Status: sequel or no sequel

Powerful Girls & Muscular Guys

This is casual

"THEY'RE NOT WEIRDOS!" Seth yelled at everyone.

"C'mon let's get out before they start speculating more." I said
"C'mon Janay! We've got to get a move on. We only have so much time before we have any possible chance left of getting Aunt Sophia to bring back the hands of time."

"You're not gonna make it in your cars" Paul said cockily," I don't care how fast you think Camero's are."

"Plus it's pitch black and you can barely see a thing." Seth added.

"Well what do you suppose we do? It's her fault for even throwing the fireball!" Paul said loudly and then stormed off into the woods.

"So everything is my fault, the bruise that's forming on my arm, the fireball...." by voice was barely above a whisper "standing me up?"

"God can you stop thinking about you for a second this is about all our secrets being exposed!"

"You are so CONCEITED! I'm sorry, but I don't see where you ass is on the line? Every since our parents died I've had to look out for Live and myself. I had to be the mother and the big sister" I was at near hysterics at this point. "I've a lot of things I'm not proud of but I'd do it again to make sure that we were taken care of."

"Janay, I'm sorry come here." He reached out to pull me into a hug.

I jerked away from him "I don't need your pity!"

"Janay, it's not pity. It's killing me right now to know your hurting and I can't fix it. Since the day you called me a "little shit" I've been able to do but nothing than love you" This dude is so freakin' lame. "I love how you use strawberry shampoo and raspberry conditioner. I love how you carry yourself, like your the shit" he smiled at me " I love how your hazel light up when I walk into a room." He was now grinning from ear to ear.

I opened my mouth to protest.

"Yes, you do you just don't realize it."

I was to taken aback to comment on it. "So how are we getting there because if we are going to walk, I want my car?"

"Okay, before I do this there are some rules.

Rule number one: No fire... period

Rule number two:no screaming"

"Okay, okay. Now hurry up."

One second Paul's there the next second there's a Grey wolf. You know when your watching a scary movie and the girls just standing there as monster comes closer, but you yell at the screen cause you think she so stupid. Well right now I'm that girl. If this thing attacks me I'm completely defenseless.... Oh wait duh.

I threw a fireball at it. The wolf dodged it, so I threw a second larger one he didn't dodge it.

Next thing I know I'm on the ground with a wolf on top of me.

"I'm dead. Oh, God I'm dead" I am truely a drama queen.


"I'm never gunna have children."


"And it would have been so cool. A wolf who could throw fire!"

"JA- Wait what?"

There was no longer a wolf on top of me, in its place was a very naked Paul.

"Well hello...." I threw him a very sexy look

"You where just talking about our future children" Paul look at me amused.

I was felt blood rush to my cheeks. I can't believe it He's actually makong me blush, me!

"No I wasn't"

"Yes you were" His face showed pure enjoyme that he was makiing me squirm.

"No wasn't now lets go!"

He phased back. I had get a running start to get on his back. Then he took of he must have at least been doing 120 miles per hour. I saw what I'm guessing was Seth in the distance then by some extreme force he speed up closing the gap between us.

-Weird, isn’t it- Nicole's voice filled my head

-Yeah! And I thought we were weird-

-What did you do when you saw him in his wolf form?-

-I threw a fireball at him. What about you?-

-I sent a tidal wave of water at him-

We both bust out laughing. Paul looked at me questionly

I sent him a look meaning "it's a girl thing"

The ride lasted for another 20 seconds befor we were in front of our house Nicole went to talk to Aunt Sophia as I grabbed the boys some clothes.

"Come on we need you!" NIcole called me from the living room

We did the stupid chant thing A sent the boys home.

As soon as sleep finally found me my phone vibrated. It was a message from Paul.

"Make-up date tomarrow be ready at 10:30. dress casual"

A smile found my face and stayed until I feel asleep


"I could have sworn I said 'casual.''' Paul said, gesturing to our outfits

"This IS casual!" NIc defended

"Your wearing heels!" Seth gestured to my Miu Miu's

Paul acted like he was about to step on them.

"Holy fucking shit!" I took 3 giant steps back "don't even play like that!"

Paul and Seth were in hysterics.

"Yea, let's see if it's so funny when your houses become aquariums" Nic called to them, sticking up for me. Their laughter immediately died.

"Where are we going?" I asked Paul.

"To hear the legends." Sethh answered

" The wolf legends? We' already know, our aunt told us everything." I told them.

"Even about the cold ones?" Paul look turned to look at me.

I threw him a puzzled look.

Paul had nothing more to say on the subject. The car ride was filled with info on the rest of the pack and their imprints.
There was one person I was NOT looking forward to meet, Isabella Swan.

Dragging both of those guys around was such a bitch move, but because Paul asked me I wasn't going to tell her off.


We pulled up seeing a group off people wrestling.

"Uh.. guys imprints in the room." Everyone straightend up at notice of our arrival.

I walked up to the guys and just stared then I walked towards the one who looked like he had to pee. "Let me guess your Embry?"

He smiled. "Howed you guess?"

I grabbed my thumb in Paul's diection "lucky guess."

We continued with the intorductions until I reched then end of the line with her.

I decided to make 1st move. "Hi, I'm Janay. Nice to meet you." I stuck out my hand she just stared at it and chuckled.

"Listen I don't what's wedged up your ass but, just because your leech of a boyfriend worships the gound you walk on doesn't mean everyone else has too."

She gasped "Bitch fuck you!"

I chuckled "I'm a bitch? Huh, well that's funny, you string 2 boys along not caring that is hurting them.You aare truly a concieted bitch and if you ask me you don't deserve eiether of them.

I walked over next to Paul and listen to the ledgends.

Stupid little slut bag!
♠ ♠ ♠

okay people starting to feel a little pressured here so lets all just take a step back and chill. and do me a favor check out thisa website Ally!

te freakin amo (I freakin love you!)

love. peace. and stilettos