‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2

What are you doing to me?

With months of crying and drowning my sorrows with chocolate fudge ice cream and watching chick flicks with Alison I finally moved on and forgot about Justin. Even though I tried to forget him, he was still apart of my life once so he was a sore spot. Today my parents Alison and I were going to L.A for vacation for about 2 weeks.

"Oh my gosh I'm so exited!" Alison said squealing

I chuckled to myself "Yeah same here."

"The first thing that we are going to do is hit the beach." Alison said putting a tank top in one of her suitcases.

"Yeah I agree, But Alison, do you realize we are going for 2 weeks not 4 months?" I said smiling.

"Hey! Don't judge me. This is L.A your talking about. I need to wear 3 outfits in one day!"

I shook my head and continued to put in clothes in my suitcase.

"Girls, we have to catch the plane in 3 hours, hurry please!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Ok mom! We will be right there!" I yelled back

"Ok I’m done what about you?" Alison asked closing her suitcase.

"Yeah I’m done." I said also closing up my suitcase.

We both went downstairs to my parents. They took our bags and we got out of the house, Got in the car and drove off to the airport. Once we got to the airport Alison and I went to get something to eat and went to go sit and waited for my parents who went to go do something.

"Guess what?" Alison said looking at me.

"What?" I replied. She waited for a while and spoke.

"Ryan called me this morning." she said sheepishly.

"Oh." I said with a surprised tone.

"Yeah, He was wondering how we were."

"What did you say?" I said sipping from my drink.

"I said that we are doing fine and that we are going to L.A."

"Okay, That's it?" I asked her.

"No." Alison said looking at the ground.

"There's more?" I asked.

"Yeah, apparently he is in L.A as we speak."

"Oh cool" I said nodding my head.

"With Justin." She said quickly. I paused for about 3 seconds and looked up at Alison.

"Did you just say Justin?" I said with an annoyed look.

"Yeah." Alison said quietly. It's been a while since I have heard that name come out from my mouth. I went back to the conversation.

"What are they doing there?" I said clenching my phone and closed my eyes, trying to fight back the tears

"Justin has a show there." Alison said eyeing me.

"Oh." I said quietly.

"We have to go to universal studios!" Alison said changing the subject.

"Yeah we do." I said quietly, I was thinking to myself "Wow that was really ironic, and unexpected" I got out of the train of thought and got back to talking to Alison. Finally my parents called us over cause the plane was boarding. Once we got into the plane we took our seats and I immediately fell asleep. 5 hours later I woke up to bouncing and shaking.

"Ivy wake up we are here!" Alison said shaking me.

"5 more minutes." I mumbled.

"No you’re getting up now!"

"Fine!" I said angrily.

We got out the plane and we drove to our hotel, once we pulled up to hotel Roosevelt Alison and I ran inside and stood there in awe.

"C'mon girls!" My dad said chuckling. We took the elevator all the way to the 20th floor and got out, My dad Gave me the room key and Alison and I both ran to our room. Once we got to our room we picked our beds and jumped on them, 10 minutes later we unpacked our stuff and made ourselves home it was 2:30PM

"Want to do something?" Alison asked me.

"Sure." I said smiling.

"Let's go sight seeing!" Alison said getting all hyped up.

"Ok!" I said getting up from my bed. We left the hotel and started walking down Hollywood Blvd. It was amazing. there would be people doing random acts on the street. It would be either dancing or people singing. it was fun and amazing at the same time. Alison and I decided to go to a cafe for the first time and eat.

"Oh this one looks decent." Alison said pointing to cafe primo.

"Ok let's go." I said smiling.

"Ok." Alison said smiling also. We walked across the street to cafe primo and walked inside. The bouncer came up to us "Hey! Welcome to cafe primo table for two?"

"Yes please!" Alison said in a perky tone I stifled a laugh.

"Ok! Follow me please."

The bouncer led us to the back patio outside, When we got to our table and we took our seats "Your waiter will be with you shortly" said the perky bouncer.

"Alright!" I said smiling

Alison and I picked up our menus and started looking through the different meal options.

"I know what I’m getting!" Alison said with a smile reaching her eyes.

"Same here!" I said smiling.

Our waiter finally came to us.

"You guys ready to order? oh by the way my name is Sam." She said smiling.

"Yes." I said smiling.

We ordered our food and we waited, I continued to look at the menu for desert options.

"Don't look up." Alison said quickly.

"What are you talking about?" I said confused and being as stupid as I was, I looked up.

As I looked up and saw Justin and his crew. My heart sped up like a race car on a race track. This was the first time I saw Justin after he broke my heart and went on tour. I never thought I would see the day Justin and I would come face to face. His head tilted slightly in my direction and our eyes locked. I quickly flashed my eyes down to the menu and pretended not to see him.

"Do you want to leave?" Alison said sympathetically.

"No we might as well stay. we already ordered our food" I said softly.

"Ok, just let me know when you want to leave."

"Ok." I said giving Alison a weak smile

Finally our waitress came with our food and we started digging in. I kept my eyes on my plate the whole time, I could feel Justin's eyes on me

"He's staring at you." Alison whispered. I quickly ate my food because I couldn’t spend another minute in this place.

"Are you done?" I asked Alison.

"Yeah, but what about desert?" Alison said.

"We will take it to go." I said giving her an annoyed expression.

"Fine." She said sighing. We paid the bill and left a tip. We got up pushed in our chairs walked back inside to buy desert. as we were walking past Justin's table I prayed that they didn’t notice us.

"Alison?" Ryan said confused. Shit! They noticed, Alison turned around to look back at Ryan who called her and she looked back at me sympathetically.

"Go on" I said sighing.

"I'll meet you inside?" She said smiling.

"Yeah." I said and turned around to go back inside the cafe.


As Alison walked up to us, I felt happy and devastated at the same time. Happy for the fact that I get to see her again and devastated for the fact that ivy didn’t come with her. I didn’t know if I should go after ivy or just stay here and play cool. I decided to stay here and act cool I thought it would be safer.

"Long time no see." Alison said when she reached us.

"Hey babe." Ryan said winking at her, I shook my head and chuckled to my self. Both Ryan and I hugged her and she took a seat at our table.

"How has it been going with you guys?" Alison said smiling.

"Good ,good" I said smiling. I was looking over her shoulder to see if Ivy was still here.

"Not good." Ryan said with a fake frown on his face.

"Oh why is that butler?" Alison said smiling.

"Cause I miss you so much!"

"Is that so?" Alison said putting her finger on her chin.

"Yes!" Ryan said with an aggravated tone.

We all laughed.

"Well I miss you guys too!" Alison said sheepishly.

"How is she?" I asked Alison.

"Ivy?" she said, a shiver went down my spine, it has been a long time since I heard her name.

"Yeah" I said quietly.

"She's doing fine." Alison with a weak smile.

"Nice." I said looking at the ground. I was happy that she was doing well but also disappointed that I’m not the one making her happy.

"What hotel are you guys staying at?" Ryan asked.

"Hotel Roosevelt" Alison said smiling.

"Nice, We are staying at that hotel too" Ryan said smiling

"What?!" Alison said with a surprise tone

"yeah were staying at hotel Roosevelt also." I said smiling.

"Oh! Shit." I heard Alison say to herself.

"Well guys I have to get going catch you guys later." Alison said getting up from her chair.

"Ok, but can you accept these?" I said handing her two all access passes to my sold out show.

Realization swept across Alison’s face, and then I noticed she went in shock. I chuckled softly to myself. But then, her expression changed to one of confusion.
“You carry around all access passes with you?” she asked and I laughed.

"Yea, you never know when you’d need them. I hope you guys can make it" I said smiling.

"Yeah we will, I hope" I said sheepishly and she turned away and left.

As I watched Alison leave, different emotions went through me; Happiness, sadness, and even fear. All I had to do was wait and see if they would come to my show tonight.
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Hope you guys like it :D credits to ihaveareallycoolname thanks girl :) <3