Slash - I'm Gay, He's Straight

Chapter 7

Jake’s POV

I grabbed Taylor’s hand, more confident than I probably should have been that this would all work out. I was distracted from the heavy reality of the situation by small, wonderful thing like how my hand tingled with electricity when it touched Taylor’s, and how my heart felt ready to burst with happiness that I was, finally, holding the hand I wanted to hold. I’d spent so long thinking that being with Taylor was impossible and ridiculous, discovering that it wasn’t only possible but meant to be was incredible, like what ordinary people would probably feel if they discovered that read minds or do magic or fix world hunger or something.
So when I said, ‘Come on, it’ll be grand,’ I probably wasn’t exactly thinking straight, given that my mind was four parts Taylor, four parts euphoria, two parts reliving that kiss on the bed... And no parts logic and rationality.
I dragged Tay out of the room, followed closely by the others, who were probably about to become the romantic equivalent of serial killer groupies, watching in fascination as Jen tore us a new one in my own kitchen.
When we got there, I gulped. I am not particularly scared of Jenny, but I really don’t like the idea of hurting her, on top of which, anything she might do to me afterwards would be fully deserved.
But it wasn’t the anticipation of this that made me gulp. No, it was the fact that Jenny was stomping across and back the kitchen, muttering under her breath and clenching her phone in her hand. She was barefoot and wearing only her pyjama shorts and a cami, her hair tossed up in a messy ponytail on her head, but she has never looked scarier.
She rounded on all five of us, standing hesitantly in the door way. Still feeling more protective of him than I perhaps needed to be, I stood slightly in front of Taylor, who scowled but let me.
‘I can’t believe this,’ she muttered, shaking her phone in our direction for some reason, and I flinched, expecting it to be launched across the room at me. ‘I actually can’t fucking believe this.’
I could sense Kelly and the other shuffling awkwardly behind us, and Taylor squeezed my hand in reassurance.
I opened my mouth to say something, but Jenny got there first. She didn’t even seem to be paying that much attention to me, too caught up in own anger to focus.
‘How stupid do you have to be?’ she demanded, looking at me in the eye for the first time. ‘I mean, seriously.’ More pacing. ‘How stupid? You’d have to be quite spectacularly, astonishingly, astronomically stupid!’
That was taking it a bit far, I thought. I mean, she had slept with my sister, and I didn’t get that angry. I hadn’t even slept with Taylor, yet.
I thought about meekly suggesting that she calm down, but that only ever makes people more angry, so I decided against it, and kept mum. Maybe if I let her wear herself out now it would be less upsetting for everyone later, when I started to apologise.
‘I swear to fuck,’ Jenny went on, which was an indication of her precise level of anger, as she doesn’t swear, ‘I will kill her.’
Her? But Taylor wasn’t a girl. What?
‘Who?’ I asked, finding the courage from somewhere.
Jen rounded on me again. ‘My mother! Who do you think!’
I frowned, but Jen didn’t notice, because she was now looking in confusion at Taylor and my clasped hands.
‘What’s she done?’ I asked.
Jen looked back up at me and the confusion cleared from her face, replaced again by anger.
‘The stupid cow hasn’t got the money for my plane ticket yet,’ she spat, then burst into tears. ‘I can’t stay here Jake, I can’t stay here when I know he’s here too, I’m so scared!’ She ran over to me and threw her arms around my neck; I patted her back with my free hand.
Then I felt Taylor letting go of my other one, and he walked around us casually into the kitchen, grabbing a carton of orange juice from the fridge. His eyes met mine from across the length of the kitchen, and I knew what he was thinking: we couldn’t tell her now.
I felt the happy swelling in my heart subside. Not only could I not walk down the street hand in hand with Taylor now, I couldn’t even hold his hand in my own house.
My eyes still locked with Taylor’s, I curled the hand he’d been holding into a fist, keeping all of his electricity in there, and placed it on Jenny’s back with my other hand.
‘We can give you the money,’ a voice suddenly blurted from behind me. I turned to see Kelly biting her lip. ‘I mean, we can lend it to you.’
I raised an eyebrow at my sister. Where did she think we were gonna get €250 for a plane ticket to Donegal?
‘I mean, we know Mom and Dad’s atm number, if we took it out and bought the ticket and sent Jenny to Donegal, they couldn’t do anything about it once she was gone, and if you paid it back, Jenny, they couldn’t even really say anything...’
It was a shit enough plan, but I could tell we were all considering it as our best option at the moment.
‘How long would it be before your mom could get the money to you?’ I asked Jen, holding her by the shoulders.
‘At least another week. She can’t find work up there and my aunt says even if she could, she’s in no mental state to be working yet anyway. It could be ages.’
I sighed, then shrugged and said, ‘Okay. I guess we haven’t really got any other choice. It’s not like you can stay here.’
‘We need a plan,’ Kelly said decisively, and walked over to the dresser, took out an A4 pad, then sat at the counter. We all pulled out stools and sat around her. ‘Okay,’ she said. ‘Somebody needs to go online and check the flight times. With any luck all of this will be sorted out by tonight. Then we need to go in to the city, sneak into Mom’s office, nick her atm card, take €250 out of her account, and out the card back without being caught.’ She paused. ‘It won’t be as complicated as it sounds. Then we have to get the bus from the city to the airport, buy a ticket, and send Jenny on her way.’ There was now a messily scrawled numerical list on the page in front of her, which we all looked at dubiously.
‘Guys,’ Jenny said quietly. We all looked at her expectantly. ‘My passport.’
I could see Mikey and Ollie exchanging glances, and Taylor asked, ‘Where is it?’ but she didn’t have to answer; we all already knew.


In the end we decided to split up into groups. Being already collateral damage in our complicated dilemma, Mikey and Ollie were assigned the task of looking up flights. They were already more involved than they needed to be and we didn’t want them getting in trouble.
Kelly volunteered to go to the city and steal our mother’s atm card, and we decided Jenny should go with her.
‘You’d only get upset if you came to your stepdad’s house,’ I said. ‘You can just tell Taylor and I where the passport is, and we’ll run in and grab it when he goes out to the pub.’
Jenny nodded, looking upset already.
‘I’m sorry,’ she said, ‘I’m just too scared to go back there.’
She came to me for a hug again, and I glanced at Taylor over the top of her head. He was pointedly looking down at the table under the pretence of examining Kelly’s list, but it was upside-down. I felt like a total jerk.
‘Okay,’ I said briskly, disentangling myself from Jenny and standing. ‘Let’s get going.’ Ollie grabbed Mikey by the wrist and dragged him upstairs to use my laptop. ‘What time does Peter usually leave the house?’
Jenny laughed bitterly. ‘As soon as the pubs open. He should be gone already,’ she said looking at her watch. ‘Yeah, half eleven, he’ll be holding up a bar somewhere.’
‘We should be in the clear then,’ I said. ‘Do you want us to grab anything else while we’re in the house?’
Jenny grabbed the A4 pad and started scribbling down things and the places we’d find them. ‘Thanks.’
‘Okay,’ I said, taking it. ‘You two better get going if you’re gonna catch the next bus into the city. Taylor and I will walk to yours and drive up to meet you guys when we’re done.’
Kelly giggled nervously. ‘I feel like we should synchronise our watches or have a team chant.’
‘I feel like none of this is real,’ Jenny whispered. ‘I wanna thank you guys so much, all of you.’
There was a moment while we all muttered “it’s fine”s and “don’t worry about it”s, then Kelly cleared her throat and she and Jen grabbed their bags and left.
I went straight over to Taylor, who was still sitting on a stool at the island.
‘I am so sorry,’ I said regretfully, wrapping my arms around him from behind and resting my chin on his shoulder.
‘It’s okay,’ Taylor muttered, smiling slightly. ‘I’m kinda used to it.’
‘That doesn’t make it okay, that makes it worse.’
Taylor swung around on the stool so he was facing me. ‘Let’s just help Jenny get away from her asshole stepfather and worry about you making things up to me later.’ He grinned suggestively.
I leaned in and kissed him lingeringly, but groaned and pulled away. ‘You’re right. Let’s get this over with first.’

Taylor’s POV

Watching Jake and Jenny still acting like a couple was painful, but I knew it was definitely the wrong time to tell her anything now. I stared resolutely away from them every time she went to him – and she was upset, so it was a lot – and while all I wanted to do was leave the room so I didn’t have to watch, I could sense Kelly twitching beside me.
She still strongly dislike Jenny, despite everything that had happened, and I knew that helping her was not Kelly’s motive behind offering to loan her the money. She wanted Jenny out of our lives for good, and while I was slightly more magnanimous towards my boyfriend’s girlfriend than his sister, I couldn’t help but share her sentiment.
Still, the prospect of Jake owing me reparations for their charade was heartening, and I twined my fingers through his shyly as we left the house on our way to Peter Hancroft’s.
‘Okay,’ Jake was saying, as if the fact that I was holding his hand wasn’t some sort of fairytale miracle that never in a thousand years had I actually expected might ever happen outside of my daydreams. ‘I think when we get there, we should hide outside in the bushes for a bit, just to make sure he isn’t home. They’ve got a big garden and nobody looks after it so it’s really overgrown. It shouldn’t be too hard to find a place to hide. Then I reckon after maybe an hour or so we should sneak around the back and try to find a way in through there first. If he was drunk when he was leaving then it’s likely he’ll have left a window or even the back door open.’ He turned to me. ‘What do you think?’
What I was actually thinking was how hot Jake looked in his muscle tee and now much I wanted to nibble on his bottom lip. I dragged my gaze away from his mouth. ‘Huh?’
Jake smirked. ‘Were you always only friends with me for my body is that recent?’
I blushed. ‘Shut up.’
‘Just follow my lead,’ Jake said, and dragged me suddenly down a thin laneway. We all live in the suburbs but Jenny, while only a fifteen minute walk away from Jake’s, lives closer to the countryside, and in between the prettily laid out houses with their large front and back gardens is the occasional laneway, which stretches a few miles back to a small commercial farm.
Jake tugged me by the hand a small way down the lane, then climbed up the embankment which was overgrown with grasses and weeds and had thick-trunked trees planted firmly across the top.
I scrambled up after him and we crouched with our heads just poking over the top, looking into the large, messy garden. My eyes travelled across the yard and landed on the moderately big house. The sun and surroundings were reflecting off the panes of glass in the windows and I couldn’t see anything inside.
After a minute or two, Jake whispered, ‘Let’s go,’ and started crawling up over the top of the embankment and sliding down the other side. I followed suit, and ended up sliding down three meters of grass, weeds, and earth on my butt. I landed beside Jake at the bottom with a muffled thump.
‘Ow,’ I muttered, reaching around to wipe the dirt off my shorts. Jake grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement, and started shuffling forward through the giant weeds on his elbows. I resisted the urge to stand up – this was all pointless, surely – and crawled along after him, forgetting my annoyance when I noticed how his jeans curved around his ass.
‘Enjoying the view?’ Jake asked, looking back briefly and grinning. I blushed; he knows me too well.
Eventually Jake stopped moving and I looked around to see we were enclosed behind a tool shed, so we could see around the corners if we heard anything, but definitely could not be seen from the house. In fact, the only way we would be caught was is if Peter Hancroft suddenly and against all routine decided to do a spot of gardening, behind the garden shed.
Jake stood up and dusted off his hands, and so did I.
‘Now what?’ I asked quietly.
‘Now we wait,’ Jake said, and we both cracked up at how ridiculous he sounded. ‘I’d say give it an hour or so, just in case he was so paralytic with drink last night that he passed out and hasn’t gotten up yet.’ He peered around the side of the shed. ‘But even if he is still asleep when we get there, we could start World War Three in his bedroom and I doubt he’d wake up.’ He pulled his head back around and leaned against the shed beside me.
‘I can see why Jenny stayed with you so long,’ I said, tipping my head back and closing my eyes. ‘You really outdo yourself on first dates.’
Jake elbowed me. ‘This doesn’t count,’ he said decisively. ‘When I take you on our first date, you’ll know about it.’
‘Uh huh,’ I said. ‘Will we share a tub of popcorn at the cinema? Or will it be a plate of spaghetti at a two star Italian restaurant?’
‘Keep it up,’ Jake said mildly.
I snapped my fingers. ‘Oh I know! A romantic stroll in the park!’
‘You are so dead,’ Jake said, grabbing my wrists and trying to twist my arms inwards until I shouted Mercy.
‘You’ll buy me an ice cream from the Mr Frosty and we’ll sit on the skate ramp and watch the sun go down,’ I went on, but we were both heaving with laughter at this point. Jake twisted my arms the other way so he suddenly had them pinned against the wall of the garden shed above my head.
‘I will tickle you,’ he threatened.
‘And you will tickle me,’ I continued, ‘until we slide down the skate ram-’
He cut me off by crashing his lips to mine and suddenly they were moving in sync. His hands travelled slowly and tantalizingly down my bare arms, causing me to shiver, and I wrapped them around his neck. His hands continued to travel down my sides until they reached my hips, where he rested them. He licked my bottom lip but I smirked and refused him entrance, instead nibbling on his bottom lip like I’d been wanting to all day. Jake opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue inside; we battled for dominance and he won. His tongue explored my mouth again, before slowly and repeatedly massaging my tongue. His grip on my hips tightened and he pushed himself towards me, causing my back to push against the wall of the shed even harder. I reached down and slid my hands inside his jeans, pulling him towards me, needing to be closer. As soon as my hands touched his bare skin Jake gasped into my mouth, then moaned and squeezed my butt, grinding his hips into me so I could feel his erection pressing against mine.
I pulled my hands out of his jeans and slipped them around so they were in between us; I pushed him away slightly and started undoing his button and zipper. I pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees and then pulled out of the kiss, glancing down. I looked back up at Jake, who was blushing, but I’m pretty sure my expression was just greedy. I dragged him back into the kiss and wrapped my hand around his dick and started stroking slowly. Jake started breathing heavily, barely able to concentrate on the kiss, and tipped his head back, so I attacked his neck while still stroking his erection. I found his soft spot and he moaned, still gasping, and I stroked faster. Jake reached up and rested his hands against the wall of the shed; I could feel his knees wavering under the intensity of his pleasure. I sucked and nibbled at his neck while I stroked faster and faster and after a minute, Jake groaned and came in my hand. He collapsed against me, panting, and I wrapped one arm around him, burying my face in his shoulder.
After a moment Jake regained his composure and stepped back, kissing me once on the mouth. I wiped my hand off some weeds and the wall of the shed while he pulled up his pants and boxers and refastened them.
‘That was... Amazing,’ Jake said hoarsely as I slid down the wall of the shed and sat on the ground. He sat next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. ‘You’re amazing,’ he said.
‘I know,’ I answered glibly, grinning.
Jake reached up and put his hand around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. We were comfortably quiet for a few minutes, and then Jake spoke again.
‘Hmm?’ I hadn’t even orgasmed and I was ready for a nap.
‘Have you...’ He paused.
I looked up at him, keeping my chin on his chest. ‘Have I what?’
He looked embarrassed. ‘Have you ever done... that... before?’
‘Oh sure, loads of times,’ I answered, turning back around so my cheek was on his chest.
‘To myself.’
‘Oh! Okay. Good. I mean, cool. Great.’
‘Jealous?’ I asked smugly.
‘No! Well... Maybe, a little.’
‘You may as well ask the other question while we’re here,’ I said, sitting back, knowing it had been playing on his mind as well.
‘What question?’ he asked, but he was blushing. I just looked at him sceptically. ‘No really, it’s okay,’ he said. ‘I don’t wanna know.’
‘You do too,’ I scoffed. ‘And I’m not gonna answer it til you ask it.’ There was a long pause. ‘Just ask it!’
‘Okay! Am I... Are you... Have you... Ever had a boyfriend before?’
‘Nope,’ I said, popping the P. ‘Happy?’
‘Yes,’ he said possessively, pulling me back into a hug.
‘Anything else?’
‘I might just make a list and have my people give it to your people,’ he teased.