Status: Active

An ordinary life? I don't think so

Chapter Eleven

After a few more chapters I glanced up at the clock and noticed it was the end of school.

Most people from the cafeteria had cleared out except for Arthur and Anthony who were still chatting.

I placed my book in my bag and carefully stood up trying not to make them notice. I made it to the front doors before I heard shouting from behind me.

I turn and see Arthur jogging to catch up, Anthony was walking behind.

“Where you off to Betty boop?” Did Arthur just seriously call me that?

“Um home I guess. Are you seriously going to call me that?”

“Why not? Cute name for a cute girl.” He said while putting his arm on my shoulder before we walked out. I was glad he couldn’t see me because my blush was very visible.

I shrug his arm off of me and we walk out of the school.

“So we off to study buddy?” Arthur asks when we reach the sidewalk.

“I was planning on working today.” I said quietly. I was not used to walking or talking with anyone this long. That’s what happens when life has been full of neglect.

“Okay then let’s get some food.” Arthur shouts at no one and wraps his arm around my shoulders again.

If anyone would have told me a month ago that Arthur, Anthony and I would be hanging out let alone talking, I would have called them crazy. But I guess life is really unpredictable.

When we arrived at the diner Arthur and Anthony sat at a booth towards the back while I changed into my uniform.

As I emerged from the bathroom Arthur signaled me over to him.

“You need anything?”

“How’s the hamburger” Arthur asked while placing his menu down on the table and flashing me a smile.

“Really good. I recommend the fries with it and a coke.”

“Sounds good to me.” Arthur grinned.

I nod and look over to Anthony who ordered the same thing.

As I am waiting for their meals to be made Lulu walks over to me.

“He’s a cute guy.” She nudges me. I just shrug in response.

“Is he your boyfriend?” She asks.

I turn my head sharply to look at her. Boyfriend? “No no no. He is not my boyfriend. I tutor him after school.”

Lulu gives me a look saying ‘sure, whatever you say’ before walking over to Frank and getting the guys food.

“Here you are.” I place their food down.

“Thanks Betty boop.” Arthur grinned at me. I just laugh at his stupid name for me.

“Already have pet names for each other huh?” An annoyed voice said from behind me. I turn and gasp. Zack stood there with a very pissed off expression.

“Dude chill. We’re just eating.” Anthony said with a mouthful of food.

“No harm here Zack. Just eating.” Arthur replies while looking at me and smiling.

“Whatever. I just didn’t get the memo when we would start being nice to the freak here.” Zack motioned towards me. I felt my face flush with embarrassment and I knew it was time for me to walk away.

I noticed Zack take a seat beside Anthony and they were joking away like pals. Disappointment washed over me when I realized that they didn’t want to be my friend. I guess with Arthur’s nickname and everything I thought we had formed some kind of friendship.

By the end of my shift I was extremely exhausted. As I stepped outside the diner I noticed there was even more snow on the ground.


A car horn caught my attention. I looked over at a familiar car and started towards it.

“Need a lift.” Arthur asked leaning over the passenger seat.

“I’m fine.”

“It’s pretty cold out. I don’t mind-“


“Don’t be stubborn Betty. Just get-“


“Betty I will get out of this car and force you in.”

I was about to protest but that’s when I noticed that Arthur was just as stubborn as me.

I reluctantly got into the car and put my seatbelt on.

“See. Now you won’t be so cold.” Arthur patted my leg gently which sent a jolt through me. He must have a really cold hand.

We soon arrived at my house.

“Thanks for the ride.” I mumbled and was about to get out of the car when Arthur stopped me.

“I’m sorry how Zack treats you. He just… he just has issues okay.”

I raise my eyebrow in question.

“It’s hard to explain okay.”

“Then why are you friends with him?” I ask curiously.

“It’s a long story for another time. But I just need you to know that I don’t agree with what Zack does or act. I used to just act like him because it was easier then dealing with his arguments. But I won’t ever treat you wrong again Betty. I promise.” Arthur finished his speech as he held my hand.

He looked up at me expecting me to say something but what was I supposed to say? Oh its okay your friend treats me like dirt because he has issues. I may be lonely but I’m not stupid.

“I guess I will see at school tomorrow. We can go to the library after school and I can tutor you then.” I said before exiting the car and going towards my large empty house.

After placing my things by the front door I wandered into the kitchen and grabbed some water out of the fridge.

I took a sip before my cell phone started ringing.

I wandered to the front to get my purse. After searching through my purse for a few minutes I found it.

I flipped open my phone and saw one new text message.

That’s odd. I don’t text anyone.

I looked at the contact and couldn’t help but smile.

‘Night Betty Boop’ From Arthur

Oh Arthur, you are too kind to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow its been a long time!
Sorry, school has been hectic and I had writers block.
So i updated when i could and i hope to update weekly!
Big question now.
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