Status: Hiatus

You Are My Reason For Breathing

I Can't Believe You Actually Picked Me

I lay in my bed that afternoon and just stared at the ceiling with a smile on my face. The events that had just taken place a mere couple hours ago seemed unreal to me. Me being Andrew's girlfriend. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that he actually wanted to be with me, and not someone else.

It all seemed like a really good dream that just never left, and kept happening day after day. Except this dream was real, and happening to me. Something I never thought would happen, is I find it hard to fall asleep because real life is finally better than my dreams.

I sat up still thinking, and automatically went into panic mode as I heard movement in the kitchen. I jumped out of bed still in my pajamas, and dug through my closet until I found a bat. I slowly made my way out my bedroom and looked around.

Seeing nothing, I jumped into my living room and spun around slowly so I could find the intruder at any corner. As I was spinning, I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Confused, I walked into my kitchen and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was only Andrew.

I dropped the bat at his feet and threw a marshmallow that was on the counter at him. He looked up at me, still laughing. I pouted and kicked his fairly large foot. "You scared me half to death!"

He got up off of the floor, still laughing of course, and sat himself on the counter next to the fridge. "I know," I shot him a dirty look and he laughs again. "Which is why it's so funny! I can't believe you thought I was an intruder," he says with an amused look on his face.

I glared at him and he just sits there giggling like a little girl. "Well you can never be too sure these days," I say while I cross my arms in front of my chest.

He laughs again. "But how can anyone break in if you live on the third story, your door is always locked," he says, sounding so sure of himself, "and you check to make sure your windows are locked twice, before you go to bed."

I smile softly as a light blush tints my cheeks. "You watch my before bed ritual?"

He nods like a little kid and has a goofy smile on his face. "Yes I do."

I laugh, and his goofy smile stays in place. "You're creepy."

He hops off the counter and casually walks over to me until we're standing face to face. I look up at his face and blush as he's just standing there staring at me with a smile still upon his beautiful face. "But you like it," he says with confidence.

I look up at his beautiful eyes and took notice how they were sparkling behind his thick-rimmed glasses and smiled a bit before I crossed my arms over my chest. "I will neither confirm nor deny that accusation," I say with a straight face while he just grins, seeing through my lie.

"Well, if the statement I have just presented is in in fact true, then you will accompany me to dinner this evening," he says with a jaw-dropping smile on his face, already knowing that the answer was, in fact, a yes.

I glared at him. "You're terrible, you know that?"

He shakes his head, and his wispy dirty blond hair goes flying over his eyes, while I resist the urge to just reach up and move it out of the view of his eyes. "Didn't know that..." He trails off, leaving me wondering what that was supposed to mean.

He moves closer so that his hands are on my hips, and I instinctively wrap mine around his neck. "What I do know is that you need to get dressed pretty soon," He mumbles to me, before he puts his lips on mine, leaving my mind in a whirlwind and my stomach in knots.

I tangle my fingers through his hair, while he wraps his arms around me, and I feel myself being pressed into the side of the counter, as his minty fresh breath fills my mouth, leaving my mind blank. Too soon he pulls away and puts his forehead against mine smiling as I try to catch my breath.

I blush quickly from his stare, and try to look anywhere else but his intense gaze, but he wouldn't have it. "You're blushing again," he states the obvious with a smile on his face.

I groan. "I know! I do that whenever we have," I lower my voice to a low mumble. "any type of physical contact," I say, not daring to look him in the face. I move away from him and prop myself on the other side of the counter so I'm now facing the living room.

I hear him walk over to me as I'm staring at my lap and playing with my fingers. I sense him stop in front of me and place his hands on my pajama clad legs. "Why are you so embarrassed?" he asks with a slight edge to his voice.

I shrug, but that's not enough for him, so he puts his hands under my chin to make me look him in the face. He looks at me, expecting an answer. "Because I've never done this before!" I say rather loudly, and watch as Andrew's face softens.

He takes his hands out from under my chin and grabs both of my hands in his. "It's not bad that you haven't dated anyone," he says and pauses, "before me."

I could feel myself grow more upset with each passing second. "It's not just that!" He stares at me, confused. "I didn't have my real first kiss until I met you,' I say in a mumble, and I frown when I hear a light chuckle.

"That's what you're embarrassed about?" I nod and look at our hands. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about," he says and I looked up as he smiled softly. "I think it's cute that I was your first kiss," he says proudly as his cheeks reddened, and I smile as mine become inflamed as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello readers of Earth and beyond! I'm back guys! First chapter of 2011, how does that feel? It makes me feel pretty darn good. Did I just answer my own question? Oh well.

Anyhoo, I'm sorry this chapter was so late, and I apologize profusely. But there was a reason it was so late. I wanted to get this chapter out on Christmas, but I had barely gotten any sleep that night, so I didn't. I also wanted to get it out January first, but this chapter wasn't ready yet. It was still in its baby stages.

And anyways, off that topic, and onto another one...commenters!

call me anarchy: Thank you once again, and for reading these author's notes :)

lovinmesomemcmahon!: I will never get over how freakishly amazing your user name is, by the way. Thank you for leaving me (and this story) some love! :)

kalidescopeeyes:Thank you, aaaand I know! There needs to be more stories about that delicious piece of man candy, indeed.

Alright my wonderful readers, before I bid you farewell, I would like to know two things.
One: What is your favorite band and why? Two: What was the best thing you got for Christmas?

Oh! One more piece of business to pertain to, comments make me a very happy human, and make me want to update faster. Just putting that out there. And, for those of you who leave comments, when you leave your comment, can you put...turtle in there too?

Okay, my extremely long author's note is over. My lovely readers, I bid you a fond farewell and a good morning!