Status: looking for ideas. :)... in the process of doing a summer reading project annd writing this from a new idea that was given :)

Living In A Picture

meeting the ivanov's

“Here she is! This is Veronica,” she said turning in her gorgeous navy blue silk dress. It looked beautiful and seemed as if it were painted on. As much as I didn’t like Queen Adelaisa, I had to admit she looked stunning in all the dresses she wore and she sure did have taste.
“It’s Verohnakai, but it’s nice to meet you Mrs.,” I left the sentence hanging considering the fact I was never informed what their last names were.
“It’s Ivanov. I’m Asenka. This is my daughter Lada, my husband Viktor, and my son Aleksei.”
“Alek for short.” When I turned and looked at the person who said that, I was completely stunned. Asenka had some very gorgeous kids. Okay they weren’t really kids. They were both my age. Lada looked older than me though. Maybe 19. She had beautiful brown waves drooping down to her mid back. She had porcelain colored skin and wore a lavender purple prom type dress. When comparing her porcelain, slender and elegant body to my golden tanned, slender yet muscular body, I started to feel a tad insecure. But this wasn’t a feeling I wasn’t used to. When you’re around so many beautiful people and you know you’re the odd ball out simply because they are all angelic and you are warrior like, there isn’t really a time that you don’t feel insecure. Anyhow, Aleksei, though was very handsome. He stood about 4 or so inches taller than me. He had brown hair too, but it was way darker than Lada’s and was in more of a faux hawk. He was definitely built and had the perfect light tan color skin. He had on black suit pants that were snug but not too tight. He also wore a white dress shirt with a black button up vest. He looked about 17 or 18. Perfect! Their mom had porcelain skin like Lada’s with dark brown wavy hair. She had it in a ponytail, so I couldn’t tell exactly how long it was but it was easily down to her butt. She looked around 30 or 32. Not old at all. Her eyes though, are what stood out the most to the human eye. They were the prettiest deep green color I’d ever seen. She wore a green dress that matched her eyes which may have caused them to look greener. She was slender, but not as slender as everyone else around here. She definitely had muscle. I could tell she was a mother that stood for no nonsense. But yet she had an easy feel. I felt it was time to pick up her aura to see what she’s really feeling. It was a mixture of green, pink, brown, and purple. All of these being a really good sign. But as I looked closer, I noticed a pure white line circling Asenka’s entire aura. This was something new to me. I had never seen it before. So I quickly looked at the rest of the Ivanov’s auras and they all had the white ring except the father. This was really weird. I made a mental note to check it out later. Their dad, Viktor, was crazy muscular and fit. He was easily a foot taller than me, making him about 6’7 or so. He was a little bit darker than his son. He had light brown hair that lay down perfectly on his head. He had really deep blue eyes, if I stared any longer I might have gotten lost in them. Lada eyes were a mixture of their parents’ eyes. They were the same deep green as her mother’s but had a mixture of blue in them making them a turquoise. Aleksei’s were a misty blue with a deep gray mixture. It’s hard to explain them but easy to get lost in them. How was a family blessed this much too all look amazing? And why in the world was I so drawn to this family that I picked up every feature about them? Something really off was happening.
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message/comment :) feel free to give ideas. I'd love it!