Status: Active

An ordinary life? I don't think so

Chapter Twenty One

I sat on Arthur’s bed wiping the last few tears from my eyes. In my life, I’ve never had people treat me so kindly before. They seem to want to be around me. I know Lulu and Sal at the Diner have always treated me kindly however I have only ever seen them at the Diner since when they’re not working they are usually away.

Years, I’ve spent waiting for people to want me, to feel some kind of love from people. I just can’t believe it’s actually happening now.

“Betty?” Arthur said while descending down the stairs. He looked over at me and quickly made his way over.

“Are you alright?” His face full of worry.

I nodded and smiled while the tears started up again.

“Shit! Did I do something?” He asked panicking when he saw the fresh tears.

I shook my head yes. He looked more upset.

“Whatever moronic thing I did, I ‘m sorry.” He said pulling me into a hug, thinking I was going to leave.

“Don’t be sorry Arthur. I’m glad you did it.” I said while pulling away from him.

He looked at me, pure confusion written all over his face.

“I’ve never had any one really accept me or want to be around me.” I looked down at our interlocked hands, “I guess I never realized how a family was supposed to be.”

Arthur pulled my face up to look at him.

I kissed him before leaning against him.

Arthur let out a chuckle while rubbing my arm, “How about we head back upstairs, I’m pretty sure my mom is freaking out thinking you don’t like her.”

I laughed and let him pull me up to my feet.

Arthur was right; his mom was frantically cleaning the kitchen.

When she saw me she immediately rushed over to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug,

“Are you okay Betty?”

“I’m fine.” I say while hugging her back.

“I was so worried!” She said while letting go and walking over to the oven. She grabbed a pair of oven mitts and opened the oven door. The aroma of fresh brownies filled the air making my mouth water.

“I thought you could use some brownies to cheer you up.” She said while putting the hot pan on the cooling rack.

After waiting awhile before we received a plate of brownies.

“We’re going to head downstairs, night mom.” Arthur said giving his mom a hug. After Arthur let go she pulled me into a hug.

“Now, behave down there.” She said while letting go.

I blushed madly before quickly following Arthur downstairs.


I woke up the next morning to Arthur playing with the strands of my hair. I peeked one eye open and smirked.

“Having fun?”

Arthur jumped at the sound of my voice.

He looked down at me and smiled, “Good morning or should I say afternoon.”

I looked up at him confused. Afternoon?

He noticed my confusion and continued, “Well we kind of slept in.” He grinned sheepishly.

“Don’t we have school? It’s the last day before the holidays.” I said looking over at the clock on his nightstand. The bright red numbers read one twenty.

“I figured that since there is only a little over an hour left, and by the time we got ready and got there, there would be roughly over a half hour left that we should just take the day off.”

I nodded in agreement and laid my head back on the pillow.

“Your mom is okay with us staying home?” I asked after a few moments of silence.

He nodded, “She actually was the one who woke me up and after she saw you sleeping she said for us to take the day off.”

“What time did she wake you up at?” I let out a yawn before sitting up and stretching.

“Around ten-ish.” He replied watching me.

“You’ve been up since nine!? Why didn’t you wake me up?”

He shrugged, “You looked pretty beat last night. I figured you could use some extra sleep.”

“I hope you weren’t bored while you were waiting for me to get up.” I laugh out.

“Nah, it was relaxing watching you sleep.” He grins.

I push his shoulder lightly, “Creeper.”

“I’m not a creeper, I leave that to Mr. Williams.” He finishes laughing while I roll my eyes.

“He’s not a creeper. He’s just a nice teacher.” I assure myself more than him.

“Well, if he tries anything, you can always have your super strong and manly boyfriend kick his old man ass.” He said while flexing his bicep.

I laughed at his antics.

“Okay tough guy, how about we get something to eat.” I suggest trying to get out of bed but end up tripping over Arthur’s legs causing us both to crash down onto his floor with Arthur on top of me.

I groan out in pain and look up at Arthur who is smiling.

“What are you smiling at?”

“I like this position.” He grins.

I roll my eyes and attempt to shove him off of me but fail.

“Could you please get off? You are kinda crushing me.”

He rolls off and helps me stand up.


After our lunch which consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches Arthur realized he had to work tonight. We left earlier then we had to so he could ask his boss for the holiday’s off.

I was talking to Arthur since it was not too busy when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Zack walking up to us.

“Haven’t seen you two in awhile.” He grinned at me before pulling me into a hug.

“We slept in because someone forgot to set his alarm clock.” I replied while nudging Arthur’s side.

A look of confusion crossed Zack’s face.

Arthur wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

Zack’s face turned into an expression I could not read.

“Oh so. .” He gestured to the two of us.

“Yup, couldn’t be happier.” Arthur replied before kissing my cheek again.

Zack’s face hardened before he turned away and left the store.

“What’s wrong with Zack?” I asked.

“I. . I don’t know.” Arthur said stumbling at first with his words.

“Maybe we should all hang out during the holidays?” I suggested.

“Maybe, how about you head back to my house. I’m going to probably be late. You can take my car if you want.” He suggested.

I shook my head, “No thanks, I’ll stop by the Diner on the way back to your house.” I smiled and kissed his cheek before walking towards the entrance of the store.
♠ ♠ ♠
See? All explained why Betty was crying..
but now.. whats up with Zack?
Oh you will find out in the next chapter..
Aren't I just evil for making you wait?

Or you wont find out what happens xD