‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2


I walked out the studio and sat by the curb, hands folded and resting on my knees. I was waiting for my parents and Alison because today was the day they were going back to Atlanta and leaving me back here because of my new job as a back up dancer. I took the time to clear out my mind about the events that just recently happened. I still can't believe I kissed him! What is going on with me lately? Now I don't know whether to approach him or forget about the whole thing. But how could I forget about that kiss? Why does my life have to be so complicated?

"Hey." a calm, familiar voice said beside me.

I turned my head and looked up to see Justin. My lips then immediately formed into a straight line as I stared up at him. I looked back at the parking lot and tucked a strand hair behind my ear

"Hey." I replied with a hint of pain in my tone.

He sat next to me on the curb, putting a good amount of space between us. We sat there in silence, neither of us daring to break the peace. Surprisingly the silence was comfortable; it wasn't awkward to me at all. It was nice. We sat there for what like felt forever, until he finally spoke.

"So you exited about the tour?" he questioned as he looked at me. I felt a breeze pass by as I tried to think about the answer. Was I excited to leave me family to follow my dreams? I turned my head and looked at him. His piercing hazel eyes bore into mine. A smile made its way onto my face “Yeah." What was I doing? Stop smiling! “I guess I am. I mean it is my dream.”

I looked back out to the parking lot, the smile still playing against my lips. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Justin smile widely.

"You know I’m still in love with your smile" he said to me. What a flirt! He can’t even have a normal conversation without putting in a pickup line, can he?

I pursed my lips to try and stop my smile from growing, but it didn't work. I shook my head so that my hair fell in front of my face, mainly my cheeks. Justin couldn't help but laugh at my embarrassment.

"Shut up." I muttered only making my smile grow wider. I was dangerously close showing my teeth. That would basically mean that I lost and I do not lose.

"You're so adorable when you’re embarrassed." Justin smoothly flirted. More of the flirting! He really enjoys buttering me up. I rolled my eyes at his comment and continued to look straight ahead with a smile on my face.

"So we cool now?"

"What do you mean by that?" I said giving my full attention towards him. My smile slowly dropped.

He pursed his lips and spoke "You know, about the past" He said staring deep into my eyes. I could see the hope and excitement in his eyes.

"Oh." I plainly replied and looked back out to the parking lot. Silence fell between us again.

"So are we?" he asked eagerly. Hope flooded his eyes.

I sighed and replied "I guess." I couldn't stay mad at him now that I’m going on tour with him and everything, plus I could tell this kid was truly sorry and regrets everything that happened between us in the past. But I don't think we could ever be together again though. I feel like I can't give him the same trust I did a year ago. But I think I can have a conversation with him without wanting to dismember him.

"Great" Justin said taking me out of my thoughts.

"So what are you doing out here?" He asked me.

"Waiting for my parents and Alison." I replied.

"Oh! Is everything ok?" He asked me. He adopted a loving and concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm going to the airport to see them off because they are going back to Atlanta today."

"Oh I see, I bet you'll miss them a lot after they leave."

"Yeah." I said softly. And that's when my parent’s car arrived. I stood up and so did Justin.

"I guess I’ll see you later then." Justin said smiling.

"Yeap." I said nodding and turned around to leave.

"Bye Ivy." Justin called after me.

"Bye Justin." I said softly and opened the car door. We drove off, leaving Justin standing there. That's when my friendship with Justin began all over again.
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K guys The Story is coming to an end :( But don't worry! I have a new one coming out called One in a million I haven't put it up yet but it would be as soon as I get the layout done Pls guys check it out when it's up thanks,

Ivy <3