
2 of 2

I spent the first half of the next day cleaning up from the party while my father was at work. I had a black garbage bag in my hand and was going around picking up the cups and napkins and such from the grass.

By noon, I decided to go inside and get dressed, putting on a pink dress with flowers on it. I went downstairs and began making myself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch when I heard a few soft knocks from the doorway. I turned to a beaming Adam.

"Hey, can I come in?" he asked.

I nodded, happy for his company. "Do you want some lunch?"

"Thank you," he answered, sitting at the kitchen table.

I made our sandwiches and poured two glasses of the iced tea I made this morning and sat at the table next to Adam. Taking a bite, I surveyed the backyard and groaned internally at the fact that I only had half of it cleaned up.

"What have you been up to all day?" he asked, laying his head in his head.

"Cleaning up the yard," I said, looking at him.

At the age of eighteen, Adam was two years older than me and he still came over almost everyday to keep me company.

"Do you want some help? You still have a lot of work to do," he begged more than asked.

"Thank you very much." I smiled.

Adam and I had split up the remaining half of the yard in two and I was just picking up the last few pieces of garbage. I tied up the garbage bag and took Adam's to the front lawn so the garbage trucks could pick them up.

I walked back and Adam was standing in the water looking out onto the lake. It had only taken us a few hours to finish up and it was still light outside. I walked over to the shore, took off my shoes, and stood by him, just out of the water.

"It's a beautiful day," I remarked, watching the tree leaves sway in the warm breeze.

He turned to me and stared at me for a few moments. "Why don't you at least put your feet in the water?" he suggested.

I just stared at him until he came in just enough to reach his hand out to me. I took his hand slowly and he carefully pulled me closer, but I froze right where the water met the earth. I stared at the water once more and shook my head, pulling my hand from Adam's.

"Angel, just try," he coaxed.

"I do try. I try everyday, Adam." I looked at the lake once more. "I can't."

I turned to go back to the house and he got out of the water and grabbed my arm. I spun around and nearly yelled, "I can't Adam! I just can't!"

He was taken aback and looked hurt. "I'll help you. Please. You need to let this go," he said.

"I need to let Jaime go, you mean," I said, tears filling my eyes.

"I didn't say that," he said almost fiercely, his brow furrowing. "You need to let go of the fear."

I stared up at him as he pulled me towards the water. Terror flooded through me as the lake grew closer and closer to me. I began to pull back, tears spilling from my eyes. He stopped and gently rubbed my arms.

"I won't let anything happen to you."

We stared at each other and I cried harder. He wiped my face and asked again, "Please, come in the water."

I threw myself against his body and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, closing my eyes. He walked and my feet suddenly came in contact with the water. I whimpered and tightened my grip around him. He put a hand on my back and stopped. I felt the water reach just under my knees and was too afraid to move.

"Open your eyes," he whispered.

I turned my face away from his chest, but didn't open my eyes.

"You don't need to be afraid anymore, Angel," he murmured, rubbing my shoulders.

I was still afraid, but Adam lessened the fear. I opened my eyes and looked down at the water surrounding us. He loosened his grip and smiled at me encouragingly. I let my arms drop from his body and took a step past him, enjoying how the water swished past my legs. I walked until my knees were submerged and turned around, allowing the tips of my pale fingers to skim the surface. I never took my eyes off of my reflection. I stopped and dipped my hands, pulling them back up to watch droplets form on my skin.

It was like finding myself again, being in the lake. And I wasn't afraid anymore, thanks to Adam. I've found my happiness again.

I looked up and Adam was watching me intently with a proud smile on his face. I smiled at him and he came to me. I watched as the shadows from water swells danced across his face.

"Thank you, Adam," I said before turning around to watch the sun reflect off of the water.

I dropped my hands into the water and he did the same, clasping onto one. I looked at our hands through the cloudy water and looked up. I smiled at Adam and his light brown eyes were bright and unrelenting.

I reached up and kissed him softly on the lips, touching his face before pulling away. He grinned and a blush came over my face.

"Angel, you don't know how happy I am for you and for me," he said, touching my hair. "For Jamie."

My eyes welled with tears and I stepped closer to him.

I looked out at the horizon and then smiled back up at Adam. I tilted my head back and looked up at the sky.

"I'm home, Jaime."
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i really like this story. =]