‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2

Give me one more chance

I slowly walked toward the vending machine without getting noticed. When I reached the vending machine I quickly scanned for my chips and Alison's pretzels. When I found out the number sequence for the both snacks I punched the numbers in and waited for the snacks to come out of the slot.

And like any other vending machine it has to make unnecessary loud noises.

"Shut the fuck up." I whispered at the vending machine.

And that's when I heard whispering beside me. I turned around to look and that's when I saw Justin, Ryan, and Chaz looking at me, dumfounded.

"Ivy?" Ryan said with a questioning tone.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Whoa, I didn't notice you under your hood."

"Yeah." I said quietly. An awkward silence ensued.

"Well this is awkward." Chaz said breaking the silence.

"Yeah it is, I'll leave you guys alone to do whatever you guys are doing." I said turning around and walking away. Just as I took a third step Bieber had to open his mouth and say something.

"Ivy, wait."

I stopped and contemplated on whether I should keep on walking or stay where I was, I decided to keep on walking away.

"Please?" I heard Justin say softly.

I sighed and stopped where I was and turned around and there was Justin standing almost 2 Inches from my face, I backed up a little bit so that he was about 3 feet away from me.

"What?" I said, giving him an annoyed look.

"We’ll leave you two to your business." I heard Ryan say.

"But I want to stay!" I heard Chaz say.

"Let's go Chaz!" Ryan said spitting.

"Fine!" Chaz said whining, I stifled a laugh and Justin shook his head.

Justin turned and looked at me with his stunning chocolate brown eyes, I couldn’t let that distract me from what I was prepared to say to him.

"What Justin? What more do you have left to say?" I said in an annoyed tone

Justin looked me deep in the eyes before he spoke.

"I know how you feel about me right now but I just want you to know, that I’m truly sorry for everything that happened between us, And I will stop at nothing for you to accept my apology and for you to be my girl again."

"Really now?" I said rising one of my eyebrows.

"Yes." Justin said with confidence.

"See you around Justin." I said turning around and walking away.

"So that's it?" I herd him say after me.

"Yeap." I said and opened my door and slamming it right behind me meeting a confused Alison.
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Sorry Guys! I know its been a long time since I updated but I went to the U.S and I had no internet access -_- and plus I had school But this time I promise to updated regualary :) Oh and Tell me what you think about this chapter! I need more comments!

Credits to: Ihaveareallycoolname <3