‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2


"Sucks that you guys are leaving today." I said pouting.

"I know!" Alison said aggravated.

"Now Alison, honey, you know you have school on Monday." My mom said in a sticky sweet voice, Alison was like a second daughter to my mom and dad.

"I know." Alison said muttering to herself. I stifled a quick laugh.

We were on our way to LAX, "Was that Justin you were talking to earlier?" Alison asked quietly.

I nodded my head and looked out the window, through the corner of my eye I saw Alison’s mouth drop to the floor.

"Tell me everything." She said squeezing my arm, "Ow! If you let go then maybe I will"

"Oh sorry." Alison said letting go of my throbbing arm. I rubbed it before I spoke quietly. I didn't want my parents to intrude in this problem. They already know too much.

"Well it all started with me sitting alone in the parking lot."

Alison gave me a dumbfounded look "Why would do something like that?"

"I was waiting for you guys to pick me up." I said, give Alison a look.

"Oh, psh of course!" Alison said smacking her forehead. I shook my head and continued with my story.

"He asked me if I was exited for the tour and I said yes. Then he told me how he was still in love with my smile then -"

"Wait a second he told you he's still in love with you smile?" She said cutting me off.

I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. She started to squeal, the squeal was so loud that it made both me and my parents to clasp our ears; my dad almost hit another car causing other car to honk at him fiercely.

"Can you not!" I said yelling at Alison.

"Sorry." she muttered.

"You ok dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, I’m fine sorry about that, guys." He said looking through the rear view mirror.

"Its fine." I said through my teeth while looking at Alison. Alison sunk into the seat and blushed.

"Do you want me to continue or not?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Basically, he was just flirting with me then you guys came."

"That’s it?"

I shook my head.

"No not really." I muttered.

"Tell me." She said shaking my shoulders

"We became friends again."

Alison went wide eyed "FINALLY, I was waiting for this day to finally happen.Thank the lord!"

I laughed and shook my head.

"No Ivy, seriously like your not playing with me?"

"I swear." I said putting up my right hand .

She laughed and hugged me.

"Why are you hugging me?"

"Just shut up and enjoy the moment." We both laughed and finally we reached the airport.

It was 5 minutes until the plane started boarding to go back to Atlanta

"You take good care of your self, and promise to call both your mother and me everyday." My dad said

"I promise." I said smiling and gave him a tight hug.

We let go of each other’s embrace and I walked up to my mom. She was sniffling.

"Don't cry mom! It’s only for a couple of months." I said sympathetically.

"Exactly! months, not weeks Months" My mom said putting her hands in the air, I shook my head and just gave her a smile and a hug after our embrace she went to go stand beside my dad. Alison and I stood face to face looking at each other. We both ran to each other and hugged each other fiercly we were like that for the past 2 - 3 minutes.

"I'll Miss you" Alison said from behind me

"I'll miss you too" I said behind her

We let go of our embrace "You promise to not forget your best friend and call me every single day?"

I chuckled "I promise bestie." I hugged both my parents and Alison again. I watched as they left for Atlanta, leaving me to face my new destiny here in Los Angeles.


After the emotional goodbyes, I went back to the hotel to go rest up for the next rehearsal with usher. All of a sudden my phone started ringing


"Hey, Ivy its Usher"

"Oh hey, What's up?"

"Nothing much, Are you busy?"

"No why?"

"Do you think you can come to the conference room in like 5 minutes."

"Yeah sure, Everything ok?"

"Just fine." I could hear a smile in his voice.

"See you in 5 Ivy."

"See you." I said smiling.

I shut the phone shut and got ready to go downstairs to the conference room, wondering why Usher wanted to see me
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Guys check out my new story One in a million Thanks :)