Status: 1,189

In no Time Flat

Gotta be quick on your toes.

My foot bounced against the ugly brown carpet of my living room floor. What to do, what to do. I’d already cleaned my bathroom, shampooed my carpets, did the laundry, sorted my junk, even checked my e-mail. I glanced at the clock.

It was going on three straight hours of me staring at the television and it should go without saying how boring that was.

I got up from the couch, deciding to make myself a sandwich. After all of two seconds of deciding that, my phone went off in my bedroom.

With a groan, I pulled a quick left and headed toward the annoying tune. Any other day, I would’ve danced down the hall to answer it, but it wasn’t any other day.

As I walked into my room, the phone stopped ringing and the tone letting me know I had a voice mail hit my ears.

I stared at the phone for a few seconds as it lay silently in the folds of my wool blanket. I was half tempted to just leave it in my grumpy, bored mood, but I used my better judgement and decided not to take my anger out on whoever had the bad timing.

Hey Ann,” a smug voice cooed in my ear, “how’s your day been so far? I heard Toby dumped you flat on your ass yesterday. How’re you coping? Well? Good. Nothing but the best for you Ann. Love you Darling, ciao.

I growled at the innocent piece of technology before chucking it as far away from me as hard as I could.

Unfortunately, it smashed through my window and there was a faint chink noise as it landed on the ground outside. Four stories down. Great.

“Stupid Chastyn,” I grumbled while walking to the window to assess the damage. Not three steps away from the window, I stepped on a piece of glass with a curse.

Today was horrible! Utterly, completely horrible. And, to top it off, I still had nothing to do! I wanted to scream. I wanted to break something. I wanted to hurt someone!

As that thought crossed my mind, I pulled a huge shard of glass out of my foot and got a wonderfully brilliant idea.

I glanced down at the shattered screen of my cell phone disdainfully, then behind me to make sure I wasn’t leaving any bloody footprints. I made sure to wrap my foot very well on the bus, but it was crucial that I not slip up. It had only taken me about four minutes to get ready and ride over. Which was good, I grinned, I didn’t want to waste too much time.

I rapped on the door harshly. I wasn’t in the mood to wait. I had things to do, places to be. Well, no, not really, but I wasn’t going to be here long. It’s bad ju-ju.

“Oh, hey Ann,” she said, surprised. That faded quickly though, covered by an emotionless face.

“Mind if I come in?”

“Ummm,” she stumbled a bit as she opened her door for me. “Sorry about the mess,” she mumbled as I sat down, “I last night.” The grin on her face told me that something disgusting happened and I was witnessing the aftermath.


I glanced at my phone; six minutes. Wow, time was dragging.

“So, what’s with those gloves?” she asked, her eyes trained on my black clad hands that rested in my lap.

I grinned.

Simply getting up, I walked into her filthy kitchen and grabbed the first sharp knife I saw; I looked at it for a moment, slightly disgusted at whatever food was left on it long enough to crust on the blade. Then, with a swift movement, I turned on my heel and stabbed the curious girl trailing behind me right in the sternum above her left breast.

My blood seemed to freeze as my lips tightened angrily and I pushed with all my might on the knife. As I pulled it out of her body, I heard a gruesome squish sound falling in sync with the pull of the knife. I felt my heart speed up and thud against my rib cage as I watched her crumple to the floor with beautiful red rivulets of blood flowing from the gaping hole in her chest. It puddled around her body quickly and adrenaline pumped through my body so fast I felt like I, myself, would fall over dead any minute from it.

It was truly beautiful, her frozen face as she stared up at me in shock with the gooey, red liquid pooling around her in a crimson bath. Her breath was ragged and she seemed pained. A small part of me felt the need to reach out and help her, to hold her and tell her everything would be okay as she trusted me blindly even though she was dying. A small part. A much bigger part wanted to crouch over her body and drag the knife slowly over her throat, then over the veins in her wrist, slice her shirt open and reveal her for the ungraceful tramp she was.

Instead, I looked at my phone. I didn't have a lot of time to sit around and try to make art out of her death, even though it was nagging at my mind to do so. It would be epic, so beautiful, my mind told me. Then again, that part of my mind wasn't thinking about how I'd explain my being here, slicing this poor girl to shreds when the cops arrived.

I took off my gloves and threw them on her face, trying to cover her shocked, lifeless eyes. My heart beat picked up the more I stood there so I walked out quickly, lighting a match and throwing it over my shoulder.

Maybe now Chastyn and Toby will think of more than just themselves. I mean, their little sister being dead and all should put that into perspective.

It’d been ten minutes and I was beyond hyped up. My adrenaline was rushing and I felt like I could take on the world! At the same time, though, dread and guilt were trying to smother the fire running through my veins.

I mean, it wasn’t Chloe’s fault that her sister was a bitch and reminded me of how harshly their brother had dumped me, even if she was a tramp.

I shook my head; no guilt. It needed to happen. She took one for the team.

I got on the bus and headed to my apartment, it not taking but maybe three minutes to get there. I hopped off and headed up to my apartment, grinning to myself in my own little secret way.

My phone was going off and I knew just who it was, anyone could guess at that point. I opened up the shattered phone as I flopped down onto the couch I spent most of my day on, checking the time as I did so.

Oh, the things you could do in fifteen minutes.
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Third Place in a contest.