He Writes Sins, I Write Tragedies

He Writes Sins, I Write Tragedies #2

The Circus was finally over, people began pouring out of the tent chattering of the events that have occured. Some bought food before they left. I walked into the middle of the tent were our ring leader, Jacob, was standing talking to the people that help us prepare about certain show times.
"Jacob, I need to speak with you," I said to him.
He turned around and smiled.
"Why Jamie what do you need?" he asked me.
Jacob had always seemed to be more of a father than my own biological father he would look after me and come to me when i need someone to talk to though he was a bit old fashion i never seemed to mind.
"Do you remember that boy i appeared next to today?"
"Oh yes he was a bit handsome I saw his girlfriend appear jealous when you hugged him," he smirked and laughed to himself.
"Well he said to me that he was in a band," I paused to see his reaction," and he had asked me to talk to you about a video he wanted to shoot."
"And he wants to use the circus people to be in it, is that what your saying?" he asked with his finger on his chin.
"Well....yea, so can he please?" i obviously begged.
"Sure sweetie, but you have to have him to talk to me tomorrow before show time no excuses."
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I promise you, you wont regret this!," i hugged him and went to my tent. Strange how the illusion of the tent always seemed to look like a black cat yowling. I shrugged off the thought and reached for my cellphone dailing the number on my arm.
~Ryan P.O.V~
"Yea I'm sorry but, it has to end i found out you were fucking a guy," I said with a silent tone.
She looked at me awe strucked which I new was fake.
"Ryan let me tell you something i can be alot of things but i am not a whore!," she yelled at me.
"Well unfortunately your phone call says different." i went to my voicemail and put on the voicemail that she left when i missed her call.
There was moaning in the background and her screaming the guys name.
"Well that guy was better than you anyways." and with that she got out of the car to her house.
"Yea well I met someone better to." my phone began to ring at an unknown number.
"Brendon if this is you hang up before i do," i said into the phone.
"Um, who's Brendon." said the voice.
"Oh, um, who is this?" I asked the voice a bit embarrassed.
"Um, this is Jamie love from Cirque de Chosen, I'm looking for someone named Ryan."
"This is him, sorry Jamie I just broke up with the barbie doll and wasn't in the mood for my friend Brendon calling."
"Oh, well, I'll call back later if you want I-"
"No it's ok," i said cutting her off" I'm just driving back to my house, so whats up?"
"Well Jacob said it was ok but he'll need tp speak with you tomorrow and only tomorrow before show times or he wont give you a second chance." she said the last the last part with disappointment.
"Um, yea I'll be there," I said still unsure of what else to say," Listen would you like to sleepover my house and the guys are gonna sleepover."
"I guess that would be good, um, I'll be ready just go by the tent that looks like a cat yowling." she said.
"Ok I'll be there in a few."
"Ok, bye"
~Jamie's P.O.V~
I got my stuff ready before a head peeked in through my tent. It was Ryan's.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yep let's go before they check up on me." i said running out.