Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


My eyes peeped open to see Marcy staring at me and Maddie and Emma sleeping soundly on each side of me. I wasn't in the ER anymore I was in my own hospital room.

"Alex, it's almost ten o'clock. I have to leave and put the girls to bed. They said you have to stay overnight." Marcy said quietly as I nodded slowly and half smiled at her.

"Call me when you get home. I'll think about you all night." I croaked and then cleared my throat as Marcy smiled and kissed me softly. She woke up Maddie as Maddie whimpered and looked up at Marcy and then at me.

"Hey, princess. Wake your little butt up. You have to go." I smirked as she giggled and hugged me tight.

"But I don't wanna weave." She whimpered as I chuckled and snuggled her close to me as Emma stayed to the right of me and continued to lay her head on my shoulder. She still hasn't woken up yet.

"You have to, babe. You have school tomorrow. And you can see your little boyfriend again." I rolled my eyes as Marcy grinned and picked up Emma as she started to sob out of no where.

Marcy gave her a curious look as Emma hung on Marcy's hip and laid her head on her shoulder.

"Don't take her. Don't hurt my sider." Emma whimpered as everything turned silent and Maddie stared up at her in shock as did Marcy and I.

"Hey, Emjay, baby. Wake up." Marcy whispered and shook Emma lightly as her pretty blue eyes fluttered open.

"Are we weaving?" She whimpered and rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists as Marcy nodded slowly.

"Yes, we are. You okay?" Marcy asked her as Emma shrugged and nodded.

"M'kay then. Say buh-bye to daddy." Marcy smiled and handed Emma over to me as Emma crawled onto my stomach as I moaned out in pain.

Emma gasped as Marcy gave me a worried look and made Emma go up further on me.

"Bye, dada. I'm sowrry I hurt ew." Emma whispered and stuck her lips out at me as she got closer to my face. I laughed and pecked her quickly on the lips as she giggled and pulled away.

"I wove ew! I will see ew later alligator!" Emma exclaimed as Maddie rolled her eyes at her and I laughed and kissed Emma's cheek.

"In a while crocodile." I winked as she giggled and Marcy picked her up again as she hung on her hip.

Maddie whined and hugged my neck as I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning. Your uncle fagg-...I mean uncle Troy will drop me off." I chuckled as Marcy rolled her beautiful blue eyes at me.

"Say bye to daddy. Come on, Maddie. We gotta get you two home." Marcy said as Maddie stuck her bottom lip out at me.

"Go with mommy, babe. You have school tomorrow." I told her as she swallowed hard and kissed my cheek as I half smiled.

"Bye, daddy." She whispered.

"Bye, baby." I replied as Marcy picked Maddie up and kissed me again.

"I'll call you when I get home." Marcy smiled and walked out of my hospital room as I stared off at the creme colored walls.

I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. My eyes roamed around the room. It wasn't really dark in here...The mini TV in the corner of the room caught my eye. I looked around for the remote.

"Damn." I whispered and looked at the red button on the side of my hospital bed.

I sighed and pressed it as I heard something beep outside of my hospital room. The door came open quickly and there was Lisa Ruocco in pink scrubs...

My mouth parted slightly as she blushed and looked down at her converses.

"Hi, Alex." She continued to blush as my eyes grew wide and I swallowed hard.

"Hey, Lisa." I said as she bit her lip...

Marcy's POV

"Goodnight, Maddie. I love you." I smiled as she smiled back and held onto my hand with her tiny one.

"Please don't go. Can I sweep wif you?" She asked as I sighed and shook my head.

"Not tonight, baby. I'm right across the hall if you need me though. Okay?" I said as she gulped and nodded slowly.

"Don't worry about the boogie man, sweetie. He's never going to get you again. I promise." I whispered and rubbed my thumb across her cheek as she nodded slowly.

I half smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Tell Emjay I said I wove her." Maddie said as I laughed and shook my head.

"She's already knocked out. She knows you do, baby. Get some sleep." I whispered and turned on her night light as I walked out of Maddie's room and went to mine. I shut the door behind me and turned on my bedroom light.

I itched the back of my head and walked off to our bathroom.

I got my toothpaste and toothbrush out and started brushing my teeth. I then washed my face and forced a smile at myself in the mirror.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

What if Alex really died today? I mean...what if Bobby actually killed him? I don't know how I would've gone on without him...

I gulped and let my hair down out of its ponytail. I ran my fingers through my brown curly hair. I walked out of the bathroom and shut the light off. I turned off my bedroom light and turned on my lamp as I got into bed.

I stared at the ceiling and thought about Alex. I forgot to call him...Damn.

I miss him already.

I stared off at my phone on the nightstand. I was getting ready to reach out for it when I heard something make noise inside of my closet.

I arched my eyebrow up toward it and grabbed my phone.

I slouched down into our bed and looked around my room and then stared back down at my phone. My screensaver was of Alex and I kissing each other. I smiled and bit my lip.

He was perfect.

I heard something make noise inside of my closet again as my heart started to race and I held my breath.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself and got up out of bed with my phone in hand.

I took baby steps toward my closet as I heard a weird tapping noise come from inside of it again. I gulped and reached my hand out toward the door knob.

My hand started to shake as I opened the closet door slowly.

I opened it fast and gasped when a couple of hangers fell out and onto my feet.

I chuckled and bent down and picked them up.

I hung them back up and walked towards the window and saw that our street was dark and thunder rumbled in the distance. I sighed and my eyes roamed the street again. I saw a black car in the driveway with tinted windows.

I arched my eyebrow and panicked.

Who the hell was here? I was getting ready to turn before I felt an arm snake around my waist and a rough hand cup my mouth as I let out a muffled scream and breathed heavily.

"Mmm! Mm! Mm!" I screamed into the big, strong, rough hand as the person held me tighter to them.

"Shut your damn mouth and listen to every word I have to say...Or you will be shot just like your husband was." He let out a bitter laugh as I gulped.


Oh, god.

"Mm! Mm!" I continued to scream as I struggled to break free of his grasp, but he held on much tighter.

"I said listen damn it!" He yelled out in his country accent as I breathed heavily and he put his lips up to my ear and let his hand off my mouth.

"Now do as I say..." He whispered as I nodded slowly and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"You're going to go with me quietly downstairs...And get in that car out front. And make no noise at all. Got it?" He said as I nodded and breathed heavily.

"I g-got it." I stuttered as he dug his fingers into my stomach and then dragged me out of my room as I accidentally dropped my phone while trying to hold onto the door. I didn't want to go anywhere with Bobby! Not after what he did!

I sobbed harder as he dug his fingers into my wrists and continued to hold on tighter to me.

"Maddie! Emma! Maddie, wake up!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Bobby tried to drag me down my hallway as I continued to struggle and grab ahold of the walls.

"Maddie!" I screamed bloody murder. I know she would hate seeing me like this. But she was the oldest...And maybe she could try and call Alex.

"Maddie!" I screamed again as Emma ran out of her room and saw me as she gasped. Maddie then ran out of her room rubbing her eyes. When she saw Bobby she started to scream.

She chased after me as Emma stood there crying her eyes out.

"Mommy!" They both screamed as Bobby tried to drag me down the stairs, but I held onto the banister.

"Maddie, call daddy! Try to call daddy!" I screamed as Bobby continued to dig his fingers into my waist, possibly making bruises.

"Maddie!" I screamed as tears continued to run repeatedly down my cold cheeks.

"Let her go! Let my mommy go!" Maddie screamed as she hit Bobby's leg with her tiny hands.

"Let my mommy go!" Maddie cried as Bobby smacked Maddie across her cute face as she fell down on the hallway floor and started to sob harder.

"Don't you dare touch her again!" I screamed and tried to break free to hit him, but he only held on tighter to me.

"Listen to me damn it or you will never see them again! Because you will be dead!" Bobby yelled, his face getting red as I sobbed harder and Maddie cried on the floor as Emma walked up slowly to her and tried to comfort her as they cried together on the floor.

"Get daddy. Call daddy." I whimpered as Bobby dragged me down the stairs and I heard Emma and Maddie sob harder.

"My phone is in me and daddy's room!" I managed to scream as Bobby dragged me out the door and threw me into the backseat of his car and got in with me.

A guy with long black hair tied back in a tight ponytail was driving. He had a long black beard and alot of piercings.

I gulped and cried like crazy as he locked the doors.

"This is my brother...Brendon." Bobby said in a low voice as he drove down the street and the rain started to pour down hard on the roof of the black car.

I leaned my forehead up against the cold window as he got onto the highway and Bobby dug his fingers into my wrists some more.

I sobbed as everything in the car turned silent.

"Please...What are you going to do with me?" I spit out. He didn't respond as I looked over at him and he smiled down at my hand that had my engagement ring on it and my wedding ring.

"Do you really love him?" Bobby's voice echoed in and out of my head as I swallowed hard.

"That is none of your damn business!" I screamed in his face as Bobby grabbed my jaw and stared into my eyes as I felt his bad breath dance across my face.

"Answer the damn question." He said in a low voice as I sobbed and closed my eyes, letting the tears fall.

"Go to hell." I said through clenched teeth.

"We're here, Bobby." Brendon said as Bobby smiled and pulled me to him as I struggled.

"Don't touch me! Stop it! Damn it!" I screamed as Brendon got out of the car and opened the backseat door, helping Bobby get me out as I struggled to break free.

We were in the woods...

I breathed heavily and screamed as my voice echoed all over the night sky. The rain drizzled down lightly on us as Bobby dragged me through the leaves and sticks. My bare feet were dragging up against the ground. I felt a sharp pain go into my foot, but I ignored it and continued to struggle.

I had to get away from him!

"Let me go!" I screamed bloody murder as Brendon stared at me and Bobby laughed bitterly again.

"Where are we going?" I asked in panic as no one responded to me.

I breathed heavily as my heart raced up against my chest. It was too late now...What am I suppose to do? I'm just a weak ass mother and wife who can't fight for herself.

I gasped as I felt Bobby yank on my hair and pull my head back to meet his. I sobbed as Bobby smiled.

"Are you gonna be a good girl now?" He whispered in my ear as I swallowed hard and let the tears roll down my cheeks.

"What are you going to do with me?" I whimpered as he grabbed my wrists and tied them up with a rope as Brendon opened a hole in the ground.

I gasped and shook my head.

"N-n-no. D-don't do this. Please! I'll do anything!" I yelled as Bobby slapped me hard across the face, making me sob harder.

"Please." I pleaded as Bobby made me sit down on the dirty ground.

"Any last words, Marcy? I'm still not done with Alex." Bobby said with a smile in his voice as I cried and shook my head slowly.

"Don't hurt him. Don't do anything to the girls." I whispered as I felt a rough hand on my back as he pushed me into the big hole and I fell down hard into water...I was consumed into nothing, but blackness...

Alex's POV

"Thanks for helping me, Lisa. Once again...I'm sorry for being a royal dick. It's just...Marcy was my girlfriend then and...When you came into my house-." Lisa cut me off with a bright smile.

"It's okay, Alex. I get it. Really I do. Now open your mouth." She giggled as I smirked and rolled my eyes as I opened my mouth slowly and she fed me Lucky Charms.

I chuckled as she let the spoon out slowly and looked at me with her green eyes.

"I enjoyed talking to you last night...And this morning." She blinked as I smiled and itched the back of my honey colored hair.

"As weird as this sounds...I enjoyed you feeding me. And talking to me." I chuckled as she giggled and put some of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"I can't believe you're a nurse now. You never told me you wanted to be one." I grinned as she blushed and shrugged.

"I like to help people, Alex. And if there is anything you need from me...I'll be happy to help you." She smiled warmly as I sighed and relaxed back in my hospital bed.

"I might need alot of things from you." I winked as her mouth parted slightly and she giggled again.

I can't believe I am falling in love with her giggle all over again. Fuck my life. Marcy is going to kill me...

"Oh, really? And what might one of those things be?" She said in a seductive voice as someone knocked on the door and me and Lisa's head snapped up toward that way.

Troy had a shocked look on his face and he stared at Lisa and then back at me.

"Um, Alex, bro. You ready?" Troy cleared his throat as Lisa stood up from her chair and grabbed her pen from her back pocket and wrote her number down on the back of my hand.

"Call me whenever." Lisa said sweetly as I swallowed and nodded as she strutted out of the hospital room and me and Troy watched her ass.

It's funny how she can work scrubs just like she does normal clothes...

Troy came over to me slowly and sat down beside me.

"Dude, what the fucking hell? You were talking to Lisa! Lisa Ruocco. What the hell?" Troy said as his blue eyes grew wide.

I sighed and shrugged.

"She's just a friend. Damn. She helped me through alot when Daniel died back in high school." I said as Troy continued to give me a pathetic look.

"She almost broke you and Marcy up. And...She was feeding you Lucky fucking Charms! Lucky Charms." Troy shook his head in shock as I rolled my eyes at him.

"You saw that?" I said in an annoyed voice as he nodded.

"How could you flirt with Lisa? That is so low, bro. I wouldn't do that to Ella! And she hasn't even talked to me in like four days!" Troy exclaimed as I slouched down in my hospital bed.

"Don't tell Marcy about this. Okay?" I said as Troy stared at me for a second.

"Dude, I have to." He said quietly as I gave him a dirty look.

"What if I tell her?" I said as Troy shrugged.

"I bet you're never going to do it." Troy smirked.


I got up out of the hospital bed and grabbed my clothes from the side table and walked to the bathroom and got my skinny jeans on and my white v-neck.

I slipped on my converses and walked slowly out of the bathroom.

"Fuck." I whispered and place my hand softly on the spot I got shot at.

"You okay?" Troy chuckled as I nodded slowly and winced.

"Let's just get the fuck out of here." I moaned as Troy nodded and grabbed a wheelchair from out in the hallway and rolled it in as I stared at him in shock.

"Well,..." Troy said as I arched my eyebrow up at him.

"Oh, hell no! I am not going to let you drive me in that thing!" I exclaimed as Troy laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Get over it and sit your ass down." Troy said as I sighed and sat down in the wheelchair as Troy rolled me out of the room and down the hallway and to the elevator.

"Do not try and kill me so you can be with Marcy." I chuckled as everything got silent.

"Chill out. I got Samm or Ella..." Troy sighed as I looked up at him and gave him a curious look.

I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, poor baby." I chuckled as Troy gave me a dirty look and the elevator doors came open as he rolled me out and out to the parking lot.

He watched me as I got in his car. He then got in and started it up.

"Ya know, Troy. I know we've had our differences and shit. And Marcy stood in the way of us, but...I could learn to like you." I said and patted his shoulder as he drove down the street. He gave me a weird look and leaned over towards the door.

"Dude, go hump a rainbow or something."

"What?" I laughed.

"You heard me. I am not like one of your All Time Low buddies who love to cuddle for fun. I am Troy Davis. Okay? And Troy Davis does not like to be...touched by a dude." Troy rolled his eyes as I chuckled and stared out the window.

"Well, did you at least hear what I fucking said?" I asked him as he smirked and nodded slowly.

"I get what you're saying, Alex. Let's just move on with our fucking life. Alright? You get Marcy. Okay. I get it. I let go of Marcy a long time ago....I knew I had to let her go." Troy said with hurt in his voice as I looked at him.

He hasn't gotten over her yet. It was so fucking obvious.

I nodded and nibbled at my lip.

"Alright." I mumbled as we pulled into my neighborhood and Troy parked in my driveway as I got out of his black mustang slowly because of my stomach.

Troy walked up to the door as I followed behind him. He opened the door for me and let me go inside first.

"Thanks." I whispered as I held onto the side of my stomach. The living room was quiet...The whole house was.

Troy gave me a curious look as I shrugged.

"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled, but got no response.

I arched my eyebrow and stared around the living room and dining room. I walked up the stairs slowly as Troy followed up behind me.

I saw Emma and Maddie in the hallway with their eyes closed and they were holding onto one another.

"Maddie? Emjay?" I said with curiosity as I knelt down beside them and Troy looked through the bedrooms for Marcy.

"Hey, girls. Wake up." I chuckled as Troy came out of our room.

"I found Marcy's phone on the floor...She isn't here." Troy spoke softly and handed me Marcy's phone as I held onto it.

Maddie's eyes fluttered open as her eyes grew wide. She hugged me and kissed my cheek over and over again as I chuckled and held onto her tight.

Emma then woke up and then as soon as she saw me she started to cry.

I swallowed hard. What the fuck was going on?

"Daddy! Da boogie man took mommy!" Maddie yelled out as my mouth parted slightly and my heart raced.

I looked up at Troy in shock who had the same expression on his face.

"She's gone, dada..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Omg :o
So, I've got tons of plans for this!
You all give me the best fucking comments ever!
Anyways I got my haircut and style like Cassadee Pope :]
It looks great!
But anyways!
My first day of high school is Monday.
I am so scared >.<
This is the beginning of my life.
Or so everyone I know says...
Give me 25 comments and I shall update tomorrow afternoon!
Love you guys!
Oh! I have a question!
What do you think is going to happen in the future with this story?
Just take a wild guess ;]
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3