Status: Active <3

Money Can't Buy This Kind Of Happiness

Chapter One


I know that most people would kill for a lifestyle like mine. And it is nice. I mean, I have maids and chefs and butlers so I never have to life a finger. My trust fund has made it so I’ll never have to work. I have a bedroom that’s larger than the average living room with a balcony.

But sometimes I wonder what it would be like living a normal life. It would’ve been nice going to a public school rather than a private school. I like having designer clothes but I don’t think I’ve ever step foot inside a Target or a Wal Mart. And to be honest, I’d trade my life for a more simple one.

When I turned twenty-two my parents set me up on a blind date with Wyatt Felton. Wyatt Felton was the son of a couple that were lifelong friends with my parents. They were also filthy rich. Even thought Wyatt had qualities I wasn’t looking for, I grew to love him and after two years of dating, he proposed and I said yes.

My parents were so excited about my engagement, they started planning a party. Wyatt was thrilled but I wasn’t. I wanted my engagement to be a private thing. I didn’t want half of the city and their mothers to know. But of course my parents don’t bother to listen and they threw the party anyway.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror in my bedroom. I adjusted the sleeves on my blouse and smoothed my skirt. I put on my white gold topaz diamond earrings and put on the pearl necklace that Wyatt had gotten for me. I shoved my feet angrily into my platform shoes and looked in the mirror to check myself one last time. I put on some red lipstick and walked down the stairs.

I hadn’t even gotten down the stairs yet and the noise was already giving me a splitting headache. I hurried to the front door where my parents were greeting guests.

“You said you’d be having close friends. This is the entire city.” I grumbled.

“Courtney, sweetie, this is a special occasion.” Mom said in her annoying high-pitched tone. I scoffed and stormed off. I pushed open the kitchen door and sighed contently at the silence. I sat on a stool by the door and sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I heard a noise that was so loud that it actually made me scream in surprise and fall off the stool. I sat up and brushed off the flour that was all over the floor. I heard feet running towards me and I looked up at the person running towards me.

“Are you ok?” he asked as he helped me back onto the stool.

“I’m fine. Really I am.” I answered with a smile.

“You’re Courtney Galiena right? The daughter of the people throwing this party?” he said.

“Yeah, that’s me. Little Courtney.” I sighed.

“I’m Jake. Jake Greenwood.” he said, extending his arm so I could shake his hand.

“Nice to meet you Jake.” I said as I shook his hand. I couldn’t stop staring into his big green eyes that I could still see through his messy light brown hair.

“I’m new here and I dropped a big pot over there. Sorry I scared you.” he laughed awkwardly.

“It’s fine. As long as nothing expensive broke, my parents won’t kill you.” I laughed.

“You know I’ve worked for a lot of rich people. And I must say, you are the only one who has ever been nice to me.” he said.

“Really?” I laughed.

“Really.” he replied, laughing along with me. He had the most adorable laugh I’d ever heard. It was almost like music to my ears.

We stayed silent for a while after that, our laughter fading.

“You should get back to your party.” he mumbled, breaking the silence.

“I guess I should. I’ll come back after the party. Will you still be here?” I asked.

“Yup. Someone has to clean up.” he said, smiling. I laughed and gave him a small wave good-bye as I walked back into the chaos of the party. I saw Wyatt coming towards me with a smile just for me.

Wyatt Felton was a man that any woman would die for. He was like a handsome prince charming. His hair was a perfect golden brown color and he could get his way with a shot of those gorgeous hazel eyes. He was almost perfect.

But after meeting Jake, I didn’t find Wyatt’s looks so perfect anymore. Jake seemed more perfect. He was normal and simple whereas Wyatt spent a thousand dollars on a plain sweater. I wanted to be simple like Jake but sadly that would never happen since Wyatt was going to be my husband.

“Courtney where have you been?” Wyatt asked, planting a kiss on my lips. Meeting Jake made me realize that the way Wyatt did certain things was annoying. When he kissed me, it felt like he was doing it to make some woman jealous or to impress the people around us. His kisses were so long that I could probably faint from not breathing.

“I was outside in the backyard.” I lied when he finally stopped kissing me.

“I see. I missed you.” he said, smirking. Wyatt’s smirks were cute and everything but I wondered if I’d ever seen him actually smile. Jake’s smile was so warm and inviting. It was completely burned into my memory.

“I missed you too. I’m just going to go into the kitchen and see how things are going.” I said moving back into the kitchen. Wyatt didn’t question me or beg me to stay with him. He didn’t even acknowledge what I’d said. He just turned and walked over to a group of guys.

I found Jake working hard in the kitchen. He looked up and smiled when he saw it was me.

“Hi Courtney.” he greeted happily.

“Hi Jake. What are you making?” I asked as I walked over to the counter where he was.

“Nothing extreme. Just some simple Cornish hens.” he responded as he turned to put them in the oven.

“Cornish hens? That sounds good,” I said.

“I have to make tons of these.” he laughed, pointing to the three other stoves with more Cornish hens in them.

“And you’re all by yourself in here?” I asked.

“Well, the others are out there.” he said, pointing to the kitchen door.

“That’s terrible.” I murmured.

“It’s fine Courtney. Really.” he laughed.

“Why don’t I help you!” I offered happily.

“If you really want to, I’ll get you an apron.” Jake laughed and he walked into the back and came back with a long white apron. He put it on me and tied the back of it.

“There you go. Now do you know how to prepare them before putting them in the oven?” he asked, laughing.

“Um, no.” I said awkwardly.

“I’ll show you. It’s pretty easy.” he said. I watched him put spices and things into the hens and put them in the oven.

“I get it.” I laughed.

We talked while we spiced and cooked. It was so easy to talk to Jake and it made me think of the limited conversations I’d had with Wyatt in the past.

“I didn’t even want to throw this party.” I said.

“You didn’t? Why?” Jake asked as I took some of the Cornish hens out of the oven.

“I don’t want everyone to know about my engagement. I wanted it to be a private thing.” I explained sadly. Jake gave me a faint smile as he headed for the door with two large serving plates in his hands.

“Well, I should set these out.” he mumbled as he walked out of the kitchen. I took off my apron and slowly walked out of the kitchen behind him. Wyatt was standing by the sofa, mocking Jake with his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What’s your issue?” I snapped.

“Look at him. He’s filthy.” Wyatt said arrogantly.

“He isn’t filthy. And if it seems like he is, it’s probably because he’s been working his butt off trying to make food for you!” I yelled. Wyatt stared at me indifferently. He didn’t seem even a little bit fazed by what I’d said.

“Courtney, you need to chill.” he mumbled as he walked away into the dining room. I felt Jake put his hand on my shoulder. I probably had a hand print on me but I didn’t care.

“Thanks for standing up for me. But I’m used to people like him.” he mumbled, the life drained from his voice. He took his hand away and walked back into the kitchen. I sighed and put a fake smile on my face as I sat down to dinner.

Jake was washing dishes when I went into the kitchen after everyone had gone home. He didn’t even look up to see who had come in.

“Jake I’m really sorry Wyatt was so rude to you. You didn’t deserve it.” I said softly.

“It has nothing to do with him.” Jake murmured.

“What? I don’t understand.” I said.

“It feels like you led me on.” he said quietly.

“Led you on?!” I yelled.

“Yeah led me on.” he grumbled.

“How did I do that?!” I growled.

“You were like…flirting with me and then you drop this engagement bomb on me!” he yelled.

“I wasn’t flirting. I was being friendly you jerk!” I shot back, trying to hold back tears.

“I was wrong about you. You’re just a spoiled little princess who takes pride in toying with emotions.” he said in a low, almost frightening voice.

Not being able to contain my tears any longer, I rushed out of the kitchen and upstairs to my bedroom. I threw myself onto my bed and cried heavily into my pillow. My parents must’ve heard me crying like a child in pain but did they come to see what was wrong? Of course not. They were busy counting their money or polishing their gold bars.

I felt awful that Jake felt like I’d teased him but it wasn’t fair of him to call me spoiled the way he did.

The worst part of the situation was that I would have to see him tomorrow.
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Courtney's outfit for this chapter :) ENJOY LOVIES I don't know how long this story will be. I would really love to have a finished story lol xD and the storyline itself is pretty short lol