The Only Exception

Hello Fascination

Finishing up the spaghetti, I place it in a bowl with plastic wrap over top. One look out the window tells me that the movers are now gone. The mustang is still in the drive way so I can only guess that the new owner is still home.

Grabbing the bowl of the dinner I had made, I go to the front door and kick it open. As expected, father is shouting at me, asking where I’m going, where dinner is, why I haven’t made it, and so on so forth, but I ignore the bastard and walk across the street with the spaghetti in hand.

Sure it isn’t anything fantastic, but it’s quick to make and who doesn’t like spaghetti? Hopefully this man isn’t some freak and doesn't like it or I’m going to feel like such an idiot.

Stepping onto the porch it creaks under my weight. The windows, which were once open and capable of seeing through, are now covered by dark black curtains. The door, which used to be old and hanging off its hinges is now brand new. Sure, the porch needed paint and the house washed, but it still looked good.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. Really, I shouldn’t be nervous about this.

I raise my fist and knock loudly so I am definitely heard. I can hear the creaking of floor boards and minutes later the door is swung open to show a boy.A stunning boy. He couldn’t be a day over 19 with dark black hair straightened to his shoulders and pale skin, which brought out his dark blue eyes. His ears are plugged, septum done, snake bites, and a bridge.

Dark blue eyes are lined with black eye liner. If his eyes weren’t breath taking enough, that only added to the affect. He stood tall, at least 6’0 and slightly built.

“Hello,” the man greeted in a deep voice. “Can I help you?”

Maybe I would have answered immediately if I weren’t so breath taken. His eyes are so dark, blue like the beginning of night, with a mysterious glint to them. Did they put me in a trance? Most definitely.

Faded blue skinny jeans hug his bottom half, a studded belt hangs lazily on his side. He wears a black White Chapel shirt and black choker.Fuck, a sex god moved next door.

“Oh yeah, uh, I’m Roy…I live across the street,” I reply, rather nervously I might add. I make a mental note to punish myself later for being a fucking loser. “I just thought…it’d be nice to bring you over dinner, considering that you just moved in and…probably didn’t have time to cook.” I gesture to the bowl in my arms.

When the man sees the spaghetti his dark eyes sparkle in appreciation. He reaches out and takes it from my arm and with a thankful smile he says, “Thanks.” And shuts the door gently, probably not to seem rude.

When it’s shut and creaking floor boards are silent I sigh. I’m kind of thankful he didn’t ask for me to come in because I’m sure if he did I’d feel unusually nervous. It isn’t every day that a gorgeous man moves next door oh…and if you’re wondering.

No I’m not gay. I date people because I like who they are, not what.

Turning on my heel I finally make my way off the porch. I can feel eyes on my back so I check behind me. The curtains shut, rather quickly, and I blink rapidly in question at them. Was he…watching me? That’s kind of creepy…he’s probably just making sure I left and didn’t just stand there or something…

Shrugging it off, I walk across the street, but stop mid-step.

Looking up at the building known as my house I realize that I can’t go in. Father will be waiting and I really don’t feel like hearing his shit. Then again, when am I ever in the mood to hear it?

Instead of going home I walk around town. The cool air nips at my nose, which I can hardly feel now. My cheeks, I know, are rosy colored from the cool fall air. My fingers seek shelter in my pockets, which thankfully keep them warm.

The more I walk the more I think of him, the new neighbor. I asked for change and I got it. Sure it wasn’t exactly in the form that I wanted, but still it’s kind of cool to ask myself, who is he? Where’s he from? How old is he? What’s he like?

But still…who in their right mind would move here, of all places? Does he realize what he’s gotten himself into? There is nothing in this town that’s worth staying for. There’s nothing in this town worth coming to see. This town is dead, useless, and pathetic.

I bet he’ll be annoyed by the end of the month and regret ever even thinking of moving here. And I bet by the end of this week I’ll know everything about him, just like everyone else. What a bummer…

“Roy! Hey Roy!” Someone shouts for me, catching my attention.

I stop in my walk to no where. Facing the way I heard my name being called from I see a friend of mine, Raymond, running right at me with Bobby right behind him. I smirk and wait patiently for the two to catch up to me and when they do I’m enveloped in a manly hug.

“Hey man, what’s up? You heading anywhere specific?” Ray asks curiously with a tilt of his head. His short brown hair just barely reaches his eyes, but he still does the whole ‘flippy’ thing with it.

“No.” I trace the cracks beneath my feet. “Just walkin’ around. What about you two?”

“We’re heading to the bowling alley. Want to come with us?” Bobby smiles scratching at his curly red hair, gesturing towards said place, which is just down the street.

I’m not one for bowling. I suck at it and normally if my friends suggest to go there I say no. But really there is nothing else to do so I sigh and just go with it. And I find myself an hour later, sitting there, watching Bobby and Ray be the boys that they are, competing against each other, trying to see who is better.

Throwing my head back, I stare up at the old ceiling. The world around me slowly disappears, the sound is no longer heard, and all I can see is that perfect stranger across the street with that mysterious glint in his dark eyes.

Who is he? Why would such a stunning creature move here? There can’t be anything here for him. He could go to Hollywood and they’d take him up in a second, just because of his breath taking appearance. So…why is he in Windchester of all places?

It doesn’t make sense.

“I win!” Ray cheers loudly, his voice breaking me from my thoughts. And I roll my head to face him, smiling at the childish way he jumps and pumps his fists through the air.

Really…I don’t know why I’m friends with that kid.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, you all probably thought they'd actually have a conversation or something
Nope that's next chapter =D
Roy's neighbor's picture is up on the character page!
Keep this up and I'll update as much as I can ;D
I love you, even the silent readers
