
Chapter 11: Pinkie, and Romeo and Juliet partners?!

Chapter 11
Venus and I entered the class and went our separate ways, I gave my slip to the teacher Mrs. Powers who just told me to find a seat wherever.
I walked and sat right next to Venus who was talking to another girl, with pink hair, and blue/black strips.
“Hey May, this is Pinkie.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” Pinkie said smiling.
“Nice to meet you too”
The bell rang again which meant that class had started, kids started to pile in.
“Class, we have a new student, her name’s Maybelline, treat her nicely.” She said and started talking about school, and projects, and groups you can join
The bell rang again and Venus and I walked to our next class, which I gave the slip to my teacher Mrs. Bunyann who told me to sit by Eternity.
“Hey” Eternity said as I sat down
“Hi.” I replied smiling
“How do you like it here so far?” she asked.
“I love it, I meet someone, Pinkie, I think her name was.”
“Oh yeah, Pinkie! She’s a sweetheart, I’m sure you guys will be good friends, she’s part of our group.”
“Oh really? Wow that’s awesome!” I said smiling
The bell rang and everyone came piling in, even my brother who finally gave his slip to Mrs. Bunyann.
“Now, class we have two new students who are siblings, Cooper and Maybelline Ashburton.”
I thought to myself please don’t make us introduce ourselves in front of the class.
“Cooper, Maybelline would you like to introduce yourselves?”
“Awh fuck” I whispered
Eternity just chuckled at me.
Cooper and I stood up and walked towards the class; I looked up at Cooper and pleaded with my eyes for him to talk and not me. He looked down and nodded knowing.
“Hi, I’m Cooper and this is my sister Maybelline and we just moved here from Florida.”
After my brother said Florida, I heard some mumbles around the class, like “if they are from Florida why don’t they have tans?”
Actually that was mainly the only whispering mumbles I heard.
“Well thank you Cooper and Maybelline, you may take your seats now.”
We walked back as she started the class,
“Wow that must’ve been awkward. Normally she never does that, but also we never get new students.”
“Oh I see, well that makes sense then.”
Mrs. Bunyann droned on as I zoned out of class, I already know everything since I’ve taken high school since I can remember.
The bell rang again and now it’s art class, my favorite class of the day!
Venus, Neptune, Eternity, Cooper and I walked to class all linking arms, we probably looked like idiots but I could care less.
We arrived to class just before the bell rang, Cooper and I walked up to Mr. Darwin who just told us to find any empty seat.
I sat right next to Neptune, who greeted me with a smile.
“Now class, I want you to imagine something, a far away mystical place, it could be anything, but I want you to capture your imagination and paint a picture of it.”
I started thinking about a place where I’ve been to once, where there was a small clear pond and weeping willows around that pond. It was part of a garden at one of my old homes. I started to paint it with clear blue skies.
“Very good, Maybelline, you sure have a lot of talent.” Mr. Darwin said as he came around
“Thank you.” Was all I said in reply to his comment.
“Ah, Neptune, what on earth are you painting?”
“I’m painting you getting struck by lightning.” Neptune smirked
I started to chuckle as I heard Neptune’s answer.
The teacher commented on it, and kept walking on his way checking everyone else’s work.
Neptune and I looked at each other and started to burst out laughing mimicking our teacher.
The bell rang again hence class is over.
Venus walked up to me and asked me if I was ready for English with Mrs. Roberts.
“She has the weirdest accent you have ever heard” Venus said towards me. “It’s like a mix between a chipmunk and a cow.”
I bursted out laughing thinking that she was joking, she chuckled a bit,
“No I’m serious, she sounds like a chipmunk- hi Mrs. Roberts” Venus said as we walked into class
“Hello Venus, please take a seat.” Mrs. Roberts said “And you must be our new student, Maybelline right?”
“Yup that’s me” I said biting my lip trying to hold back my laughter
“Well, here’s Romeo and Juliet, you can just catch up with us during class, I’m sure Venus will give you the notes on the story. Oh and we have quizzes every other Friday on the book. Just sit wherever you like to sit.”
The bell rang again, and everyone piled into class, I noticed Kade was in this class too. The only empty seat was by him, so I walked over and sat down. Venus turned around in her seat that was close to the front and gave me a sad smile as if to say sorry.
I smiled back a little to say its okay.
“Hey” I heard Kade say.
“Huh? Oh hi.” I said with a smile.
“Now class, the people you are sitting next to will be your partners for a project we are doing.” Mrs. Roberts said
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Pinkie's outfit:

What?! What's this project Mrs. Roberts is assigning?!
I've always wanted to do one of those. :)