Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


"How did everything go here?" I asked Alex with a worried look on my face. Maddie was crying on my shoulder and hugging me tight.

I looked over at the staircase railing and there I saw Alex's brown belt hanging there...I swallowed hard and met eyes with Alex as he sighed and shook his head as Emma stared at him.

"Maddie did some pretty bad stuff while you were gone." Alex said and stood up from the staircase with Emma hanging on his hip.

"Define...bad." I spoke softly.

"Let's see..." He paused and then set Emma down. He lifted up his Glamour Kills shirt and there I saw dry blood on his chest.

"Oh my gosh. What happened?" I asked in panic.

"She...Tried to stab me with a fucking knife! And then she poured water over my head and then...She told me to go to hell!" Alex yelled, his face getting red. Damn. He was so pissed off.

I gulped and stared at Maddie who gave me an innocent look.

"Is that true, baby? Did you do all of those things to daddy?" I asked her in a baby voice as she stared back and fourth at me and Alex with a scared look on her face.

"She also tut my dollies hair off! I saw da whole ting!" Emma shouted as I looked down at her and half smiled.

"You know not to touch sharp objects, Maddie." I said as Alex rolled his brown eyes and folded his arms across his chest.

"But daddy...Hit me." Maddie whimpered as my head shot up and I connected eyes with Alex.

"You hit her?" I said in shock as he groaned and went to the living room and plopped down on the couch as I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch beside him.

"She deserved it, Marcy! Any fucker with eyes could see that!" Alex yelled at the top of his lungs as Emma stared at us with a sad look on her face by the staircase.

"Well, tell me everything that happened while I was gone." I said quietly and set Maddie down on the floor as she ran off to the staircase and went upstairs.

"When my mom first dropped them off I thought everything was fine. But what really pissed me off is how you left without telling me!" He shouted as I shook my head and gave him a pathetic look.

"I left you a note on the fridge." I said quietly as his eyes softened and he swallowed hard. He laid his face in his hands and sighed loudly.

"I can't take this anymore." I heard him say as Emma came over to us and crawled up on the couch in between us.

She patted Alex's back with her little hand as I smiled down at her.

"It'll be otay, dada. Maddietins is just a mean wittle sider. She's like da green duy off sesame street!" Emma exclaimed as I laughed slightly and Alex looked up at her and half smiled.

Alex picked her up and set her down in his lap.

"I found her in the kitchen on a chair with a knife in her hand. She threw it at me and I got pissed off. I mean what dad wouldn't? Ya know?" He said as I nodded in shock.

"Then I grabbed a beer from the fridge and I asked her what the hell was she going to do with that knife? She then stabbed me. Well, I grabbed her and hit her ass a few times and told her to never do that again. But then she slapped me and kicked me in the crotch." Alex sighed as I stared at him in complete shock.

"Seriously?" I said in disbelief as he nodded and stared down at the living room floor as Emma laid her head on his shoulder.

"I can't believe that. Why would-." He cut me off.

"And then I crawled up the stairs so I could be with Emma. I laid there and waited for my crotch to stop hurting like hell. And guess what happened after that?" Alex said as I arched my eyebrow up at him.

"What?" I gave him a curious look.

"She poured water over my fucking head." He shook his head as I laid my hand on his arm and gave him a look of sympathy.

"I am so sorry, honey." I whispered.

"It happens." He shrugged as I gave him a stupid look.

"It happens? Most little girls don't do that to their daddy's." I shook my head as Emma kissed Alex's cheek.

"I wouldn't twy to hurt ew, dada." Emma smiled sweetly as Alex pecked her on the lips and snuggled her to him in his arms.

"I know you wouldn't." He said in a soothing voice as I smiled.

"What is the belt for?" I asked quietly and looked over at his belt hanging on the staircase railing.

"I threatened her." He mumbled as I looked at him and my eyes grew wide.

"With that belt?!" I nearly screamed as he sighed and nodded.

"Alex, what the fuck?" I whispered and got up off the couch and grabbed the belt off the staircase and jogged up the stairs.

"Oh, come on, babe!" I heard him call after me as I rolled my eyes and went into Maddie's room. She saw the belt and gasped as I threw it down on her floor.

"Don't worry, sweetie. That belt will never be on your little butt as long as I live." I smiled at her and picked her up. I sat down in her bed with her as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Daddy isn't going to hurt you. He may have spanked you, but what you did today was very bad." I told her as she sniffed.

"You hurt him. You know that right?" I said as she nodded.

"Good." I heard her whisper as my mouth parted slightly.

"Maddie, that's not good to hurt someone that you love." I mumbled.

"But I don't wove him." She said as I pulled away from her and gave her a stern look.

"What do you mean you don't love him? He's your dad! He may have blew on your stomach, but he isn't Bobby!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as her eyes filled with tears.

"Bobby?" She whispered as I gulped.

Oh, fuck. I never told her his name until now...What have I done?

"Bobby was the guy who hurt you, sweetie. Okay? And daddy isn't like that man...Daddy is a sweet, kind, wonderful guy. He likes to tickle you and make you laugh. He just wants to make you happy and see you smile." I told her as she gulped and shook her head, making her brown bangs fall in her pretty brown eyes.

"He hurt me. He told me dat he was going to hit me with that belt." She said as I rolled my eyes and cupped her face in my hands.

"He was just trying to teach you a lesson. And I know that was wrong of him to bring out his belt. But you do not need to be stabbing him with a knife...Or pouring water over his head." I chuckled as she nodded slowly and whimpered.

"But he's never around! He's always with Untle Jack and Dack and Wian!" She shouted as Alex came into the room with Emma on his hip.

He came over to Maddie's bed and sat down beside me as Maddie stayed closer to me. She stared up at Alex in shock.

"Maddie, we all need to talk. As one big...happy family." Alex sighed and met eyes with me on happy.

"Otay, dada. About what?" Emma asked as Alex forced a smile and set Emma down in between me and him.

"Maddie, I love you. And all I want is for us to be happy again. I don't know how we became so distant, babe." He said, meeting eyes with her as hers filled with tears.

"I will stop blowing on your tummy. Okay?" Alex said as Maddie nodded slowly and tears flew down her cheeks.

"And I want to have my daughter and daddy day with you as soon as possible. Just me and you. Not Emjay." Alex said, looking down at Emma who stuck her bottom lip out.

"Why not me?" Emma whimpered as I laughed and kissed the top of Emma's head.

"Because you're going to be with me, silly. We're going to go to your favorite place in the whole wide world." I smiled at her as her eyes grew wide and she clapped her hands together.

"Where, mommy?! Where?!" She yelled.

"The Disney store in the mall." I whispered in her ear as she gasped.

"Weally?!" She yelled as I laughed and nodded. Maddie stared at Emma with a mean look on her face as Alex smiled his crooked smile.

"Anyways..." Alex paused and looked down at Maddie. She pouted and looked up at him.

"Come here." He half smiled as Maddie continued to stay close to me.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Maddie." He told her as she looked up at me and I nodded and met eyes with her.

"Go on." I whispered as she swallowed hard and got up from my lap and crawled over into Alex's as he smiled and cuddled her close to him and kissed the top of her head.

"We cool?" Alex asked her as she nodded and hugged him close to her.

"We're super duper cool." She giggled as he smiled and blew on her cheek as she giggled again and held onto him tightly.

"I get to go to da Disney store wif mommy and ew don't! Ha! Ha!" Emma stuck her tongue out at Maddie as Maddie whined and gave her a disgusted look.

I picked up Emma as she hugged me tight.

"It's cool, Maddie. I've got another place we can go." Alex winked at her as she smiled and her eyes filled up with pure excitement.

Then the doorbell rang, pulling me out of my daze. I jumped up out of Maddie's bed with Emma on my hip and I jogged down the stairs and to the front door.

I opened it and there I saw Jack with Dallas and Jonathan.

"Uh...What are you two doing here?" I said in surprise as Dallas walked in with Jonathan on her hip and Jack behind her with a goofy smile on his face.

"I just wanted to stop by and visit! I haven't seen you or Alex in what seems like forever!" Dallas exclaimed as I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I saw you last week? And I have to babysit little Jon this week because of your interview or whatever..." I itched the back of my head as Dallas nodded and handed Jonathan over to Jack as he smiled at him and tried to make funny faces to get Jonathan to laugh.

Alex walked downstairs with Maddie in front of him.

"Untle Jack!" Maddie squealed and hugged his leg as he looked down at her and smiled.

"Hey, Munchkin." He said as Alex took Jonathan away from him.

"Hey, Jon. Are you tired of being with your lazy ass mom?" Alex whispered to him as Dallas gasped and tried to kick Alex in the crotch, but he was too fast and he walked off to the living room and sat down on the couch.

I rolled my eyes. Jonathan had brown eyes and black hair that was still growing of course. Dallas stared at Jack with amazement as Jack picked up Maddie and she poked at his big ass nose.

Jack made funny noises with his lips every time as Emma giggled and hugged my neck.

"Oh my gosh, Marcy! You got your nose pierced! That is so fucking cool! You look so hot. Just like you always do." Dallas winked as I smiled and blushed.

"Thanks, Dallas." I laughed and walked to the living room to see Alex staring off at the TV and playing with Jonathan.

I sat Emma down beside him as she stared off at Jonathan with a smile on her cute little face. Maddie crawled up into Alex's lap as everyone stared at Jonathan.

I chuckled and put my hands on my hips.

"Hey, dear. Can you please make me a sandwich?" Alex looked up at me and smiled as I stared at him for a long time with a pathetic look.

"Fine." I sighed and was getting ready to walk off to the kitchen before Jack said something.

"Make that two!" He shouted.

"Make that three!" I heard Dallas say as I bit my lip and turned around and faced all of them.

"With everything on it." Alex winked as I rolled my eyes.

"Same goes for us too." Jack smiled from ear to ear as I scowled and walked off to the kitchen and got everything out to make three sandwiches...

I was almost done with Jack's sandwich when I felt two strong arms wrap tight around my waist. I knew it was Alex. I tried to hold back a smile, but failed. I heard him laugh as he laid his chin on my shoulder and kissed my neck lightly over and over again.

"Need help?" He whispered in my ear as I shook my head and giggled.

"Ya sure?" He said in a husky voice as I laughed and nodded.

"I'm almost done anyway." I told him as his grip got tighter around my waist.

"Oh, god. Do you know how much I love you?" He whispered in my ear as I rolled my eyes.

"You tell me everyday, Alex. I think I know." I sighed as he kissed my neck again.

"I would do anything for you." He whispered in my ear and petted some of my hair back as he sniffed it and I got shivers up and down my spine.

"I know." I giggled. "But we're not having sex tonight."

He let go of me and rolled his eyes as I smirked.

"Can we at least sleep naked?" He grinned as I shrugged.

"We'll see." I mumbled and put all of the sandwiches on the paper plates as he continued to grin. He kissed me on the cheek and hummed up against it as I blushed and he grabbed his sandwich from me.

"Thank you very much, sweet cheeks." Alex winked as I laughed and walked out of the kitchen and handed Dallas and Jack their sandwiches.

"Hey! I want a sandmich!" Emma yelled out as Maddie hopped up and down beside my leg.

"Me too! Me too!" She shouted as I rolled my eyes.

Jonathan clapped his hands together and stared at them.

"Uh, bah, bah, bah, bah!" He yelled out as everyone ignored him.

"Fine. Get your little butts in the kitchen then...And I shall make you some." I said as they ran off passed me and to the kitchen.

I smiled as I turned around and Alex hit my ass as I looked at him over my shoulder.

"Remember what I suggested." Alex said in a husky voice and winked. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.

I went into the kitchen and saw Maddie and Emma talking quietly at the kitchen table. I acted like I wasn't listening.

"No, his name is Bobby." I heard Maddie whisper as I cocked my eyebrow up at her.

"Da boogie monster has a name?" Emma whisper-yelled as Maddie nodded fast and had tears in her eyes.

Oh, fuck.


I tucked Emma in and kissed her forehead as she smiled and stared at her closet that was open.

"I don't want Bobby to det me." She whispered as I gulped and shut her closet door.

"Bobby isn't going to get you...Because he is locked up. What happened with Maddie we don't like to talk about that." I told her and walked back over to her bed as she sighed and nodded.

"But sider told me everytang." Emma said as I sighed and turned on her night light.

"Well, don't think about it. Okay? Because it's over now...And we really don't need to think about it." I said in shock as Emma nodded and I kissed her one last time.

"I wove you, mommy. Tell dada I wove him too." Emma smiled as I laughed slightly and nodded.

"I love you too, Emjay. Night." I said quietly and walked out of her room.

I peeped her bedroom door shut and turned off her bedroom light. I walked next door to Maddie's room, but then I heard Alex singing.

I smiled and stayed beside the door so they wouldn't see me.

"I guess I'll go home now...I guess I'll go home now...I guess I'll go home now...I guess I'll go home..." Alex sang and strummed on his guitar as I half smiled and leaned on the hallway wall.

I heard Maddie clapping and giggling.

"I missed you, daddy. I missed you singing to me and stuff..." I heard her say as I swallowed hard.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, babe. I'll sing to you every night this week. What do you say?" I heard him say as I smiled.

"What about the week after that? And the week after that? And the week after that?" She repeated as I heard her giggle some more.

"Yes, and the week after that and the week after that and the week after that." I heard him say in a funny voice as I looked inside of her room and saw him blow on her cheek as she giggled and hugged his neck.

"Are you coming to da field trip tomorrow?" I heard her ask him.

"Field trip?" He said with curiosity in his wonderful voice.

"Yeah, da one Mrs. Robertson is taking us to!" She exclaimed as everything turned silent.

"Um, oh, mommy didn't tell me about that." He chuckled.

"Oh..." Maddie whispered.

"But! I came in here to tuck you in so! Get all comfortable and stick your little footsies under the covers." He said in a cute little voice as Maddie giggled and he got up off of her bed and tucked her in and stared down at her with a smile on his face.

"I love you, Maddie." He continued to smile as she stared up into his eyes.

"I love you, daddy." I heard her say as tears stung my eyes.

"I'm sowry I was a bitch to ew." She giggled as Alex looked up at the doorway at me as I laughed and my mouth fell open.

"Maddie, you're not suppose to say those kind of bad words." I told her as she giggled again.

"I'm sorry you were a bitch to me too." Alex laughed as I held back mine.

"But I love you. And I deserved it...A little bit." Alex shrugged as she stuck out her lips to him and he bent down and pecked her on them real quick.

"Get some sleep. We love you." Alex said to her and turned on her night light as she nodded and closed her eyes.

"Night, Maddie." I smiled to her as she blew me a kiss and I caught it and smiled. Alex and I walked out of her room and turned her bedroom light off.

We went to our room as he shut the door behind us.

"No sex tonight. The girls are home...And we already did it yesterday and I-." Alex cut me off by pressing his lips up against mine.

"I don't want sex." He came up for air and held me tight to him as he kissed me again and I returned the kiss.

"Then what do you want?" I giggled up against his lips.

"I want you in my arms...In that bed. And I don't want us fighting about anything. I just want you." Alex whispered in my ear as I blushed and closed my eyes.

"Aww. How cliché." I smirked as Alex stared at me for a while with a serious look in his gorgeous brown eyes.

"I want that too..." I smiled as Alex slipped off his jeans and Glamour Kills shirt. He grabbed his checkered pajama pants and slipped them on. He got into bed as I went to the bathroom and got my Glamour Kills shirt on and my baggy shorts that I use for night wear.

I walked out of the bathroom and turned off the bedroom light as I crawled up into bed by Alex and turned on our lamp. I stared at him as he stared back at me.

"What?" I grinned as he shook his head and smiled his crooked smile.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how beautiful you look in Glamour Kills stuff." He winked as I rolled my eyes and got under the covers with him. I laid my head on his chest as he played with my hair.

"Alex, I love you..."

I looked up at him to see that he was fake snoring with his eyes shut and his mouth wide open. I giggled and smacked his chest playfully.

"Wh-what? What did I miss?" Alex laughed and woke up to see me giving him a hurt look.

"Nice. Act like you're asleep when I was talking to you." I rolled my eyes as Alex smirked and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too, babe."


"Maddie, are you excited?" I smiled at her as she licked the syrup off her chin and nodded fast.

"Me too. Emma and I can't wait to see this place. We've never been there." I said as Emma nodded fast and ate another piece of her pancake.

Alex came downstairs. His hair was messy and he was itching his stomach. I smiled at him as he came into the kitchen. He pulled me to him from behind as I giggled and he kissed me softly on the lips as I kissed him back.

"Morning." I continued to smile as he smiled back and yawned into his fist.

"Morning." He grinned and sat down beside Emma at the kitchen table.

"Morning, dada!" She exclaimed as he laughed and grinned.

"Good morning, sunshine. And good other sunshine." He smiled over at Maddie as she giggled and continued to eat her waffle.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Alex asked me as I grabbed a plate of pancakes for him and handed him the maple syrup.

"Because Emma and I are going with Maddie on her field trip with the rest of her class. They asked for a mom to come and so I volunteered. Mrs. Robertson needs help with the kids." I told him as he nodded and his brown eyes grew wide.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked, taking a drink of his Pepsi as I smirked.

"The museum down town." I replied as Alex stood up from his chair.

"I wanna go!" He exclaimed as both Maddie and Emma giggled like crazy.

I let out a laugh and smiled big.

"Then go get ready, bedhead." I giggled as he came over to me and kissed me passionately as I smiled and melted in with him.

"Someone is in a good mood." I smiled as we pulled apart.

"I so in love with you." He grinned and winked and then walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

"That was odd." I whispered and arched my eyebrow as I continued to pack Maddie's lunch for her trip to the museum.

I was wearing my light pink shorts and my cool white t-shirt that had a weird looking face on it. My white shirt was tucked into my pink shorts that were up to my waist and I had my diamond high heels on. I also was wearing my black hat.

Maddie and Emma's lunches were all ready and all we were waiting on was Alex to get his ass downstairs.

"Alex!" I yelled as Emma and Maddie stared at one another.

"Daddy!" They both yelled out at the same time as I laughed.

Alex jogged down the stairs in his almost black skinny jeans and a cool retro looking white shirt with his black beanie on and his man sandals.

"Yes?" He grinned as I smiled and put on my sunglasses and smacked my gum.

"Get the car started up, hot stuff. We gotta go." I smiled as he laughed and pecked me on the lips and grabbed his car keys and his blackberry.

"Come on, girls. Here are your lunches." I smiled and handed Maddie her Disney princess lunch box and handed Emma her Barney one.

I held onto both of their hands and led them outside to the garage as Alex picked Maddie up and I picked up Emma and we both strapped them into their car seats.

I got in the car as Alex started it up and we backed out of the driveway and Alex shut the garage door with the remote in his car.

When we arrived at the museum Alex's eyes popped out of his sockets.

"Are those all the kids?" He said in shock as I chuckled and nodded.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

"And we have to watch them?" He whispered as I laughed and nodded slowly.

"Hurry! I wanna see da boy dat Maddie woves!" Emma shouted from the backseat as Alex looked back at them quickly.

"What boy?" Alex said with curiosity.

"His name is Nikki! And he is so cute, daddy! You have to see him! He has your hair!" Maddie yelled out as I smiled and looked at Alex who rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Let's see the little punk." Alex said through clenched teeth as me and him got out of the car and helped Emma and Maddie out of their car seats.

Maddie ran up to her class as I held Emma on my hip and Alex and I walked up to Mrs. Robertson.

She was fifty years old and she was so good with kids.

"I'm so glad you could come, Marcy. And Alex! I haven't seen you since the beginning of the year when you both came for that little parent meeting." Mrs. Robertson smiled at him as he smiled back and nodded.

"I'm glad I came." He replied with his crooked smile as Maddie held onto a blonde boys hand and they giggled with one another.

I arched my eyebrow and nudged Alex as he looked down at Maddie who kissed the boy on the cheek and he blushed.

"Aww." I whispered and nudged Alex more in his side as he laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Mommy, this is Nikki! He's my boyfwiend!" Maddie exclaimed as the whole class giggled around them.

Alex knelt down to Maddie and Nikki's level as all of the kindergartner's stared at him.

"So this is Nikki?" Alex said and stared Nikki in the eyes as Nikki's grew wide with fear.

He had golden blonde hair that looked exactly like Alex's. His bangs were sort of in his baby blue eyes. And he was adorable.

"Daddy, you're scaring him..." Maddie whispered to Alex as I rolled my eyes and made Alex stand up as Mrs. Robertson made the whole class follow her and we all followed behind them into the museum.

"Whoa! Dis pwace is huge!" Emma shouted, making her voice echo as she giggled and Alex smiled and took her from me and tossed her up in the air and caught her as she giggled some more.

I smiled and folded my arms across my chest and looked at all of the cool things inside of the museum.

Maddie hugged my leg as I looked down at her. She looked terrified as she stared up at the wax dummy who was George Washington.

"He's not real, sweetie." I told her as Nikki gave her a reassuring smile and tugged on her hand as she giggled and blushed and walked off towards Mrs. Robertson with him.

"Aww. Alex, they are so cute. They remind me of us." I smiled and took my sunglasses off as Alex stared into my eyes and grinned.

I locked hands with him as Emma stared around the museum in complete awe.

"Hey, you're finally my height." He winked and stared down at my high heels as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. It's not my fault I'm short." I whispered as he laughed and nudged me.

"I'm just playing." He smiled his crooked smile as I fell in love with him all over again.

"And over here class we have the first president of the united states..." I heard Mrs. Robertson say as I looked at the whole class and saw that Maddie and Nikki wasn't there.

I tugged on Alex's arm as he looked up at the wax dummy of George Washington.

"Hm?" He looked over at me as I started to panic.

"Maddie...She's gone. And so is Nikki." I spoke really fast as Alex arched his thick eyebrow up at me and looked around him.

"Shit. You weren't watching her?" He whisper-yelled as tears filled my eyes.

"Um...Mrs. Robertson. So sorry to interrupt. But Maddie and Nikki seemed to have gone missing." I spoke quickly as Mrs. Robertson gasped and counted her class as I looked all around the exhibits for Maddie and Nikki.

"Maddie?! Nikki?!" I yelled, making my voice echo. Alex put Emma down as she ran over to me and I held onto her little hand.

"Maddie!" Alex yelled like crazy. We couldn't lose her again. We just couldn't!

"Maddie!" I screamed as Mrs. Robertson gave us a worried look.

A security guard ran over to Mrs. Robertson and asked what was wrong as he spoke into his walkie talkie.

"Oh, god, Alex. Where could she be?!" I yelled out in panic when more security guards started to show up.

"Maddie!" I yelled out again as tears ran down my cheeks, but I wiped them away quickly. The whole class stared in shock as we heard our little girl scream.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy, help!" She screamed bloody murder and ran toward Alex with tears down her little cheeks.

Alex scooped her up in his arms and gave her a worried look.

"It's da boogie man! He took Nikki! He took Nikki!" She screamed out as my mouth dropped and my breath caught in my throat.

♠ ♠ ♠
Jonathan Lee Davis.
The way Alex looked. ;]
The way Marcy looked. :]
Wasn't expecting that were you?
I love all of you guys!
But the reason why I didn't update this afternoon was because I didn't get 31 comments! :p
So give me 31 comments and I will update tomorrow afternoon!
Shocker right? I know. :]
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3