right now." Troy grinned as I shook my head and smiled.

"He has no fucking clue what is going on." I continued to smile and got out of my car with Troy as we made our way up to the entrance of the club.

Troy held onto my hand as we made our way through all the people who were dancing to You Can't Do This And You Don't Do That by David Banner.

I looked back at Troy who rolled his eyes. He hated this kind of rap shit. But the tune was pretty catchy.

I stood in the middle of the dance floor. I saw Alex dancing with some of these girls that I didn't know. Rian stood off to the side drinking his beer with Zack. And I had no idea where Jack was.

"Come on, Marcy! Don't just stand there watching his ass! Make him notice you!" Troy yelled over the loud music as I nodded and took a deep breath. I started snapping my fingers as Troy put his hands on my waist.

I swallowed hard as Troy made me move over a little more near Alex as he continued to dance with these strange girls.

"Show me what you got!" I heard Alex laugh as a girl slid up and down him. My mouth dropped as I looked over at Troy who rolled his eyes and shrugged.

I got closer to Troy as he smiled and put his hands on my ass. I put my arm up in the air as the spotlights around the club went crazy. Alex continued to dance with these random chicks as a blonde girl ran her hands up and down his chest as he laughed and bit his lip.

I couldn't take it anymore...

I grabbed Troy by the neck as Troy smirked and squeezed my ass tighter.

"You know you want this, Marcy." Troy whispered in my ear as I closed my eyes and sighed.

I turned around and pressed my back up against Troy's chest. He slid his hands all over my waist as I bit my lip and smiled. I slid down his chest and back up as the song changed to Fire Burning On The Dance Floor by Sean Kingston.

I grinned and turned around, facing Troy.

I pulled on Troy's black shirt and brought him to me as he snapped his fingers and bobbed his head. I smirked and slid up and down him again.

"Damn, Marcy. You never did this to me at prom." Troy winked as I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It's because teachers were around..." I said in his ear as he laughed and he then started to nibble at my neck as I bit my lip and looked over at Alex who was getting too close to this brunette girl.

He whispered something in her ear as she smiled and nodded.

"All Time Low! Of course!" I heard her shout as he laughed and looked over to see me with Troy kissing me all over my neck.

"What the fuck?" I saw him mouth as I pushed Troy away and Troy stared at me with a curious look on his face. Alex came over to me with a shocked expression on his adorable face.

"Marcy?" Alex said and looked me up and down as his mouth parted slightly. He swallowed hard and met eyes with me.

"Why, hello, Alexander. Such a pleasure seeing you here." I giggled as Troy smirked and looked at Alex. Alex folded his arms across his chest as Troy's black bangs hung in front of his crystal blue eyes.

"Yeah, Marcy, a pleasure seeing you here also. Why are you with him? And why was he kissing your neck?" Alex said over the music in shock as I looked at Troy who smiled and looked down at the dance floor.

"Doesn't feel too good to be cheated on does it?" I said as Alex arched his eyebrow up at me as the music became louder.

"What?!" Alex yelled out in confusion.

I walked closer to Alex and grabbed his neck. I was about his height now since I was wearing ankle boots.

"I said...Doesn't feel too good to be cheated on now does it?" I said in his ear and pulled away from Alex as Alex rolled his eyes.

"I never cheated on you. I was just dancing over there with..." Alex paused and turned around to see that all the girls he was with were gone.

"Your group of babes?" I smirked as Alex rolled his eyes and looked at Troy.

"Look, bro. How many times do I have to fucking tell you? Marcy is mine and mine only. So you might just wanna back it up some." Alex said over the music and pushed Troy back into some people who were dancing.

My mouth dropped as Troy fell on his ass. Alex broke out into laughter as I helped Troy up and suddenly everyone stared at us.

"Push me again. One more time. And see what happens" Troy said, getting up in Alex's face as Alex smirked.

A slow song came on as Alex pushed Troy again, but Troy was ready that time. He shoved Alex into me as I fell on my ass as everyone around us gave us a shocked look.

Zack ran up to Alex and helped him up off of me as Troy helped me up. Rian and Jack stood by watching in complete shock.

"Let off, Zack. I'm not finished with him yet!" Alex yelled at the top of his lungs as I gulped and gave Troy a scared look.

"Don't worry about this, Marcy. He needs to learn a fucking lesson." Troy whispered in my ear as Alex gave him a dirty look.

"Hey! Get your stupid ass gay self over here!" Alex yelled as Troy narrowed his eyes at Alex. Troy walked back over to Alex. Troy tried to punch Alex, but Alex was too fast and ducked.

"Alex! Troy! Stop it!" I begged. I couldn't stand to see both of them hurt.

"Stop!" I yelled again as Jack came over to me with a beer in hand along with Rian behind him.

"Same old, same old. Huh?" Rian said as I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

"You have no idea." I shook my head.

"Touch her one more time! Touch her one more time and see what the fuck happens!" Alex yelled and pointed over to me as my eyes grew wide.

Troy came over to me and dipped me down and kissed me on the lips, tonguing me like crazy as I came up for air and looked at Troy in shock.

"Stop, Troy. Stop." I breathed as I fell flat on my ass again and watched from the floor of what was going on. Alex was trying to beat up Troy, but Troy kept on fighting back.

"Never kiss her! Or touch her again! Do you hear me?! Oh, and by the way! If you ever touch Maddie or Emma again I'll kick your ass!" Alex yelled and held Troy by the collar.

"Dude, I'm not the one touching them. You are!" Troy smirked as Alex had an angry look on his face and he clenched his fist up and punched Troy as Troy pulled Alex into a head lock and punched Alex in the head.

"I would never hurt my kids!" I heard Alex yell, his face getting red. Zack helped me up as I gave him a smile.

"Can someone get Alex away from Troy?" I asked as Rian, Jack, and I all looked at Zack as he laughed slightly and grabbed Alex by the back of his brown jacket and pulled him away from Troy as Troy breathed heavily and his nose was bleeding like crazy.

"Never touch my wife again." Alex pointed his finger at Troy as I looked at them in shock. Alex never actually said my wife before. It made my heart skip a beat.

Alex came over to me and kissed me softly as I kissed him back. He slipped his tongue into my mouth as I laughed up against his lips.

We pulled away as Alex put his lips up to my ear.

"You look very sexy tonight." Alex said in a husky voice as I blushed and bit my lip.

"So do you." I breathed and looked him up and down.

I always fall for that stupid...adorable, amazing, wonderful face.

I smirked as Alex put his arm around my shoulders. Troy gave Alex the most hateful look I have ever seen as Alex smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Come on, babe. Let's go." Alex said and led me out of the club as I looked back at Troy.

I then felt my phone vibrate up against my dress pocket. I took it out and saw that the text message was from Troy...

MyHomie: What the hell, Marcy? How am I suppose to get home now?

Fuck! I forgot I was driving him...

I texted him back...

You could always come with Alex and I?

MyHomie: Oh, hell no. I'm gonna find my own way home. I'll just call Ella. :p

I rolled my eyes.


I slid my phone back into my dress pocket and made my way out of the club with Alex. We headed out to the parking lot and I walked over to my car as Alex followed behind me.

I was getting ready to get in the car before Alex grabbed me by my waist roughly and pushed me up against the drivers side window.

"The reason why...I have been acting so...Ugh lately. Is because we haven't fucked in a while." Alex said in a low soothing voice as I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Well, you could have told me that your balls were getting lonely, Alex. I'm always here if you just wanna talk..." I said in a seductive voice as I patted his balls as he laughed and blushed a light pink.

I smiled and grabbed him by his brown jacket and pulled him to me.

"We can do it in the car..." He came up for air as I giggled and kissed him one last time.

"But I have my special whip back at home." I bit my lip as he smiled from ear to ear.

"Give me the keys. We have to get home ASAP." He grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
The way Marcy looked. :]
Her shoes.
The way Alex looked ;]
Alright, so...The drama has just started. Let me just say that...I swear you guys might be shocked about what happens next...But anyways! I have something to say. For Maddie's character I used a little girl named Caylee Anthony. She is dead in real life. I was so fascinated with the case I don't know why. But I thought Caylee was the most cutest little girl I have ever seen! Other then my cousin Maddie :] Haha. But anyways, yeah, I used a little cute girl that is now dead to play Maddie. A commenter said she thought it was wrong that I did that and I should change it...But I don't really want to change the way Maddie looks. Like get another little girl to play her. I think what happened to Caylee Anthony is so sad. :[ And if somehow we could bring her back to life I would do anything to have her back on earth with us :'[ So sad.
But what do you guys think?
Let me know!
Give me 28 comments and I will update tomorrow ASAP ;]
Also I have a new story out with Alex in it...It is like so different from my other stories...I am not even joking this time. It's called Angelic Scoundrel. It is filled with drama...So beware.
Comment, darlings. Love ya!
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3