Status: Active

An ordinary life? I don't think so

Chapter Twenty

“Betty, time to wake up.” A voice stirred me from my sleep.

I mumbled a “go away” before rolling away from the voice. I was far too comfy to get up and face the day.

The person then started to shake my arm. After a few minutes of this I gave up, no way I could go back to sleep now.

I rolled over and opened an eye. Arthur was leaning on his elbow looking at me.

“Morning.” I mumbled smiling at my boyfriend. The word was still new for me.

He smiled back before pecking my cheek causing me to turn bright red.

“Time to get up, we have school soon.” Arthur helped me out of bed.

“Could we go by my house before school Arthur? I want to change into some new clothes.”

“You could always wear my clothes. I wouldn’t mind.” He grinned sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes, “Not one of your brightest ideas considering your clothes are too big.”

He faked hurt, “Are you calling me fat?”

“You’re pleasantly plump. Now hurry up or we will be late.” I shooed him into the bathroom while quickly changing into yesterday’s clothes.

We were at my house soon after, we both grabbed a pop tart that Mrs. Halpert made us. I quickly went to my room and pulled out some clean clothes and changed. I fixed my hair a bit and touched up on my makeup.

When I finished I went back downstairs to see Arthur waiting for me by the front door. I didn’t need to grab anything else so we headed back to school.


The rest of the day went by quite smoothly. Zack was away so it was just Arthur, Anthony and I.

Anthony and I have actually become friends. I guess after the both of us realized we had to be around each other now, we started talking and even though we don’t have similar interests, he still seems to be a good guy who had made the wrong choices.

Mr. Williams was also away, which was not too good since I had to speak to him about tutoring during the Christmas Holidays which were next week. I decided to just talk to him about it tomorrow and see if Arthur would need the extra tutoring, which I wouldn’t mind helping him with, or if he would rather us continue after the break.

After school was finished I had to work. Thankfully Arthur dropped me off before he too went to his work.

My good day reflected into a positive attitude at work which gave me extra tips from the customers. At the end of my shift I was called into Sal’s office where he told me that the diner would be closed throughout the Christmas Holidays due to that he and Lulu were going to be visiting family.

Since today was my last day at work before the holidays I stayed a little late to help clean up. After putting the last few dishes into the cupboards I heard the bell to the shop ring. I turned around to tell the customer that the place was closed but stopped when I saw that it was Arthur.

I smiled and walked over to him and embraced him in a hug.

“Hey Betty, ready to go?” He asked as we pulled apart.

“I believe so, let me just say goodbye to Lulu and Sal.” He nodded and I gave him a smile while I headed to the office.

I walked inside and didn’t see either one. I’m guessing they were in the back packing up some supplies.

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote them a quick note telling them that I had left and for them to have a wonderful holiday.


Arthur drove us back to my house. I noticed my parent’s car with also a few other vehicles in
the driveway and a pit formed in my stomach almost instantly.

I looked over at Arthur as we stepped out of his car. He grabbed my hand sensing my uneasiness.

When we walked inside I saw my mother ordering men around. It looked like they were setting up for a party of some sort which is odd since they usually never have their parties here.

“What’s going on mom?” I asked as we walked over to her.

“We’re celebrating Christmas and New Years here this year.” She responded not even looking at us.

“Oh, who will be here?”

“Friends, family, co-workers. Just the usual.” She said before yelling at a man who placed the coffee table in the wrong area apparently. “Just talk to your father Betty!” My mother said agitated at my questions.

“How about you pack some clothes and spend the night at my place again?” Arthur asked. I nodded and smiled at his idea before walking upstairs not bothering to find my dad.

I grabbed a duffel bag out of my closet and opened my closet and pulled out a few outfits. I had a feeling that I would be spending a lot of nights over at Arthur’s house so might as well pack extra and just leave the bag at his house.

I put a few shoes also in the bag before grabbing a makeup bag and some personal things from the washroom.

“All done.” I smiled at Arthur who took the bag from my hands and walked me downstairs and to his car. My parents did not even notice that I had left the house. Not like I expected to really, although for once it’d be nice for them to take notice in my life.

The drive was short to his house. Walking into the house I saw Arthur’s dad sitting in the living room with the hockey game on, I could hear Jasper and Oliver upstairs giggling like usual, Arthur’s mom was in the kitchen where she had put aside two bowls of food, one for me and one for Arthur.

Arthur walked me into the kitchen where Mrs. Halpert placed the bowls into the microwave to heat them up while Arthur was grabbing us some drinks from the fridge.

As I listened to the microwave making a low humming noise I couldn’t help but wonder what
I was feeling inside.

It was strange, it was foreign.

The microwave made a ding noise signaling it was done. Our bowls were placed in front of us along with some forks.

The food looked like a casserole.

Arthur immediately dug into it while I picked my fork up slowly and took a bite.

Just before I could take another bite the sudden urge to cry took over and before I knew it I choked out a sob.

Arthur and his mom looked in my direction slightly confused.

Embarrassed at my actions I ran out of the room and downstairs where I could not hold back the tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no!
What do you think is wrong with Betty?
If you think my story is getting boring remember, i have more concerning Zack and Mr. Williams.

I've noticed that some updates I'm only getting one comment..
I have +30 subscribers!
I should be getting a hell of alot more!
I may hold up on updates if this continues...