The Only Exception

I Hate Everything About You

“So you’re going home again today?” Harper asks from his place in the drivers seat. Sighing, I nod and glare out the window at the bare ground. It’s already March and the snow has finally gone and spring is nearly here. Three more months until graduation.

“How’s your arm?”

“Better,” I reply, pulling up the sleeve to glance at the small bruise. It was much larger a few days ago but it’s starting to go away now. “Still sore though.”

From the corner of my eye I catch Harper’s frown. It’s quickly replaced with a thoughtful expression before he sighs and asks, “Why don’t you just stay with me? It’s not like they’ll do anything.”

“Except run to your house with a shot gun and kill the both of us in our sleep.” Harper doesn’t understand. He never lived with them. He’s never spoken with them or put up with them. If either of them want me home they will do whatever it takes. They’re too lazy and selfish to do things on their own. “Besides…they’re my parents. What if they get a brain and call the cops and tell them some bullshit story to get the both of us into trouble? You more so than me.”

“Yeah…I guess you’re right,” Harper sighs, defeated. “Just promise me that if they-”

“Yeah, yeah I know. If anything bad happens I’ll come over to you, Prince Charming.”

“Glad to see that you agree.”

“Agree on what?” I ask, glancing at him with a curious expression.

Harper smirks and replies, “That you are the bitch in this relationship.”

“Oh hell no! Just because I called you Prince Charming doesn’t mean I’m the princess.”

“Yes it does. Everyone knows there is a prince and a princess no matter what. In our case the princess is just a cross dresser.”

Growling, I punch his leg. “If you weren’t driving, I’d kill you.”

Harper comes to a stop light and grins. Leaning over, he rests a hand on my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss. The feel of his lips against my own makes any lingering feelings of anger or embarrassment disappear. It’s as if I’m on cloud nine and when we pull apart, my eyes flutter open. I hadn’t even known they were closed.

Harper smirks and licks the seam of my lips teasingly. “No you wouldn’t.”

“Cheater,” I say a little too breathlessly. Luckily Harper says nothing about it and focuses on the road.

Sadly we reach the house in no time at all. Harper kills the engine but neither of us move to leave. After a few minutes, I look towards him to see his eyes are already on me. Those dark blue orbs that have always captivated me since we first met sends a chill down my spine. The way they’re looking at me makes me shiver and suddenly I feel very self conscious.

“W-What?” I ask, trying to tear my eyes from his but it’s like they’re locked in place. I can’t look away. Part of me doesn’t want to because his eyes are breath taking.

“Be careful,” he sighs, leaning over to capture my lips once more. I smile into the kiss and bring my hand up to tangle in his hair. Our tongues dance together, massaging one another before battling for dominance. I moan at the feel of his tongue roaming through my mouth. When we pull apart, it’s too soon.

“See you,” I breathe against his lips. He nods and we pull apart to exit the car. The entire way across the street and to my front door I feel his eyes on me. Just before I enter, I turn back to see him watching me from the car. The both of us smile and wave before I walk into the house.

The heating hits me and I sigh. It feels good on my cold skin but of course this moment of bliss is ruined when he stalks into the room.

“What the hell took you so long?” He hollers angrily, spit flying.

I roll my eyes and brush past him. “What are you talking about? I get home around this time every day.”

“You were with that fucking boyfriend of yours weren’t you?”

“Obviously. He’s my ride home.”

Before I know it, his arm is pressed against my wind pipe. My head bangs against the wall and the sudden impact causes me to go dizzy. My nails rip at his arm but he isn’t letting up. He’s glaring at me and once again, I swear his eyes are burning red. He’s snarling like a rabid animal and it only makes me fear him more. Gasping desperately, I barely hear him speak to me. “You’re a worthless piece of shit. I bet the only reason he’s with you is because you’re a dirty little slut.”

He pulls his arm away and I slide to the floor, clutching at my neck and coughing violently while taking in deep breaths. His hand is in my hair in seconds, ripping me up from the floor. I shout and grab his wrist while glaring up at him.

“I don’t want you around him.”

“Why?” I choke out, finally managing to stand to my feet. “Why the hell not? Scared you might lose your maid?”

He’s growling but I don’t care. He isn’t stopping me from seeing Harper.

“Fuck you, this is my life and you aren’t controlling it.” I spit in his face and I know it’s coming so I’m prepared. His fist is coming at me and I manage to grab it. Using the hold I have on it, I twist it and he shouts angrily while pulling it away. It’s most likely sprained, he deserves it.

Before he has time to do anything, I shove him away from me and bolt out the door. Going to Harper’s wouldn’t be a good idea. That’s the first place he’d go to since it’s just across the street. Biting my lip, I head in the direction to Ray’s house and pray he doesn’t catch me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have two reports due tomorrow
I've had all weekend to do them and I haven't started
I put the pro in procrasination ;D
