Status: Completed <3

I Married Alex Gaskarth


One Day Later

I was floating slowly...In mid-air. I could see my body...I could actually touch it. I felt free...I felt unreal. The most weird feeling I have ever felt in my life...That is...If I was still living.

I stared as my body floated in the water. I was in a well. I gulped and touched the side of the cold cement wall that was very dirty and coated with dirt and mud.

I walked around and spotted a body under mine. My mouth parted slightly as I moved my body over and I saw curly black hair.

My eyes filled up with tears.

And there I saw Ella with her eyes open...She was dead.

Tears slid down my cold cheeks. I continued to stare down at my body that was floating in the water. My eyes were closed and I looked very uncomfortable.

I looked up at the lid that was covering the underground hole that I was in. I didn't know if it was a well or not...I mean...I assumed it was.

I continued to float. I didn't know how to get down onto the ground. I saw a little bit of light come through the lid and seep into the the hole, shining down onto the dirty water.

Then out of no where everything became blurry and I suddenly appeared outside of the police station.

It was evening out. The sun was getting ready to go down.

I opened the door and went inside. I saw Alex sitting at a table with two police officers...And he had tears in his brown eyes.

He blinked them away as the officers stared at him.

"I j-just don't know how he got in the house." Alex sniffed and stared down at the table as I bit my lip.

I left the door unlocked when I rushed to the hospital to see Alex...How fucking stupid can I be?

My eyes filled with tears as Alex covered his eyes with his hands and sighed loudly into them.

"You have to catch him." His voice was muffled because he was talking into his hands.

"I can't live without her...You have to find her! What kind of police station is this?! I mean damn! You guys just let him escape!" Alex yelled and stood up from his chair as I stood behind him and looked at his back in shock.

"You guys are so fucked up for letting that happen." Alex whispered and shook his head as the officers gave him a look of sympathy since tears were sliding down his cheeks.

"How could you even...Ugh." Alex sighed and shook his head. He pressed his fingers into his eyelids. Alex slowly turned around and looked straight at me. I didn't think about it until he got closer to me and his eyes were wide.

He could see me!

"Alex?" I whispered as my voice echoed around the police station and then everything got blurry again as I tried to reach out for Alex.

I then appeared at me and Alex's house in our living room...And now it was bedtime for the girls.

Time sure does go by fast...

I walked up the stairs and heard Alex's voice coming from our bedroom.

"Mommy is going to be fine. I promise. The police dude is looking for her, babe. We don't have to worry..." He whispered as Emma cuddled close to him and closed her eyes as Maddie stared up at Alex with a worried look on her cute face.

"Go to sleep. You have to go to school tomorrow since you didn't today." Alex told her as Maddie sighed and nodded. She laid her head on Alex's chest as he covered them up and laid there, staring off at our closet.

He looked tired and stressed out.

I stood in the doorway of our bedroom and opened my mouth to speak, but I was afraid to...I don't know why.

"Alex?" I whispered as my voice continued to echo. Alex looked slowly over at me and his eyes grew wide again.

"Marcy?" He mouthed as I swallowed hard and nodded.

I looked down at my hand as I started to become blurry again and fade in and out.

Alex jumped up from our bed and rushed over to me. He tried to grab onto my hands, but his went right through mine. His eyes filled up with tears as I half smiled.

"Goodbye, Alex." I managed to whisper as he tried to touch me, but he kept on going through me.

It was pretty obvious that I was...not coming back...
♠ ♠ ♠
Shortest chapter ever...
Like seriously.
But anyways...
I'm thinking...
Next chapter should be Troy's or Alex's?
What do you guys think?
Oh, yes!
And here is my hair if you care to see it :p
(Btw...Do not pay attention to the sexy face I am making ;]. My mom would be so ashamed. Haha. Jk.)
It looks much better in person....Believe me. ;] Haha.
Give me 90 comments! Jk. Give me 30! And I'll update tomorrow!
I love long comments. Believe me. There will be a big thank you at the end of this story from me who ever writes the longest comment. ;]
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3