
Chapter 1:Fire

Chapter 1:

I was walking through a dark hallway running away from my worst fear yet. I had no clue where I was going. Or where I would end up. But I did know that I had to get out of here and fast.
“Maybelline.” I heard someone whisper my name.
I looked around as I ran searching for the person who said my name. I know it sounds bad, but, my head is telling me to find out who said my name; yet at the same time my heart was telling me to run for my life and get the hell out of there!
“Maybelline” the person said my name again.
I kept on running. I screamed once I felt hands on me. I started thrashing around hoping to get whoever it is off of me.
“Maybelline stop!” the person said.
I didn’t listen I just kept on thrashing my whole body trying to get the hell away from this creeper.
“Maybelline wake up!” someone said. I woke up drenching in sweat. Disgusting! At least I was in my bedroom safe, for now. I looked to my left and sure enough my brother was there covering his mouth and nose. I looked at him curiously not knowing what he was doing here.
“Cooper what are you doing!?” I asked screaming at him.
“Maybelline get up now!” he replied urgently
“What? Why? It’s like 2:00 in the morning!”
“No time to explain” he said grabbing my arm pulling me up. He quickly opened my bedroom door, went next door where my Siberian husky puppy; Blackberrie was. I picked her up and started to follow my brother down the stairs not knowing my we didn’t take the elevator.
“Cooper where are we going?” I asked him frantically.
“Trying to get out of the house!” he replied running down the hall with me right behind his heels. We ran down the hallway until we got to the last set of stairs in my home. We soon landed in front of my house door running out.
We lived in a large 3 story house, thanks to my parents that work all the time and never have time for either me or my brother. But we always get taken care of the cooks, butlers, and the maids they were sort of like our own family. Well this night everyone would remember even my parents. They came home last night from visiting family from England. We all had dinner together the first time in a long time. Afterwards we all split up doing whatever we all do. I always go into the library and read for a while with my pup on my lap. Cooper he goes into the game lounge and just plays video games all the time. Then my parents both just go into their own study. So we basically all just split up after dinner. We are a different family than most you could say.
“Wait what’s going on Cooper?” I asked him still running outside.
“Their burning the house down, they’ve figured out what we are. Mom and Dad will meet us in the limo. We need to get out of here and move.”
“You mean the humans? They are burning our home down? This is our 64th time moving Cooper. I’m sick of moving I just want to find a home that we can stay at and not worry anymore about moving!” I sighed
“I know how you feel little sister. But this time is for the better, we’re going to live in Canada, Montreal to be exact, you and I will be attending classes with and without vampires, and the school is called Elizabeth High School. You’re going to have to do the same thing try to interact with others.” he said
“Oh alright, I’ll do the same thing I’ve been doing for the past something years.” I laughed “and what do you mean with and without vampires?”
“Well,” he said as he opened up the limo door for me. I grasped my puppy in my arms and went inside the stretch limo. “There are a lot of humans and others creatures that you’ll only notice but not the humans. The creatures like werewolves, fairies, demons, those types of creatures will be among vampires like you. They all are trying to fit into the human world like ourselves. But make sure your careful around everyone. Especially the prince and the humans, they don’t know anything.” (he meant the humans not the prince)
“WAIT, hold up Cooper the PRINCE?! Who is the prince? And why is he going to a high school in Canada?! Doesn’t he live in Italy or something!?” I practically screamed, sitting down.
“Yes the Prince, Prince Kayden. He goes there because his parents are making him get use to being in public, or at least that’s what I’ve heard.”
“Oh that makes sense I guess.” I said.
“Just a reminder sweetheart no using your powers. At all what so ever!” my father told me strictly.