Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


I sat on the couch with Maddie in my arms as she cried into the crook of my neck. Marcy was holding Emma while she drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Maddie, honey...It'll be okay." Marcy whispered as I patted the empty spot beside me on the couch. Marcy laid Emma down on the floor and covered her up with a pink blanket.

Marcy came over to me and cuddled close to me and Maddie as we continued to watch the news.

Maddie still wouldn't tell us what happened.

"Maddie, can you please tell us...what happened today." I sighed as she looked up into my eyes with her matching sets of brown. She wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed as me and Marcy gave her a look of sympathy.

"H-he-he...Da boogie m-man..." Maddie continued talk because she was crying so hard. I looked at Marcy as tears filled her pretty blue eyes.

"It's okay, Maddie, sweetie. We are not going to let him get you." Marcy whispered as tears ran down her cheeks. I locked hands with her and tried to comfort Maddie.

"Otay...Well, Nikki said dat he needed to go to da potty...And so we tried to find a bafwoom. Den we did and Nikki went into da boy potty and I waited for him. He den came out holding hands wif da boogie man. And dis time, daddy...He didn't have any hair." Maddie said trying to gasp for breaths as Marcy and my eyes grew wide.

Marcy and I then heard the fucked up news lady talk about Bobby on the TV.

"He was last seen down at the museum in downtown Baltimore. He managed to escape with six-year-old Nikki Collins. Nikki was on his field trip with his class when Bobby Lee Anderson took him. He is still trying to be found...Anderson escaped from jail about two days ago. His last crime was kidnapping three-year-old Maddie Ann Gaskarth on October 31st of 2009 and hiding her in his basement. She was never found until two months later. Anderson was also charged with first degree murder for the loss of his two daughters..." She said as it showed a picture of Bobby with no hair anymore and Nikki's little school picture.

Maddie hugged me tight to her and cried into the crook of my neck some more.

"Daddy, don't weave. I don't wanna sweep in my room tonight. Pwease! I wanna sweep wif ew!" She shouted as I nodded and rubbed her back softly.

"Shh. You can. You can. It's okay." I whispered in her ear and tried to sooth her as she cried harder onto my shirt.

Marcy swallowed hard and tried not to cry.

"You wanna go put Emjay up to bed and I'll meet you up there?" I whispered to her as she nodded slowly and got up off the couch. She picked up Emma and carried her upstairs as I followed up behind her.

Marcy went to Emma's room as I went to our room with Maddie in my arms.I laid her down in bed and tucked her in under the covers. I took off my shirt and my jeans as Maddie stared up at the ceiling and cried silently. I gave her a look of sympathy and slipped on my navy blue pajama pants.

Marcy came into the room and yawned as I smiled and brought her into my arms as she started to cry into my chest.

"He's back." She whispered in my ear as I closed my eyes and nodded. Anger rose with in me. How did they let that bastard escape from jail?! Those fuckers!

Marcy slipped off her shirt in front of me as I got in bed beside Maddie and watched Marcy undress. She took off her black bra and slipped on her black laced night gown and let her hair down out of her ponytail. I bit my lip and looked away so I wouldn't have a boner while my little girl was laying right next to me...

She got in bed on the other side of Maddie as Maddie stared at us both.

"Where do you fink Nikki went to?" She whimpered as I sighed and met eyes with Marcy as she sniffed.

"He's probably already found, Maddie. He's probably at home with his mommy and daddy and laying in their bed with them...-" I cut Marcy off.

"And cuddling close to them." I smiled and brought Maddie to me as she giggled and looked up into my eyes with her beautiful, sad, watery, brown ones.

"Don't weave." She whimpered as I arched my eyebrow down at her and shook my head.

"I'm not leaving, babe. Why do you think I am?" I asked her as Marcy gave me a worried look. Maddie stuck her bottom lip out and snuggled into my chest.

"Betause Untle Jack said dat you guys had this wittle tour toming up." Maddie whined as I petted her curly brown hair back from her pretty little face.

"That's not until two more weeks, princess." I whispered in her ear as Marcy moved over in bed closer to us.

"But you're still gonna weave for a wong time!" Maddie exclaimed as I gulped and shook my head.

"It's only for three weeks this time, baby. And you'll be here with mommy...I'll be back before ya know it." I whispered as she cried into my chest.

"I don't want ew to go!" She yelled into my chest as Marcy gave her a look of sympathy and then looked back up at me.

"Okay. I won't go." I whispered as she cuddled more into my chest and closed her eyes.

I gulped and met eyes with Marcy as tears streamed down her cheeks. I reached my hand over to her cheek and wiped her tears off with my rough thumb.

"Hey, baby...Don't cry. I'm not going to let anything happen to her. I swear." I whispered to Marcy as she nodded and cried silently.

Marcy and I both knew that I had to go on this tour in two weeks...Matt would kill me if I said no and I didn't want to disappoint all of ours fans. They're the reason the band is alive today...If it wasn't for them All Time Low would still be some shitty band down in Zack's basement.

Maddie fell asleep in my arms that night while me and Marcy talked quietly about everything that had happened...We fucked up. I fucked up...


"Belle!" Maddie shouted.

"Ariel!" Emma fought back.

"Belle!" Maddie screamed louder as Emma stomped her foot down on the carpet floor.

"Ariel!" Emma yelled as Marcy and I stared at each other in shock.

"Belle has pretty brown hair and she gets to live in a big castle with a talking candle stick and teapot!" Maddie yelled as Emma folded her little arms across her chest and rolled her pretty blue eyes.

"Oh, puh-wease! Ariel is half dirl half fishy! And Ewic is just wike dada!" Emma yelled as I smirked and Marcy half smiled.

"Oh, weally?! How?!" Maddie yelled.

"He has dada's hair except it...It's not bwack! And he talks like dada! Oh, and dey have a wittle girl! And she looked like me when I was a baby!" Emma yelled as Maddie pouted and gave her a dirty look.

"But beauty and da beast is much better den dat dumb fishy movie!" Maddie yelled.

"Dumb fishy movie?!" Emma gasped as she tried to push Maddie down, but Maddie was too strong and Maddie managed to push Emma down on the living room floor.

Emma started to cry as she looked up at Maddie in shock.

"Don't call Ariel a dumb fishy! At least my movie has a part two! Yours only has a one!" Emma screamed as Marcy picked Emma up and tried to sooth her as I laughed and sat down on the floor beside Maddie.

"Just put in Beauty and the Beast." I told her as she smiled and hugged my neck as I laughed and she pecked me on the lips.

"Tanks, daddy." She grinned as I helped her put in Beauty and the Beast while Marcy sat down on the couch and put a blanket over her and Emma.

"Go to sleep, baby." She whispered in Emma's ear as she cuddled close to her.

Maddie squealed and jumped up and down when the main menu popped up. I laughed and grabbed the remote and pressed play.

I sat down beside Marcy as Maddie jumped up in my lap.

"But I wanted to watch Ariel." Emma whimpered as Maddie shot Emma a dirty look.

"Too bad! Belle always wins!" Maddie yelled and stuck her tongue out at Emma as Emma started to cry again.

"Hey, Maddie. That wasn't very nice." I told her as Marcy shook her head and rolled her eyes as Emma cried harder and cuddled closer to her.

"Well, it's true! Belle is da pretty princess and she always wins!" Maddie exclaimed as I shrugged and Marcy met eyes with me.

"Ariel is half girl and half fish. She's a fucking sexy mermaid. Hell-o! Ariel always wins!" Marcy shouted as Maddie gasped and I laughed and relaxed back into the couch and watched three girls fight over Disney princesses.

I can't believe this is what I do for my Tuesday afternoon.

"Mommy, how can you take her side?! You know dat Belle is da best! And daddy has brown hair like da beast!" Maddie yelled as Marcy laughed and shook her head.

At least this got Maddie's mind off of Bobby and that Nikki kid she loves so much.

"I have hair like the beast? What?" I chuckled as Maddie nodded and tugged at my honey colored hair.

"You did! Before you changed it!" Maddie yelled as Emma closed her eyes and I told Maddie to be quiet.

The movie started as the door came open and we all jumped and stared over at it. Troy came in and saw that Emma was sleeping so he tip toed into the living room.

"Dude, Bobby like texted me...Just a few minutes ago. Freaky shit right?" Troy whispered as Marcy had this terrified look on her face and my eyes grew wide.

"He has Nikki, Troy! What did he say?" Marcy whisper-yelled.

Troy took out his phone and sat down beside Marcy as I stared over at him while Maddie continued to watch the movie.

"He texted me and said we should meet?" Troy said curiously as Marcy gasped and her eyes filled with tears.

"What did you say?" She asked in panic.

"Okay? Where should we meet?" Troy replied as Marcy gulped loudly and touched Troy's pale arm.

"Don't, Troy. I will not let you get hurt again. Let Alex go with you." Marcy said as my eyes popped out of my sockets.

Troy and Marcy looked over at me.

"Hell no. I am not going to..." I paused when I saw Marcy stick her bottom lip out and then Troy did it.

My eyes softened as I looked back and fourth at Marcy and then at Troy.

"Pwease..." Marcy whimpered as I gulped and looked down at Maddie who was playing with the string on my hoodie and watching Belle walk through that dumbass village and sing that gay song. I don't know how many times I have watched this...

"Fine. I'll go. Where are we meeting the dick at?" I asked as Troy looked down at his phone while Marcy stared at him.

"Some kind of park...It's a small one. Near the bad area of Baltimore. Ya know?" Troy said looking up at me as I nodded slowly.

"I think I know what you're talking about..." I mumbled as Troy stood up from the couch and smiled down at Marcy as she smiled back. I got up from the couch and sat Maddie down beside Marcy as Maddie looked up at me with tears in her pretty brown eyes.

"Don't weave me!" She exclaimed as I gulped and bent down to her level again.

"I'll be back for dinner. Okay? Mommy is here..." I said quietly and kissed Maddie's forehead as she whimpered and held her tiny arms out to me.

I hugged her around her tiny waist as she hugged my neck and kissed me all over my cheek as I laughed and pulled away from her.

"Dive me a tiss!" She exclaimed as I smiled and pecked her on the lips.

"I gotta go now, babe. I'll be back." I whispered as she nodded and cuddled close to Marcy as I kissed Marcy passionately in front of Troy as she laid her hand on my neck. She didn't want to let go of me.

"You can let go now." I whispered as she smiled and pulled away from me.

"Troy, please watch out for Alex." Marcy whispered as Troy chuckled and patted me hard on the back.

"I'll be sure to watch out for him. Come on, faggot. We have gotta go rescue Maddie's boyfriend." Troy sighed as I rolled my eyes and followed him out to the front door with my blackberry in hand.

I looked back at Marcy who smiled and blew me a kiss as I caught it and smacked it on my cheek. I saw her smile as I walked out the front door behind Troy and to his black mustang. That lucky bastard.

I got in the passenger seat as Troy started it up.

"How are you and Marcy doing?" Troy asked as he pulled down our street and I shrugged and cleared my throat.

"We're amazing." I whispered and watched as the houses and trees passed by in our neighborhood.

"That's good to hear." Troy forced a smile and turned a corner.

"How are you and that Ella chick doing?" I asked him as he smiled and shrugged and stopped at a stop sign.

"She hasn't texted me in a while. I'm starting to think something is up..." Troy said quietly as he pulled off down the street again.

"Oh, yeah? You think she's cheating on you?" I chuckled. Hell, I don't blame her. Troy nodded slowly and bit his lip in between his two piercings.

"She's been acting weird too. I don't really give a shit about love anymore. Ya know? It's just a fucking lie. Although I have been sort of hanging out with this other girl behind Ella's back..." Troy said as I arched my thick eyebrow over at him.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Her name is Samantha." Troy grinned as I rolled my eyes.

"Have you fucked her yet?" I asked him as he stopped at a red light and stared at me.

"What do you think?" He smirked.

"Yeah?" I said, a smile playing on my lips.

"Hell no! I have a girlfriend." Troy chuckled as I continued to stare at him as the red light turned to green.

He drove down the street as I smiled my crooked smile.

"You have fucked this girl haven't you?" I laughed slightly. Troy shrugged and stared off at the street.

"No, I wouldn't do that to Ella. But if Ella is doing what I think she is doing...Then I am going to be fucking Samm every single day." Troy laughed as I laughed with him.

"I'm glad to see that you're happy, bro." I chuckled and stared off at the window.

Everything turned silent after that.

"I really enjoyed that punch you gave me down at the club the other night." Troy smiled as I looked over at him and rolled my eyes.

"Oh, come on, man. Get over it. You were all up on my girl. Did you think I was just going to stand by and watch you eat her face off?" I laughed as Troy smirked and continued to nibble in between his two piercings.

"You were also up on those other chicks too. If I was Marcy's husband I-." I cut him off.

"Which you're never going to be." I smirked as Troy rolled his eyes and looked at him while he continued to drive.

"I'm just saying...If I ever was I would never do that to her. I wouldn't be out at some club on weekends trying to get girls to get with me. Ya know? Just think about that, Gaskarth." Troy said harshly as I shook my head and everything turned silent once again.

"It's not like I take them to a hotel or something and fuck them. Okay? I just dance with them. And I am not going to be going to clubs like that every weekend like I used to. Me and Marcy talked about it. And she wants me to stay home with the girls for a while." I told him as he nodded and turned another corner.

"Good deal, Alex. I'm serious though...Don't cheat on Marcy. Alright? She still means alot to me...And I hate seeing her like that." Troy said as I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"She's my wife and has been for two years now. We're not going to fuck up and separate." I said as Troy continued to nod.

"I'm just saying." Troy muttered as he turned another corner and stopped in front of a dirty ass park.

"We're meeting him here?" I asked in shock as Troy nodded slowly and pointed over to Nikki on the park bench.

"Oh, shit." I whispered and got out of the car.

I jogged up to Nikki and then I heard Troy yelling like fucking crazy behind me.

"Dude, Alex! Watch out, bro! Watch the fuck out! Bobby, drop that fucking gun! Alex!" Troy yelled bloody murder and then out of no where I heard a gun shot and froze. I turned around and felt the most worst pain ever.

I fell down onto the gravel and coughed up blood as Troy rushed over to me and gave me a worried look.

"Shit, man! Shit! Don't fucking die. Damn it." Troy said through clenched teeth and saw Bobby running off as Troy cursed under his breath and stayed by my side.

"Help! Hey, fucker with the phone! Call for help!" He yelled over at some gangster looking guy with a phone in his hand.

"Did you say something?" The guy said in a low voice as I rolled my eyes and tears streamed down my cheeks as I felt blood coming out of my side.

"Yeah, damn right I did! Call the fucking police! Can't you see there is a fucking guy on the ground here bleeding?!" Troy yelled at the top of his lungs as Nikki ran over to us with tears running down his cheeks.

"Maddie's daddy...Are you otay?" His voice started to fade in and out as I drifted off into nothing, but blackness...
♠ ♠ ♠
Nikki Collins.
Sorry this one was so short, but yeah :/
Sooo one of my commenters really wanted Troy to like have a thing for someone named Samantha. So I just wanted to add a new character in there ;] Oh, yes! Also...I know you guys are going to think I am fucking crazy right now. But i had this wicked ass dream about Maddie and Emma when they were teenagers last night...And holy fucking fuck fuck! It was so cool and Alex was like...omg. He still looked the same and everything...but like....-sigh-
Anyways! I was thinking...I know it is really fucking soon for me to be saying this...And you guys are going to be all like "Is this chick really fucking serious right now?" but I don't care! I was thinking on...Making a sequel later on. It's going to be the last one! And this hasn't ended yet at all. So don't flip!
Let me know...
Give me 29 comments and I might update tonight...
Love you guys!
Your comments make me happy :]
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3