‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2

This is not a date!

When I got to the conference room I found Usher, Caitlin, Dylan and Christian, other two backup dancers, and Justin sitting down chatting.

"Oh hey Ivy." Usher said smiling. I smiled back and took a seat beside Caitlin. Justin was sitting across from us eyeing me

"What's going on?" I whispered to Caitlin.

"Beats me, I just got here." Caitlin said shrugging her shoulders. Her eyes were wide.

"So why did you call us down?" Justin asked.

"Well," Usher started "You know how we have the L.A show in like 5 days?"

"Yeah?" We all said in unison eagerly. I was about to explode. What was he going to say?

Usher chuckled, "After the L.A show we will be Touring all over north and South America!" Usher said exited. Everybody's mouths including mine dropped to the floor. A North and South American tour? That’s so amazing! I’m going to get to tour a whole part of the world and site see!

"Are you serious?!?!" I asked stunned. Usher nodded his head and smiled widely. He looked so excited.

"You’re not shitting us right? Like this isn't punk'd or anything." Caitlin said in a serious tone. Everybody burst out laughing, including usher.

"I swear if you don't believe me, go look out the window." Usher said smiling.

In sync we all got up and went to the window. Justin literally pushed Dylan to the floor so he could get a look. I lifted up the blinds and everybody's eyes went wide. There stood 4 huge Tour buses that had UsherRaymond Written on it.

"Holy shit!" Caitlin muttered I stifled a laugh. Her mouth dropped and she was fanning herself with her hand.

"I went on tour and my buses didn't look anything like that. These ones are Huge!" Justin muttered. He had his arms wrapped around himself and he was pouting like a 5 year old. Everybody chuckled.

"So how long?" I asked still mesmerized by the buses

"3 months." Usher said from behind us.

"All over south America?" Caitlin Asked she was still fanning herself.

"Yeap" Usher said popping the p at the end.

"Even mexico?"

"Even mexico." Usher said reassuringly and smiled.

"I love this guy!" Caitlin said giving Usher a bear hug.

Usher chuckled and after 10 seconds, Caitlin let go of her embrace then proceeded to jump up and down.

"So right after the show in L.A, we go on the road?" I asked and took a seat, Justin sat beside me.

"Right." Usher replied.

"So what are the bus arrangements?" Justin said eagerly. He was getting really excited and I narrowed my eyes. What was his deal?

"Well since there are four buses. One is for me and my team. One is for Dylan and Christian. One is for Ivy and Caitlin and One for you and your team.

"Oh." Justin said with disappointment in his voice.

I looked at him. He glanced at me and I raised an eyebrow. He just shook his head and I shrugged my shoulders. I continued to listen what Usher had to say.

"Ivy, for the heads up, We have rehearsals tomorrow morning at 8:30." Usher said.

"Okay." I said , At least he didn't put it at 7 in the morning thank the lord! I was going to murder someone if I had to get up early again.

"Is that it?" Justin asked.

"Yes, that's all for now. See you all tomorrow morning."

I got up and walked out the door to go dance alone for a bit. I always felt better when I danced and it was good practice for the tour.

"Ivy!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and saw Caitlin dashing towards me. When she reached me, she gave me a hug.

"What's that for?" I asked chuckling.

"We are both on the same tour bus!" She said squealing.

"I know!" I said laughing.

"Where are you off too?"

"To the studio."

"Gonna dance?"

"Mhm, You know me too well." I said smiling, Caitlin started laughing .

"Well I’ll see you tomorrow morning." She said and kissed me on the check And left.

I continued my journey to the studio. When I got the studio, I put my stuff down and started stretching. After stretching I started to dance all the routines that Usher taught me. 30 minutes passed of dancing and I decided to take a breather. I sat on the floor and took a sip of my vitamin water. I looked at the mirror in front of me and saw a figure sit down. I turned around to look if I wasn't seeing things and there I saw Justin Sitting down with a smirk plastered on his face. I wrinkled my nose and turned around to begin to stretch.

"How long have you been here?" I asked. Justin was already standing beside me.

"Like, 30 minutes." He said still smirking.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Followed you."

"Stalker, much?" I muttered and made a face. He started laughing.

"So why are you here?" Justin asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"


I chuckled, "Are you ok?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I’m fine, Why do you ask?" I said confused.

"Cause you dance when there something on your mind, or just cause your bored."

"You still remember."

"Of course." He said smiling.

I shook my head and went over to the CD player to play the music. The music filled the air and I started dancing, Justin was staring at me with amazement. I looked at him with a confused expression and continued dancing. Right then Justin followed me in sync to the routine. We danced together really well, the music stopped

"Not bad Bieber." I said smiling

"Why thank you Dela renta." He said bowing. I chuckled and went over to my stuff

"What are you doing after this?" He asked rubbing the back of his head .

I turned around and looked at him for 5 seconds "Why?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Just asking."

"Nothing." I replied.

"Wanna go for pizza or something?" He asked. I could hear nervousness in his voice.

"Sure. I could go for pizza. I’m starved!"

Justin started laughing. He seemed relieved "Let's get going then."

We walked out the studio and I stop mid-step. Justin gave me a confused look.

"This is not date." I said in a reassuring tone.

Justin chuckled and shook his head "C'mon."

And we were off to get some pizza Just as friends.
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Tell me what you think :D