Status: Active

An ordinary life? I don't think so

Chapter Twenty Five

The next morning I was awaken by a tray slamming down on the floor beside me.

I opened my eyes slowly to see a tray in front of me, breakfast I presumed. Grabbing the tray, I moved over to lean against the wall and began to eat very quickly.

My eyes only moved from my food when I heard the door open, slamming against the wall. I gulped down my food when I saw Zack walk into the room, not stopping until he is in front of me.

I kept my gaze at his feet and quickly finished off my small meal, not knowing when I would be eating next.

“Follow me.” Zack said before grabbing the tray from my hands and leaving the room, me quickly behind him.

We reached the kitchen and I couldn’t help but look out the window. It was a sunny day out, and it looked like the perfect day for a walk.

I never realized how I took sunny days like today for granted when I had my freedom.

However who ever thinks that they will ever be kidnapped?

I have horrible luck.

“Help wash the dishes.” Zack said emotionless.

The way how he was talking was beginning to freak me out.

I didn’t respond, I just started to dry the dishes while Zack washed them.

This went on for what felt like hours but in reality it was only minutes. I was deeply afraid that Zack would pull a knife out of the soapy water and end my life.

What? He kidnapped me. I have every right to be worried.

I let out a sigh of relief when Zack stepped around me to now put the dishes away in their spots.

I stood there unsure what I was to do.

“Have a seat Betty.” Zack stated rather calmly.

Oh dear lord.

Sitting down at one of the kitchen chairs I looked up to see Zack sitting across from me.

Zack didn’t say anything but just stared at me. What is this dude’s problem?

“What am I going to do with you?” Zack said so quietly that if I had not been paying attention I would not have heard it.

I raised my eyebrow in question.

“Well, to be honest, I did not think anyone would notice you were missing. Yea, maybe after a few months people would become suspicious but it’s been what?” He looked at me. “Oh yea, you don’t really know do you?” He let out a laugh.

“How long has it been?” I asked unsure if he would answer or not.

“Two weeks at least.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose, “This is not going according to plan at all.”

“What was the plan?”

“Would you just shut up!” A booming voice shouted from behind me almost causing me to fall off the chair.

I pursed my lips together in a fine line to keep from saying anything else as Jake walked around the table and leaned against the fridge. Waiting for what Zack had to say.

“You have one of two options Betty,” Zack started, “Jake can take you, do whatever the hell he wants with you,” I did not like the sound of that at all, “Or you can agree to my terms.”

I didn’t have to think twice before asking, “What are your terms?”

Jake scoffed and left the room, obviously dissatisfied with me.

“Well, you would have to pay me and Jake a large amount of money.”

Okay I can deal with that.

“And you have to also tell no one about being kidnapped otherwise I’ll let Jake have you. By then though he will be really pissed off at the fact that you denied him at first, I doubt you would make it out alive when he is done.”

I nodded, understanding.

“You also must agree to dump Arthur and become my girlfriend instead.”

What the hell!

“No!” I shouted standing up from my chair which accidently got knocked over.

“Jake!” Zack smirked.

I glared at him, “This isn’t fair! Just because you have issues doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me!”

I felt arms restrain me from getting any closer to Zack.

“Calm down darling.” Jake chuckled into my ear. I shuddered at how close he was to my body.

“This isn’t fair!” I began to let tears pour down my face as I let out a choked out sob.

“Life’s not fair babe. How about I let you have a taste of what’s to come?” Zack looked up to Jake who then started to drag my body out of the room.

I started screaming and tried to get my body away from Jake but it was no use. He was obviously stronger and using that fact against me.

I was dragged up a flight of stairs and down a hall before I was pulled into a room. By then I had used up most of my energy which was not much to begin with due to the fact that I had barely eaten these past two weeks, and that I had been unconscious for over a week.

I dropped to the floor as my body began to shake from the choked sobs my throat was emitting.

Jake pulled me up quickly and placed me on a bed.

His bed.

I couldn’t help but think of what had taken place on this thing. How many young girls has he raped? How many has he killed?

The worst thought that came to my mind was whether or not I would be next.

I quickly moved to the edge of the bed when I had the urge to vomit. It sprayed on the floor by
Jake’s feet.

Jake rubbed my back almost affectionately.

Bipolar much?

I laid there on the bed as more tears kept streaming down the side of my face.

The longer I waited here the more upset I seemed to get but there was no way that I wanted
Jake to finish what he was going to do to me.

I looked over to see Jake working at his desk; some heavy rock was playing on the radio he had turned on during my ongoing crying session.

“Dude, you got a customer.” Zack’s voice was heard through the door.

“Send him up.” Was his reply as he shoved some bags into a drawer, various pills in some and in the others, some green stuff.

It does not surprise me that Jake sold drugs.

Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Zack did too.

A few seconds later there was a knock on the door before it opened.

“I only brought half this time. I promise to pay double next time.” Anthony said rummaging through his pockets for any spare bills.

He stopped when he saw me.

“What’s going on?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry! It took so long!
I was caught up in school work.
Suckish eh?
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