

The wind picks up the dirt around my feet. It wraps itself around my ankles, traveling so far along my body it ties its ends around my wrists in perfect ribbons. I feel the thoughts being lifted from my mind as I stand in the vast miles of fields. My feet break free of the winds and step forward, pulling up hundreds of ghost white moths at their wake. The ghosts wisp around me with the wind, pulling me forward as more and more of them wrap me in a tighter bond. My wrists are pinned to my sides as the wind brings me to my knees. The sky turns from hazed purple to indigo as the moon disappears behind the tree line far away from me. I work against the wind and watch the thoughts that I have kept safe so long become invisible, flying away into the dark sky, riding on the backs of the moths that had pinned me here. I break free of the grip of the grasses and winds, with my eyes closed and my body struggling towards the safety of the forest. I know beneath the trees I will be safe and my thoughts will come back to me, shivering, ashamed by leaving me alone to be taken by the winds.

I open my eyes to gold. The fields are calm, the tall grasses movements ceased by the lack of wind. Gold lace is draped across every inch of land and it slides across my skin like silk. The warmth thaws me from the bone to the outermost layer of skin. I rest beneath the golden blanket thrown over me by the sun. I close my eyes and breathe, as the gentle wind blows away my thoughts faster than my hands can catch them.