Status: Hiatus

You Are My Reason For Breathing

Fate Fell Short This Time

The next day, I was woken up by laughing and yelling right outside my door. Who would seriously be yelling outside my door at eight in the morning? It didn't make sense. Well, not to me. I was pretty sure no one knew me here so I couldn't figure out who it was.

I got out of bed, went into my kitchen, grabbed a frying pan, and opened the door with a scowl on my face. I was met with five pairs of unfamiliar eyes, and the scowl on my face was quickly replaced with a look of confusion.

"Hi?" I asked with confusion.

The beautiful boy I had seen yesterday stepped forward. "Hello," He said with a smile.

The other four looked at each other, and the one with the bowl cut decided to speak up, "Well, we're just gonna," he said pointing in the direction of the elevator, "go..."

I watched with even more confusion as the four of them left and turned my head to face the beautiful blue eyes of the even more beautiful boy. I waved, "Hi there stranger."

He laughed. "Hey there."

I smiled and just rocked on my heels to kind of get rid of the awkwardness. "So..."

He smiled and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants. "So..."

I stopped rocking on my heels and just leaned on my door frame. "Well this is awkward."

He laughed. "Well I think now is the time for introductions," he held out his hand, "My name is Andrew."

I giggled slightly at how formal he was being. "Amber," I smiled and shook his hand. So beautiful boy has a name... I retracted my hand and crossed my arms under my chest. "So, why were you and your friends outside of my apartment?"

"I actually live," he pointed to the apartment across from mine, "right there."

I raised an eyebrow. "That still doesn't explain why you and your friends were yelling and laughing outside my apartment at eight in the morning."

He scoffed. "I was in the hallway actually."

I wiggled my fingers at him. "Whatever you say..."

He grabbed my hands and pinned them at my sides. "If you would keep your fingers out of my face, I would like to ask you something."

At that, I got nervous. I didn't know what he was going to ask me and quite frankly, I was kind of anxious. I didn't know whether it would be good or bad, and I automatically went with the latter.

He was still holding my hands to my sides when he asked, "Will you go to the beach with me tomorrow?"

I grinned and then nodded my head vigorously.

He grinned too. "Cool! Okay, I'll come by and get you at noon tomorrow," he waved his finger in my face, "Don't be late!"

I just grinned like an idiot again. "Okay. I'll be ready. But if you're late, I'll be wagging my finger in your face."

He laughed for the umpteenth time today, "Alright. Sounds like a deal. Well, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow. At noon! Don't forget!" He said as he walked away.

I grinned for the thousandth time this morning and walked into my apartment. I leaned against my door and smiled at my feet. I walked over to my kitchen and did a tiny victory dance. I couldn't believe that a boy asked me out. Me. Of all people, he picks me. I wasn't just excited for tomorrow, I was anxious. I knew I'd find some way to mess this up somehow.

But I wasn't thinking about how badly I was going to screw it up. No. I was thinking about how Andrew's hand felt against mine. And how it still tingles.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there, my lovely readers! So, how'd you like this chapter? I'm gonna talk to myself for a minute. Just a warning. I thought it had too much commentary. But, they had to figure out each others names.

What's going to go on at the beach? Any guesses? Well I can't tell you much, but it's going to have a bunch of cute moments. That's all I can say.

That is all, my lovely readers. I bid you all a fond farewell.