Status: looking for ideas. :)... in the process of doing a summer reading project annd writing this from a new idea that was given :)

Living In A Picture

the beginning

“Verohnakai! Verohnakai! Where are you?”
“We need Verohnakai Noel Vasilieva to find Queen Adelaisa immediately!”
“Ugh here it goes again.” I said as I walked towards the queen.
“There you are Veronica!” she said. I really hate how she’s always trying to add happiness to her half snob half manly voice. When she speaks, I always cringe at how fast her voice gets under my skin.
“It’s Verohnakai, Your Majesty.” God I hated it when she messed my name up like that. You would think after being around her for 5 agonizing months, she’d eventually get it through her head.
“Anyways I need you to meet some other people before the next ball in an hour.”
“Another ball?! I’m sorry but I can’t do another one. I’m running out of dresses to wear. And I have been to 5 already in a week. Can’t I have tonight off? I just don’t wa-” There she goes interrupting me again.
“Verohnakai, I don’t care what you want. If you want to keep your reputation you will attend the next ball and you will be polite to these people.” I hate when she orders me around like her slave.
“But…” Right when I opened my mouth, she stopped searching for whatever it was she was looking for and shot her misty gray daggers at me.
“No but’s. Just slap a smile on your face and come meet them,” she said in almost whisper. But it had edge and bitterness to it.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” I replied with so much sarcasm I’m surprised she didn’t even notice it. She hated my sarcasm. This was why I used it when I could.
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first things first
i'm getting ready to post the 2nd chapter. be sure to read the author's note on that too.
message/comment and give ideas or tell me how you like it! :) bye