‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2

Small World

I quickly covered my mouth to stop myself. Amber, Usher, Alison and the rest of the dancers turned around to look at me. I would be hearing about this later. Usher had an amused look on his face. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I couldn't believe that I was standing in front of usher. It was just a few days ago that I was dancing to one of his songs and now I’m actually meeting him. I never even dreamed of meeting him and now I am.

The only thing that would make this better is if I didn't swear a few seconds ago.

"I take it that you already know me." Usher said smiling.

I nodded and slowly took my hands away from over my mouth. I was frozen out of shock. I was standing in front of one of my idol. I love Usher's music. He is simply amazing.

"Sorry to disturb you Amber, I just wanted to see how the audition was going." Usher said walking towards Amber.

Amber brought her hands up in defense and said "No! Not at all, please stay! It will be an honor"

Usher nodded his head and walked towards the back of the studio where Alison was sitting. Her jaw dropped to the ground and eyes wide open. She repeatedly pointed to him in disbelief and made wild gestures as if she couldn’t believe it. Usher gave Alison a friendly smile and took his seat and began to watch the remaining of the audition.

"Now back to where we were!" Amber snapped, I jumped a little and went back to reality.

"As I was saying the song you will be dancing to is ‘Dj got us falling in love again’ by the famous Usher" Amber said gesturing towards the back of the room. Usher gave me a little wave. I nodded and amber pressed play. Suddenly the song filled the room. I stretched a little bit before pulling my hair into a high ponytail. I did few easy steps to get myself started. Then I started doing quick fast steps, there was a mixture of popping and locking in my routine I had planed. As I looked around the room people eyes got wide, including Usher's.

My dance was slightly feminine but it could also be done by a guy. I started gliding across the room and awe plastered against people's faces I inwardly chuckled and the music stopped.

"That was amazing!" Usher said walking towards me, "Indeed." Amber said after him.

I smiled and the look of jealousy was plastered on some of the dancer’s faces. I shook it off and continued to listen to what amber and Usher had to say.

"You, I want you to be my back up dancer no matter what." Usher said with look of disbelieve.

I just shook my head up and down with huge smile on my face looking like a complete fool.

"I guess we found one of our three back up dancers." Amber said smiling, oh, look who turned into Mrs. Preppy again

As Usher and Amber were picking the 2 other back up dancers; I took the opportunity to go celebrate with Alison.

"Oh my gawd! You’re officially a back up dancer!" exclaimed Alison

"I know!" I said screaming.

We simmered down after 10 minutes of screaming and jumping up and down like crazy fan girls. Usher wanted to have a word with me after he picked the other two back up dancers. While he was picking out the dancers, someone entered the studio and everybody turned to look who it was and it was no one other than Justin fuck faced Bieber and his posse. Damn, does he follow me everywhere I go? I wanted to get up and leave but I couldn't because of Usher. I pushed my hair so it fell over my face, So he wouldn't notice me.

"Is that -"

"yeah it is." I said cutting Alison off

"Drama!" Alison said in a dramatic voice.

I gave her an annoyed look and slipped in my iPod ear phones to tune out everyone else and soon enough, I caught Justin looking at me; I quickly looked down at my feet.

"Ivy?" Usher called, I quickly took my ear phones out of my ears and responded


"Can you come over here for a sec?"

"Sure." I replied happily

Justin face dropped, his jaws dropping and his eyes widened like a child’s eyes when they received candy. I inwardly laughed and walked towards where usher was standing.

"So first of all, I would like to congratulate you on being my new back up dancer." Usher said with a serious business man voice.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"So the first show that will you’ll be dancing in is here, in L.A, and rehearsals start Saturday at 7."

"In the morning?" I said lifting one eyebrow.

"In the morning." Usher repeated and smiled. I sighed inwardly

"So I guess we will see you then?"

"Wait, what do you mean by "we"?" I asked confused

"I mean by myself and the other two dancers plus Justin Bieber." Usher said gesturing towards Justin. Wait, what the fuck did he just say? Justin will be joining us for rehearsals? Damn, can my life get any worse?

"Justin will be performing for an opening act at my show in L.A and a couple other, that we will be doing later on." Usher said smiling. Yeah my life has hit hardcore rock bottom.

"Very silly of me. I forgot to introduce you guys to each other, Justin this is-"

"We've met before." I said cutting Usher off. I didn't want to be a bitch but the fact that everywhere I go he has to be there or someone will bring up a topic about him. I just can't stand it anymore!

"Small world is in it?" Justin said smirking

I gave him a fake smile and rolled my eyes “Please, for your sake, stop talking.”

"Well like I said before, Ivy I guess we will see you on Saturday?" Usher said in an awkward kind of tone.

"Yeah, see you then." I said smiling and turned on my heels to leave.

When I reached the back of the studio to pack up my things and leave, Alison was looking at me like I was about to explode or something and literally I was really going to explode but I kept my cool.

"Let's go." I said quietly to Alison

"What happened?" Alison said, getting all worked up.

"I'll tell you when we get the hell out of here" I said whispering. I could feel Justin’s eyes on me as we were walking past him and his so called "posse", well, more like bodyguards if you count out Ryan and Chaz.

When we finally reached the opening entrance I heard someone shout "BYE IVY!!”. The sound of it made both Alison and I to jump and when I turned around to see who said that. It was Chaz, waving ecstatically. I smiled and waved back at him.

As Alison and I were walking to the nearest restaurant I had a feeling that something was going to happen in my life and I was soon going to have a feeling of some sort of regret.
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