The Only Exception

So Fierce

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Roy! Happy birthday to you!” Everyone sings from their places around me. Taking in a deep breath, I blow out all 18 candles on my cake earning myself a round of applause.

Chuckling, I take the candle from the cake to lick the icing off. “I hate birthday parties.”

“Liar,” Harper laughs from his seat beside me. “You can’t stop smiling.”

I stick my tongue out at him until a present is thrown my way. Looking up, I find myself staring at Susan who is grinning from ear to ear. “Open it!” she shouts excitedly and I do as I’m told, ripping the paper to shreds to see a few new movies.

Next is Mary’s present, Bobby’s, Ray’s and Harper’s. They’re all great and just what someone would expect to give an 18 year old. Once the presents are opened we all have some cake and ice cream, which is the best part of a birthday party if you ask me.

“Oh my god, this is orgasmic,” Susan moans from her seat, getting us all to stare at her oddly. She doesn’t seem to mind though and continues to happily eat her cake.

“Cookie’s cake is the best!” Ray chirps, working on his third piece, which I didn’t tell him he could have!

“Ass, you eat all my cake and I’ll kill you,” I growl, pointing a knife his way. Ray whines and squirms in his seat before laughing.

“Yeah, whatever.”

After partying for a while, by partying I mean watching my new movies and eating, everyone leaves. It’s just Harper and I, which is how I like it. Speaking of Harper, he sighs and takes a seat on the couch. I sit myself happily next to him and rest my head against his shoulder. Immediately, he wraps his arm around me.

“It’s official, you aren’t a predator anymore.”

Harper cackles, “That’s great to know.”

I smirk and bury my face in his chest, inhaling his scent as I do so. The smell relaxes me, closing my eyes I sigh and mumble against the fabric of his shirt, “I’m getting my things tomorrow.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Harper squeezes my arm comfortingly before placing a kiss against my temple, mumbling against it. “You had a long day, lets go to bed.”

Harper goes to move but before he can, I throw a leg over him and rest myself in his lap. My arms wrap themselves around his neck and I lean in to rest my forehead against his own. He smirks at the close proximity of our lips. I’m sure it’s not only his eyes that are sparkling right now.

“What if I don’t want to go to bed?” I ask, my voice just hardly above a whisper.

“I’m ok with that,” he replies, crashing his lips against my own. With his hands roaming down to take hold of my ass and his tongue roaming freely in my mouth, I can’t keep myself from moaning. Fingers grip tightly at his hair while our tongues tangle together, massaging the other.

Eagerly, my hands untangled themselves from Harper’s hair to work down his chest, rubbing soft circles as I do so. Gripping the hem of his shirt, I tug impatiently on it until we finally pull apart allowing me to tear the garment off. Next to go is my shirt and we lean back in to place open mouth kisses to the other.

Using the hold he has on me, Harper brings my hips down to meet his. I grunt into the kiss at the sudden friction between us. It doesn’t take long for our rocking to turn into a rough grind. My hand grabs the back of the couch tightly to bring our hips closer together, faster without risking me falling backwards and onto the floor. That’d kill the mood.

The two of us pull away from the kiss with a loud pop. Harper’s lips descend down my neck, kissing and nipping at the flesh. I loll my head to the side, allowing him more access to my throat. He kisses at my pulse point before taking a piece between his teeth and abusing it.

My unoccupied hand runs up his chest as he does this. Once my fingers find their destination they take one of his nipples between them to pinch. Harper grunts and thrusts upwards into my hips causing me to whine. The nub between my fingers is hardening the more I play with it and that’s not the only thing that’s hard.

It feels like all my body heat is running south to coil in my stomach. Suddenly, skinny jeans are not comfortable at all. I just want to crawl out of them so I reach down for my belt, undoing it quickly. Harper realizes what I’m doing and helps me remove the jeans and boxers, tossing them to some unknown place in the living room. Next, I work on his jeans, he chuckles at how my fingers are shaking while they desperately try to remove them.

To show that chuckling isn’t appreciated I bite into his collar bone. Harper’s fingers dig into my hips and with a soft ‘pop’ I pull away from his flesh to examine the damage down. I smirk because it’s definitely going to leave a mark, which is ok in my book. His book doesn’t really matter.

Once the last articles of clothing are gone, Harper runs his fingers through my hair, grips it between his fingers and tugs me up for a kiss. Teeth and tongue clash, the kiss is sloppy, desperate and a complete mess but neither of us care as we eagerly kiss the other with our hands still eagerly exploring every inch of the others body.

Everywhere he touches tingles and with his fingers tracing down my spine, I whine. My back arches at the touch and I try not to moan at the sensation. Harper smirks into the kiss for a moment before pulling away. I bite my lip to keep myself from whining.

Blinking, I stare dumbly up at Harper until I realize what he’s asking. His hand is rubbing circles into my spine and his eyes are searching my own for the answer. I grin and wrap my arms around him. With a sigh, I kiss his chest and mumble against the skin, “Worried for me, old man?”

Harper snorts and grips my chin, tugging it so that I’m facing him he smirks and replies, “No.” Moaning, I twist my fingers into his hair and when we pull apart Harper places three fingers against my lips. Grinning, I take each one individually between my teeth, teasingly running my tongue over the tips before wrapping my tongue around each, covering it with a good amount of saliva.

Harper is biting his lip impatiently and once he feels they’re ready he pulls them away. One finger is pressed against my entrance and feeling it wiggle its way inside me is possibly the most embarrassing thing ever. If I had any pride left, this would have killed it.

Burying my face in Harper’s chest I hold back whines of disapproval and try my best not to squirm uncomfortably because it’ll only intensify the pain shooting up my spine. A second is added and my toes curl into the fabric of the couch. I bite my tongue to keep from flipping shit when suddenly a rough hand is gripping my cock.

A moan escapes my lips at the feel of Harper’s fingers gripping me, pumping my shaft in rhythm with the thrusts of his fingers. The pain suddenly isn’t so bad and the pleasure from Harper’s thumb pressed against my tip is building up more and more. I moan against the hollow of his throat when he runs his palm over my tip, lubricating his hand with the pre-cum and allowing him to maneuver better, faster.

I haven’t even realized a third finger was added until he hits that. My back flies into an arch as I cry out, the sensation of my prostate being hit goes flying through my veins. At the second hit I moan and shoot my seed across both our chests. Panting, I press a kiss against Harper’s jaw line just as he asks, “Ready?”

I nod and get onto my knees. Harper grips my hips while I grab his cock and slowly lead it inside me. Once he’s in to the hilt we both stop. Harper throws his head back against the couch while I bury mine in the crock of his neck. The pain is worse now and my spine is killing me but soon it turns into a dull throb and with a nod Harper begins to move.

His thrusts are slow but they still hurt. My fingers rip into the skin of his shoulder while my hips try to move with him. I’m just about to give up on this when Harper sends an abnormally hard thrust upwards, hitting my prostate dead on. I groan against his neck and before I have time to regain the air that I lost, he does it again and again and again until I’m screaming for him.

Harper moves us so that I’m lying down, throwing both of my legs over his shoulder he continues thrusting mercilessly inside me. Each hit to my prostate is like another orgasm. My eyes are rolling into the back of my head at the immense pleasure that’s shooting through every particle of my body. I’m not even sure what I’m saying anymore or if I’m saying anything at all. All I know is that it feels so good.

“H-Harper,” I cry out, my hips desperately trying to get Harper deeper. I beg for him to go faster, harder. I’m panting for much needed air and my entire body feels so hot. White is starting to blur my vision, shouting out I orgasm for the second time that night.

Harper kisses down my neck as he continues to drive ruthlessly into me. My hands hold tight onto his biceps while the pleasure continues to take me over. Seconds later, Harper crashes his lips against my own, moaning my name against him while he unloads inside me, continuing to thrust into me until he’s finally road out his orgasm.

We both fall back onto the couch, panting. My eyes feel heavier than they ever had before. Sleep is begging to take me but I need to say something before I pass out. Sighing, I reach for Harper’s cheek, stroking the sweat covered skin. He looks up at me with tired eyes and smiles, “Hmmm?”

Smiling, I kiss his forehead and whisper against it, “I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you like that?
I bet you did~
P.S. Thank you for all the support for this story, like holy shit, I got a lot
I love all you. All. Of. You.
