Status: Active

An ordinary life? I don't think so

Chapter Twenty Four

I sat there shocked. How could they be brothers when Zack had saved me from him once?

This was making no sense at all. I really needed a Tylenol.

“From the dumbfound expression on your face I’m guessing either you are too confused or too stupid.” Zack’s brother stated while walking into the room.

I glared at him before turning my attention back to a smirking Zack.

“Are you going to tell me or what?” I finally snapped having enough of their mind games.

Zack made a clicking sound while taking a few steps towards me and grabbed my jaw in one of his hands forcing me to look at him.

“You better watch yourself here missy.” He spat before pushing me off to the side.

I fought the urge to say a hateful comment.

“Jake, why don’t you get us something to eat while I explain everything to Betty?” Zack stated more than asked.

Zack’s brother, Jake, nodded before giving me a smirk and wink before exiting the room. A few moments later I heard another door slam close.

I’m assuming he left the house alone for me and Zack.


I nervously looked up at Zack again and saw him now sitting on a chair across from me, just staring.

“Why am I here?” I finally asked after five minutes of complete silence. I’m not sure at this point what scares me most, the silence or him talking.

“Betty, you ruined everything.”

I what!?

“You ruined my friendship with Arthur and Anthony.” He looked up coldly at me.

“How did I do that?” I asked dumbfounded at this information.

“Oh like you don’t know! You just had to tutor Arthur; I bet you had this planned for years. I knew you were always jealous of our friendship.”

Before I could say anything Zack continued, “I don’t like losing my friends Betty. I just want things to go back to normal, with you out of the picture.”

What was he going to do?

“Ever since I found out Arthur thought you were pretty, I realized it was my job to do something. For years I bullied you and even convinced that you would notice Arthur if he helped bully you too. What a moron.” He chuckled.

“It was going on fine until you had to tutor him.”

“What does your brother almost raping me have to do with this?” I rudely cut in; I almost did not want to hear this answer.

“The first time was all him, I knew what he liked to do to girls, hell I’d sometimes take them if he brought them home. “

My eyes practically popped out of my head. Zack raped girls!? What kind of sick pervert am I dealing with?

“However when he told me about this one girl who got saved by Arthur who I’m still surprised that he did not recognize Jake, I realized after he described the girl that it was you. It was not until a few weeks after when Arthur was defending you that I had to rethink this whole thing. I knew I could not keep bullying you if I wanted to keep my friends.

After we became more civil I asked Jake to attack you again and since I knew where you worked it was really simple. He even did it for free but only agreed to if he could have a little piece of you when we got through with the plan.”

He finished and even though he had told me a lot, I still needed more explaining.

“That doesn’t answer why I am exactly here? Why couldn’t you just tell me to back off like any normal person?” I asked slightly angry.

Zack’s head snapped up at me, “I am normal!”

I cringed when he shouted. Something is definitely wrong with him.

He suddenly stood up and started to pace the room, quietly talking to himself. It almost seemed like he was arguing with himself.

“Zack?” I asked getting more and more scared as the minutes passed and he continued arguing with himself.

Zack quickly walked to me and grabbed my hands.

“We’re just having fun. We aren’t doing anything wrong.” Zack repeated over and over. Even though he was looking into my eyes I knew he was not talking to me directly.

At this moment I realized Zack had schizophrenia. Maybe even more mental problems too!

I gasped as I realized this and tried to get my hands out of his grip, but he only got tighter.

He let go and stood up and made his way over to his chair, as if nothing happened.

He definitely was not alright.

“You’re not leaving Betty.” He narrowed his eyes at me, “You ruined my friendship.”

“So you think you can ruin my life!?” I said with hate, I really needed to keep my mouth shut. “Why can’t I just go home?” Tears began to form.

“You just can’t okay!”

The sound of the door opening and closing startled Zack.

“I brought pizza.” Jake said walking and dropping the pizza box on the table and left the room.

Zack opened the box and took out a slice and threw it at me, landing on the couch cushion beside me, if I had not been so hungry I would have left the pizza there.

I quickly ate it without thinking and went to reach for another but Zack grabbed the box and put it out of reach.

“That’s enough food for now. We don’t want you getting fat now.” Zack smirked and ate slice after slice before the box was empty. I could only assume Jake also had devoured his fair share of the food before he came.

I looked up when I heard footsteps enter the room. Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

“Should I take her back to the room?”

Zack looked up and nodded.

I was dragged back into the cold room where I had waked up in.

All I could do was pray that Arthur was searching for me. Without him I had no hope in my freedom.
♠ ♠ ♠
I dislike this chapter ALOT.
I realized now that this story will be super long!
D: Hope you all will stick around for it.

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What Lies Beneath The Surface
Alone In This World