Status: Active

An ordinary life? I don't think so

Chaper Twelve

The week went by smoothly for a change.

I would go to school and since the city was still covered in snow most people were skipping. I however went to school every day. Arthur was also there with me, Anthony would show up occasionally and Zack was nowhere to be seen.

Which didn’t bother me one bit.

It was now Saturday and Arthur said he wanted to treat me to a fun day because of all the tutoring.

Even though I know he was a complete jerk to me months ago, he has wound up in the soft part of my heart. It was hard for me to admit, but I think I like Arthur. Like him as in more than friends if you catch my drift.

I woke up extra early to get ready. I made sure I looked good enough.

Pathetic, right?

“Betty you ready?” I heard Arthur shout from downstairs.

“Yea, one second.” I shout back and grab my messenger bag from my table and rush towards the stairs.

I saw Arthur looking along all the photos on the wall. When I reached the bottom he turned
around to look at me and smiled.

“Well don’t you look dashing.” He said in a British accent.

I couldn’t help but blush a bit.

He smiled before turning his attention towards the photos once again.

“Hey Betty?”

“Yea.” I walk over to stand next to him.

“Why aren’t you in any photos?”He asked while he concentrated on searching through the many photos displayed.

“Oh.”I moved away from him to grab my coat, “My family doesn’t care for me much.” I made my way back over to him, “That’s when my parents went to the family reunion in New York” I pointed to a picture, “That’s their Hawaii vacation they took two years ago,” I pointed to another before pointing to an elderly lady on the wall, “And that’s my grandma. She was my only family that cared. She died 3 years ago.” I walk to the door and opened it. “Ready Arthur?”

He nodded before walking out the door. He had a confused look on his face. It’s easier not to talk about my life, it will make people laugh or take pity. I don’t want either.

We got into his car and he drove towards the city.

“Why are going to the city?”

Arthur looked over at me and smirked. “You’ll see.”

I looked nervously at him then back at the road. What did he have planned for me?


A half hour later we pulled up to the Drivers Bureau.

“Arthur, how come we’re here? You do have a license right?” I asked getting panicked.

Arthur turned to me and grinned, “I have mine, now you need yours.”

I turned to look at him and my mouth dropped. “I have no money for my license Arthur.”

“It’s my treat now come on let’s get in line.” He got out of the car and I followed nervously behind him.

When we got inside there was at least twenty others ahead of us. Arthur grabbed my elbow and directed us to the line.

“Arthur, I didn’t even study.” I began to worry.

“You’ll do fine; most of it is common sense anyway.” He smiled.

I smile back but inside I feel really guilty. I don’t want him wasting his money on me. Why was he even getting my license, it’s not like I have a car or would get one soon.

“Hey,” Arthur got my attention “I want you to get your license, every teenager needs one.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder in comfort. It helped calm me down but the butterflies in my stomach were much more noticeable now.

I nodded in response.

For the next little while Arthur talked about his life, well complained but it was nice to hear about him.

He talked about how his mother wouldn’t let him drive four hours to see his favorite band Avenged Sevenfold play. He also walked about how his dad wanted him to follow in his footsteps and become a mechanic (he learned how to fix cars when he was 11) but Arthur wanted to work with music, more specifically own his own music store. I was really fascinated with his life. He might not realize it but he had it great compared to some people.

He started talking about his grandparents when we reached the lady at the front desk. I was a bit intimidated by her since she looked like she wouldn’t give a fuck whether or not you passed or not.

After showing her my identification and taking the eye test and my picture it was finally test time.

My only word was eek.

“Okay miss take a seat and you may begin. You can take as long as you need.” The lady who held the tests said and I nodded and looked around the small room full of desks.

There were six other people in here; most of them looked okay except for one guy looked up at me which gave me chills. I just sat away from him.

I finished within twenty minutes which is pretty good considering I have not looked at the Driver’s book in a long while.

I finished the test and handed it in. The lady then quickly went through it and typed something into her computer before looking up at me.

“You passed,” She grabbed some papers from the printers and handed them to me and explained how the papers were used temporarily until my license came in.

I walked back out to Arthur and smiled.

“I passed.” I said happily and Arthur pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

“I knew you would, your too damn smart.”

I blushed and was glad he was still hugging me so that he would not be able to see that.

“Excuse me sir could you and your girlfriend please move, we have to keep the place flowing.” A man said to us annoyed how we were blocking the door way. Wait, did he say girlfriend?

Arthur just glared at the man for interrupting us which was funny to see the man shrink away from the look.

“Let’s get some food.” Arthur grabbed my hand and we walked back to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! already 12 chapters!
sorry the story is going slow. just give me time to update xD
Remember comments = updates!