
Chapter 12: Romeo and Juliet Project with Kade?! Ah Hell to the No!

Chapter 12:
“Fuck” I whispered to myself
I noticed Kade looked over at me and smirked.
“This project is one of Romeo and Juliet; I will be assigning you parts during the period that you and your partner will have to work out.”
The teacher went around and finally came to me and Kade.
“Now Kade and Maybelline I want you both to do the starting of scene five.”
*if you don’t know which scene it is, I’ll post part of it so you know*
“Why don’t you start Maybelline?”
“Alright if I have to”
SCENE V. Capulet's orchard.
Enter ROMEO and JULIET above, at the window
JULIET (Maybelline)
Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day:
It was the nightingale, and not the lark,
That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear;
Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate-tree:
Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.
ROMEO (Kade)
It was the lark, the herald of the morn,
No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks
Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east:
Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day
Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops.
I must be gone and live, or stay and die.
JULIET (Maybelline)
Yon light is not day-light, I know it, I:
It is some meteor that the sun exhales,
To be to thee this night a torch-bearer,
And light thee on thy way to Mantua:
Therefore stay yet; thou need'st not to be gone.
ROMEO (Kade)
Let me be ta'en, let me be put to death;
I am content, so thou wilt have it so.
I'll say yon grey is not the morning's eye,
'Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow;
Nor that is not the lark, whose notes do beat
The vaulty heaven so high above our heads:
I have more care to stay than will to go:
Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so.
How is't, my soul? let's talk; it is not day.
JULIET (Maybelline)
It is, it is: hie hence, be gone, away!
It is the lark that sings so out of tune,
Straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.
Some say the lark makes sweet division;
This doth not so, for she divideth us:
Some say the lark and loathed toad change eyes,
O, now I would they had changed voices too!
Since arm from arm that voice doth us affray,
Hunting thee hence with hunt's-up to the day,
O, now be gone; more light and light it grows.
ROMEO (Kade)
More light and light; more dark and dark our woes!
Enter Nurse, to the chamber
Nurse (Student from the class)
JULIET (Maybelline)
Nurse (student from the class)
Your lady mother is coming to your chamber:
The day is broke; be wary, look about.
JULIET (Maybelline)
Then, window, let day in, and let life out.
Farewell, farewell! one kiss, and I'll descend.

“Ah, hell no there is no way on earth that I’m going to kiss you.” I said
“Why not? Scared to kiss me?”

Luckily the bell rang before I had to answer him.
“Hey” I heard Venus say.
“Hi” I replied
“How was practice with Kayden?”
“We got the first part on act 5, apparently I’m suppose to kiss him but I really don’t want to.”
“Oh wow, at least you’re not pared up with a douche, who tries to get into your pants every 2 seconds.”
“I’m sorry, that must suck, want me to punch him in the face for ya?”
Venus chuckled a bit. “Nah, I think I’ll be good, it’s only for a few weeks anyways.”
“That’s true, and you know what else is true?”
“That Mrs. Robert’s voice does sound like a chipmunk and a cow.”
We laughed as we walked off to our next class.
“Ugh gym I fucking hate gym.” Venus said as she got ready for gym class
“I do too, why do we even have to take it, I mean we’re juniors, we shouldn’t be taking this stupid Gym class, with Mr. What’s his face’s name”
“Yeah that dude.” I laughed a bit
“Well you ready to meet Mr. Skeffington, the hardest teacher in the whole entire world?” Venus said over dramatically.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied with a dramatic sigh
Venus and I chuckled as we walked to gym we saw Eternity, talking to Pinkie; we walked over and started to chat until the whistle rang. Which indicated that the teacher was there, Mr. Skeffington was an old man with an angry look on his face like he was always pissed off. His dark eyes glaring at everyone, I slowly walked up to him and handed him my slip.
“Maybelline eh? Well you can just go sit on the bench for now, until tomorrow that is.” He said, his voice was coarse and rough. Like he had been screaming his whole entire life. (outfits they wear)

Mr. Skeffington blew his whistle again and everyone lined up to where they were going to be. I noticed Pinkie, Venus, and Eternity were all bunched together.
“Now class I want you to do 8 laps around the track today” everyone groaned to protest at this. “You want to make it 15?” he snapped at the class and everyone shut their traps knowing he would force them. “That’s what I thought, 8 laps around the track and jumping jacks every time I blow the whistle twice. Got it”
“Yes Mr. Skeffington”
“Now begin.”
Every minute he would whistle and if people started to slow down a bit to start walking he made them do twice the jumping jacks. Venus really wasn’t kidding when she said he was the hardest teacher in the whole entire world.
Mr. Skeffington blew the whistle four times, telling that the class was over for today. I got up off my bench and walked over to my friends who looked like they were going to pass out, Venus was sprawled on the ground like someone just killed her, Pinkie was sitting with her head in her hands, and Eternity was bending over trying to catch her breath.
“Wow, Venus you really weren’t kidding when you said that he’s the hardest teacher ever.”
“I *gasps for air* know.”
“Well come on guys, I have aspirin in my bag, and water if you need it.”
“Please and thank you.” Pinkie said
I chuckled a bit and helped Venus and Pinkie up.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” Eternity said
“That’s no good; let’s get you inside and get you water; besides lunch is next.” I said
We walked into the girl’s locker rooms and I took my bag out of my water along with a 2 bottles of water. I gave one to Pinkie and 2 aspirin for her headache which she gladly took, and gave Eternity some water. Venus felt fine afterwards, but she’s so skinny so she seemed like a runner also.
They quickly changed and we were out the locker room and to our lockers once the bell rang signaling that lunch is starting.
Cooper met me at my locker and gave me some money for lunch.
“Hey, here’s your lunch money.”
“Thank you, let’s go to Eternity’s locker, everyone’s meeting there.” I said
Eternity’s locker wasn’t far from mine, it was just down the hall, and when Cooper and I got there we noticed more people than we expected to see.
“Hey guys!” Eternity said “I want you to meet everyone. Well you’ve already meet Venus, Neptune (her twin) and Pinkie.”
I nodded and said “Cooper hasn’t met Pinkie though,”
“Oh right, well Cooper this is Pinkie, she said pointing to the girl with Pink hair, a Monroe piercing.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Pinkie said
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Cooper said in reply
“Well now that you know her, guys this is Acelynn (pointing to a girl with black hair) Zalia (blue hair) Coretta (blonde/ dark brown hair), Rosalynn who is Pinkies younger sister, Arien (girl with black hair and bright blue eyes).”
Each one of them said hello, I noticed Coretta had a French accent, she must be from France, I’ll have to talk to her.
“Now meet the guys, this is London (brown hair), and his brother Britain who goes by Britt (headphones dude), Zeke (snakebites), Gunner (light brown hair), and where’s Reed?” Eternity said
“Oh he’s running to his locker he said he’ll meet us at our usual spot.” Arien said
“Oh okay well I guess you guys will meet him later.”
We both nodded our heads and walked off to the cafeteria room. We walked into the lunch line, and got some food, well I got an apple and a salad, with water, and Cooper got a hamburger, apple sauce, an orange and water. We paid for our food and waited for Eternity to pay for hers, and followed her to their usual spot which Is outside by a huge tree. We sat on the grass and noticed Arien cuddling with a boy with glasses he looked friendly.
“Oh May, Cooper this is Reed Arien’s boyfriend.” Pinkie said as we sat down.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Reed said
“You too.” Cooper replied
“So how do you guys like it here so far?” I heard Acelynn said
“So far, I like it, seems pretty nice so far.” I replied
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Hope you enjoyeddd. :) new characters just click characters in the upper right hand corner :)