
Chapter 7: So I met Prince Kayden?

Chapter 7:

“once again, who are you, and why are you here?” his grip tightened around my neck and he seethed, showing me his fangs.
“Maybelline, where are you?” I heard my brother call.
The man’s grip quickly let go as we saw my brother turn the corner. His eyes widened with shock.
“Kayden, man? Is that you?” my brother asked running up towards me and this man presumably named Kayden.
“Coop dude, is that you? Man it’s been a long time” he said.
“Man I know.” Cooper replied as they did some sort of handshake. “I see you met my sister”
“Sister?” Kayden’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, my sister, hey May come here and meet an old friend of mine.” Cooper said.
I waltzed over to my brothers side and stared at this boy who looked so unfamiliar to me, yet at the same time familiar; His jet black hair covering his eyes, his icy cold blue eyes staring at me in shock, his pale skin that looked so smooth.
“Hello, I’m Maybelline.” I said putting out my hand for a handshake.
“H-hi, I’m K-Kayden, P-Pri-Prince Kayden actually.” Prince Kayden stuttered a bit taking my hand to shake it.
The prince, of vampires in front of my face, wow he looks like any normal guy, watch he’s some stuck up boy in real life.
“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Prince Kayden.” I replied taking my hand out of his firm, yet soft grasp.
“Please call me Kade.” He said staring straight into my brown eyes.
“Key man, wanna come over to our place for dinner tonight? I’m sure your parents and mine would be dying to see each other again.” Cooper said
“Of course, my family and I would love to come over.” Kade said while glancing at me.
I just smirked every time he glanced over. Man what is this boys problem? Do I have something on my face? I slowly lifted my hand toward my face quickly touching to see if anything out of order was there. Kade laughed, I’m guessing at my horrid facial expression
“There’s nothing on your face Maybelline, I’m just shocked that it’s you May. Cause the last time we saw each other was when we were little and well uh you were two.”
“Oh, well then a lot has changed since then I guess.” I replied sighing.
“Yes, indeed it has.”
“Well I’d love to keep on chatting about the good old days but I’m going to go. Bye Cooper” I said kissing his cheek. “Nice meeting you Kade, see you at dinner”
And with that I walked swiftly off towards my lambo and drove off towards home. Once I walked into the door of my home, I was almost ran into, I saw maids and butlers running around trying to get things more prepared for the Queen and King of Vampires coming over. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to the stairs of my house.
“Oh Maybelline, thank goodness you’re here!” my mother, came running towards me holding a bouquet of flowers in a vase.
“What’s with the vase of flowers?” I asked stopping up on the fifth step of the grand staircase.
“The queen and king of vampires is coming over for dinner and we’re trying to make the house look presentable.”
“I know, I meet their son, we had a little mishap I guess you could say.”
“You met Prince Kayden?” my mom’s eyes went wide and she went into a shock mode.