
Chapter 10: New School? New Friends

Chapter 10:
The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock playing Black Veil Brides- Perfect Weapon. I jumped up when I heard Andy Sixx’s screaming voice in the beginning of the song. I smiled knowing that today’s my first day and I already know 2 people there besides my brother. Kayden and Eternity, even though me and Kayden don’t speak at least I have a friend; Eternity, which was kind enough to take me under her wing for school.
“Hey May, breakfast’s ready.” I heard Cooper say outside the door.
“Coming!” I replied picking up Blackberrie.
I arrived downstairs in the breakfast area:
“Goodmorning May darling, how did you sleep?” my father asked me as I entered the room.
“Slept pretty good I guess.” I replied
I saw the maid come over with food on a plate, she set it down in front of me. It was cereal and toast with orange juice and cup of blood.
I ate the toast and some bites of cereal as I talked to my brother about today. All my dad was doing is reading the paper, normally my dad never eats with us so I found this odd.
“Wheres mom?” I asked sipping my blood since I finished my orange juice
“She’s in the kitchen.” My dad replied without looking up from the newspaper
“Oh” was all I said to him. I looked towards my brother “What time is it?” I asked him
He checked his watch and replied “it’s about 7:30; school starts at 9:45”
“Well that gives me some time and get ready.” I got up leaving my dishes on the table knowing that the maid would take care of it.
I walked upstairs to my bedroom, I already had my outfit set out so all I needed was to put it on and put my makeup on. I got ready and put on my makeup
her outfit again
there was a knock on my door, I opened up my bathroom door and saw my mother.
“Hi mom, what can I do for ya?” I asked
“Sweetheart,” she said “Here are your books for school, they sent them in. I hope you have a good day today.”
“Thanks mom I hope I do too.”
“Oh, I almost forgot, here’s your phone, well a new one, since yours died in the fire.” She replied handing me my phone
I looked at it and it was the new Iphone 4 with a gorgeous case.
“Thank you so much mom!” I hugged her
“You’re welcome sweetie! Have fun at school!” she said as she walked out the door.
I looked at the clock in my bathroom, it said 9:00
“Daymn” I said as I walked out the bathroom grabbing my books and my book bag trying to stuff my books into my bag.
“Hey May, you ready for school?” he asked
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Which car do you want to take today?”
“Let’s take yours.”
“Okay, bye mom bye dad!”
My brother and I got into his car and he sped off towards the school. We arrived there around 9:30 without trouble finding it.
“Come on May let’s go to the office.” Cooper said as we parked the car.
As we got out of the car, I couldn’t help but notice everyone staring at us. I mean it’s hard not to notice; when everyone’s eyes are set on you and your brother.
I immediately saw someone I knew Eternity. She smiled and walked over once she reached me and my brother she yelled at everyone. “Well what are you doing staring don’t you have anything better to do!?” after she said that she turned back around and walked us to the office.
“Hi, my sister and I are new here Cooper and Maybelline Ashburton” my brother smoothly said
“Ah yes, you must be the new transfers, let me just get your schedules and your locker numbers” this woman with short black hair and a nasally voice said. “Here you go.” She said handing us our schedules “Have a nice day”
We exited the office looking at our schedules, Eternity was out there waiting and talking to two people I didn’t know, must’ve been friends of hers.
“Do we have any classes together?” Cooper asked
I looked at his schedule and mine
His schedule:
Home room - Mr. Ackerman room A6
1st period Chemistry- Mrs. Bunyan room D5
2nd period Art- Mr. Darwin room B4
3rd period Gym- Mr. Eggleston; Track, Field
4th period English- Ms. Kerr room C8
5th period Study Hall- Mr. Smith room R5
6th period History- Ms. Lumly Q2
7th period Advanced Algebra 2- Mr. Parry N8
8th period- Free Period

Home room- Mrs. Powers room A2
1st period Chemistry- Mrs. Bunyan room D5
2nd period Art- Mr. Darwin room B4
3rd period English- Ms. Roberts room C1
4th period Gym- Mr. Skeffington; Track, Field
5th period- Free Period
6th period History- Ms. Lumly Q2
7th period Trigonometry- Ms. Stapleton room H6
8th period Study Hall- Mr. Smith room R5

“We have 1st period, 2nd period, and 6th period together oh! And lunch.” I replied handing back his schedule to him
“Daymn, hoped we could have more classes together.” He said
“Hey guys!” Eternity said “Lemme see your schedules!” we both handed her our schedules as she skimmed them over.
“Cooper we have Home room, 1st period, 2nd period, lunch 6th period and 7th period together!” she said “and May, we have 1st period, 2nd period, 4th period lunch, 5th period and 6th period together!”
“Sweet, at least we know someone now that are in our classes.” Cooper said
“Yeah, oh hey I want you guys to meet some friends of mine.” She said “Hey Venus, Neptune! Come here for a second.”
The two people she was talking to earlier came over, the boy was pale, tall with black hair and dark brown eyes, the girl was pale, with blonde, black, blue and purple hair, she had these bright blue eyes.
“Guys this is Cooper and Maybelline, they are new here.”
“Hi, I’m Neptune and this is my twin sister Venus.” Neptune said huskily.
“Hello it’s nice to meet you.” Venus said happily.
I noticed that Venus’s voice was really high pitched, but it was a pretty, velvety, smooth voice.
“Hi, I’m Maybelline, but you can call me May, this is my brother Cooper.” I said smoothly
“Well it’s nice to meet you both. Can we see your schedules?” Neptune asked.
“Sure, I don’t see why not.” Cooper replied taking my schedule and handing both of ours to Neptune.
They quickly skimmed over the schedules like Eternity did.
“Well I can say that me and Cooper have every single class together besides 5th period which me and May have.” Neptune said handing back our schedules
“Yeah, Maybelline and I have every class together except 5th, which I have with Cooper.” Venus replied
“Wow, so everyone’s set I guess then” Eternity said.
The bell rang
“Time to go to home room!” Neptune said excitedly
“Well I guess we’ll all see each other next period!” Eternity said taking Neptune and Cooper to homeroom.
“Well are you ready to go to homeroom?” Venus asked me
“As ready as I’ll ever be!” I linked arms with her and we skipped off to class.
♠ ♠ ♠ Eternity's outfit Venus's outfit