‹ Prequel: My Favourite Girl
Status: Almost done!

My Favourite Girl Pt 2


We entered katsuya and Alison and I were waiting for the waiter to take our order.

"So superstar," Alison started. I looked up from my menu and gave her a confused look

"What do you mean by that?"

"You’re now dancing with Usher as his back up dancer doesn't that count for anything?" Alison asked and toyed with her menu.

"Well yeah but I’m not a superstar"

"Yet" Alison retorted

I laughed and rolled my eyes at her

"Did you see everyone's face when Justin entered the studio?" Alison said with an exited tone. She was a touch away from squealing.

"Yeah and?" I said with an annoyed expression and looked back down at the menu. Alison looked at me sympathetically and sighed.

"Ivy, you know I love you as my sister right?"

"Right." I said still looking down on my menu. I had no idea where this was going.

"Well, coming from somebody who really loves you, when are you going to let it go?"

"Let what go?" I said, confused.

"You hating on Justin."

I stopped looking at the menu and looked up at Alison. She was raising one eyebrow at me and waiting for what I was about to say to her.

"I don't know." I simply said.

"You’re going to have to face him sooner or later." Alison said wagging her finger at me.

"I prefer later." I muttered to myself. Alison sighed and shook her head in disapproval. But honestly truth be told, Alison was kind of right in a way. I was going to have to face Justin because of rehearsals and the show coming up. The fact that I’m going to have to confront him has been going through my head 24/7. One day I actually want to hear what he wants to say to me and the next day I just want to rip his head of when I see his face. What can I say? I’m a teenage girl, sue me.

"What would you like?"

"Huh?" I said confused,

"What would you like to order?" A young man asked me, I guess I was such in a daze I had no idea that we were ordering our food,

"Um, the sweet shrimp sushi please,"

"Your food will be here shortly." The waiter said smiling. Alison and I smiled back and he left.

"He's Hot!" Alison said smiling.

"What about Ryan?" I said, laughing.

"There's more fish in the sea." Alison said winking. We both laughed and continued our random conversation that we were having. The waiter brought our food and we dug in. Suddenly, light started flashing outside. There was piercing screams that made me drop my fork and clasp my hand to my ear. Alison and I turned around to see what was going on. If you guessed Justin Bieber, you are absolutely right! Justin came into the restaurant with huge group of people. Honestly, I feel I have a device tracker on me. How come does he show up everywhere I go? I quickly check myself to make sure.

"What are you doing?" Alison says with a look on confusion on her face

"Nothing but I’m this close putting a restraining order against that kid. He is everywhere I am!" I said shaking my head. She started laughing and I had to hush her so she wouldn’t attract attention. I flipped my hair so it fell over my face and continue to eat my food.

"Alison, Ivy!" Someone called. I know who it was I was using my Expression to try to send Alison messages. Do not look up! DO NOT look up. But my expression failed me once again, Alison looked up and then so did I. We saw Ryan waving ecstatically. Alison waved back and the ‘JB posse” started walking towards us. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Oh fuck!" I muttered to myself. Alison stifled a laugh and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hey guys!" Ryan said when they reached us.

"Hey." both Alison and I say at the same time.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Justin asked smirking and looked at me.


"Sure!" Alison said, cutting me off. They took their seats in front of us and I just continued to eat my food without saying a word or even looking at them.

“So, how cool is it that you get to be on Usher’s dance crew?” Justin said. I could hear the smirk in his voice so I kept my eyes on my food and pretended not to have heard him.

“Ivy?” He asked and kicked my knee. I dropped my fork and grabbed my knee.

“What’s wrong Ivy?” Alison asked.

“Oh nothing.” I replied with a sickly sweet smile. I glared at Justin who smiled right back.

“You didn’t answer my question.” Justin said.

“I don’t want to!” I replied coldly.

“Just answer his god damn question already!” Alison and Ryan shouted at the same time. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“It’s really cool.” I said and stabbed my sushi angrily. Justin laughed a little. He was trying to make small talk. I sighed. Let’s see where this will take us.

“So, how do you like the weather?” Justin asked. I almost choked on my food. Justin was really bad at small talk.

“It’s fine.” I said and tried not to laugh.

“Yea, it is awesome.” Justin said. His cheeks were tinted pink.

“What do you want Bieber? Really?” I asked. I was really sick and tired of him.

“I just want to talk.” He said innocently.

“So, what would you like to eat?” the waiter asked, coming out from no where.

“Um, what ever she is having.” Justin said pointing to me. The waiter took everyone else’s order and left.

“Okay, talk.” I replied carefully. He could use my words against me.

“So, how have you been?” he asked and fiddled with his hoodie strings.

“Oh, since when? Since you broke my heart and left or when you came back and stomped on it?” I asked icily. Alison and Ryan were too deep in conversation to realize what was going on here.

“Ivy, please. I told you so many times that I didn’t do it on purpose. Why don’t you understand that?” he was getting angry.

“Justin, if you really did care, you would have done something about it. You would have at least offered to take me on tour with you, or something! You should have tried something at least, anything but no, you didn’t fight Justin. You just went along with it. How do you think that makes me feel? I have never felt so unwanted before in my life and it was because of you! Justin, you have hurt me so much and I just don’t want to be hurt again. I don’t know if I can trust you again.”

He looked down at his fingers and he knew I had him.

“I’m leaving.” I murmured “I can’t take it anymore.”

I pulled out a 20, placed it on the table and just left. At that point, I didn’t care if I had left Alison there. I just wanted to get away from Justin. Once I was outside, I just kept walking. Not stopping when Justin calling and surprisingly, not stopping even when Alison called me. I didn’t stop walking until I had reached the beach. I sat down right out of the reach of the waves. It was dark but I could still see thanks to L.A lights. I sighed deeply. Why did this have to happen to me? Tears fell slowly down my face. I thought I could trust him. I gave him everything. I thought I was over him. But I guess I’m not. We had something and he went and fucked it all up. The dance rehearsals are going to be hard. I’ll have to face him eventually but at that moment, I didn’t want to. With a sigh, I got up to leave and came face to face with Justin Drew Bieber.
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I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to ihaveareallycoolname she is the reason why this chapter is posted!! <3 Also I would really like for you guys to comment and tell me what you guys think about this chapter and the story so far.

Do you guys think Ivy and Justin will come back together?

Also I would like more subscribers come on guys you can do it!