Status: Hiatus

You Are My Reason For Breathing

I Can Feel The Water Changing Me

I woke up early the next morning, feeling as though I had a purpose. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. I got ready by ten and sighed before sitting in front of my television and absentmindedly flipping through the channels, before coming to Vh1, just a Simple Plan video came on.

"Another day is going by
I'm thinking about you all the time
But you're out there
And I'm here waiting

And I wrote this letter in my head
'Cause so many things were left unsaid
But now you're gone
And I can't think straight

This could be the one last chance
To make you understand"

I got up and took my chance to belt out the lyrics to the chorus. I was lucky that no one could see me making a complete fool of myself at this point. I started dancing to the beat of the drums, rocking out to the strums of the guitar, and trying to match the melodic singing of Pierre at the same time.

Hearing a knock at my door, I stopped my crazy dancing and off-tone singing to go answer the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Andrew standing there with an amused expression adorned on his flawless face. My face immediately heated up as I opened the door.

"Interesting dancing by the way," He said with a smile.

I looked to my feet as my face heated up even more. "Why don't you come in?" I mumbled.

I could just imagine him grinning. "Love to," I stepped aside to let him inside. He turns to me as he's a good four feet in front of me, with a grin upon his face. "Do I get to see more crazy dancing?"

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he just laughed, obviously enjoying my embarrassment. "You're mean."

He just laughed again. "If I'm so mean, then why are you going to the beach with me?" I scowled at him. "That's because you like me." He wiggled his two index fingers at me, and I walked around him to get to my small bedroom.

"You are one cocky bastard," I exclaimed while looking through my closet for some sort of a hat.

I could feel him staring at me, but I didn't turn around. "You didn't deny it."

I turned back around to face him, while a smirk played on his face. "You also didn't deny the fact that you're cocky."

"How can you not be cocky with a body like this," He said while gesturing to his body.

I laughed. "See! Cocky!" I tried walking out of my room, with my hat in hand, but Andrew acted like a roadblock and wouldn't move. I stared up at him. "Move," I said while hitting him with my hat.

He simply laughed, stole my hat from my grasp and ran out to my living room. I sighed and went after him. "Give it back Andrew."

He stopped running around my living room, stared at me and grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "Say I'm sexy."

I stared at him with my mouth agape. "You have just hit a whole new level of cocky."

He put my hat on his head and crossed his arms. "You aren't getting it back 'til you say I'm sexy."

I giggled. "I can't take you seriously while you're wearing that hat."

He turned around to find the mirror in my small living room and stared at himself wearing it. "Well, I think I look rather dashing," He turned to me, "don't you think?" I giggled again and started walking towards him, until I was directly behind him. "But," He took off the hat and put it on me, "I think it looks better on you."

He moved aside and allowed me to stare at myself with the hat on. Although my face had reddened severely, I didn't seem to mind. I loved the amount of comments I was getting from him at the moment, no matter how embarrassed it made me.

He stood directly behind me and put his chin on my hat-clad head. He was staring into the mirror as well, and I smiled at our reflection. "Do you believe me?"

I shook my head 'no' and diverted my eyes to the floor beneath my feet, finding it very interesting for the second time today. I didn't know what was with me today. I'm guessing it was just the overwhelming attention I was getting in a short span of time.

He kept his head on my head and wrapped his arms around me in a strange, backwards hug. "Well," I looked up to meet his eyes in the mirror, "I think you look better without it."

I stood staring at our reflections while trying to find any hint of a joke in his eyes, but I could find none. All I found was sincerity and slightly pink cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, people of Earth! Long time no write huh? Well, my personal break is over and I'm back to say that I am thoroughly happy with this chapter and pleased that it came out so well. I didn't exactly know how to end it, so I decided to end it on a very cute note.

I certainly hope everyone likes it, because I sure do. This has to be my favorite chapter by far. No matter what the future chapters are for this story, this one will forever be my favorite.

Alright my lovely readers, I bid you a fond farewell.