‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2

I never should've let you go

As I walked back to my room with tears falling down from my face, I opened the door and slammed it right behind me. Alison was sitting on her bed playing with her hair.

" Oh my gosh, Ivy, what happened?!" Alison said rushing towards me.

"Justin." I said, fiercely wiping my tears away from my face.

Alison looked at me sympathetically and gave me a hug. I let go of her embrace and we jumped to my bed.

"Why the fuck is he staying here?" I said leaning my head against Alison’s shoulder.

"I kind of knew he was staying here" Alison said quietly. I shot my head up and my jaw dropped to the ground.

"You knew?!" I said in a extremely loud tone.

"Yeah." Alison said with a sheepish look.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm a forgetful person! Don’t judge me"

I shook my head and playfully punched Alison in the arm

"Ow! What was that for?" Alison said while rubbing her arm

"For being stupid." I said and smirked sadly. We both laughed.

“I just can’t believe this. After so long, I see him again. Who’s twisted idea was this?” I said and fell back on the bed.

“Someone who is pretty evil.”

“I really hope I don’t run into him again. I gave him a pretty bad lecture.” I said and recalled the memories and flinched. I was being really harsh.

“What did you say?” Alison asked. I sighed and told her everything.

“Holy crap Ivy,” Alison said with her hand over her mouth “How could you? He must have been really hurt.”

“Yea but so was I Alison! He hurt me too!”

“That’s true.” She replied and a silence ensued

"So what do you want to do now?" Alison asked me.

"I think I’m going to crash, I'm beat!"

"Yeah same here, Night Ivy" Alison said giving me a hug

"Night!" I replied

I lay under my covers thinking to my self, Now that my ex boyfriend is in the same State, city and now in the same hotel and floor as me, I wonder how my vacation is going to turn up.

The next day I woke up to up beat music, Alison was doing jumping jacks.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked her and ran a hand through my hair. It was way too early to be up.

"Oh good you’re finally up! I'm doing exercise"

"Why?" I asked confused.

"I have to stay in shape" She said puffing

I rolled my eyes and got out of my bed

"Hey! You have an amazing bod, I don’t" Alison said with an annoyed tone.

I chuckled to myself "whatever!" I walked towards the door

"Where are you going?" Alison asked me.

"I'm craving Fritos, You want anything?"

"Yeah pretzels. Oh, get the ones with the cheese. Not the hard ones, yuck!" Alison said smiling.

“So much for staying in shape.” I said and she flipped me off. I laughed, got up and grabbed my wallet.

"Okay I’ll be right back in like 5 minutes"


I opened the door and walked out towards the vending machine on our floor, beside the vending machine stood Justin, Ryan and Chaz throwing a football around.

"Oh Shit" I said to myself.
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Comments are appreciated :) Credits to ihaveareallycoolname <3