Status: finished



“Stephen’s always reminded me a bit of a pirate.” Danielle took a calm sip from her water bottle as the rest of the girls shot confused looks her way, a few laughing.

Evelyn arched an eyebrow as Raylee spoke. “Where’d you get that idea from?”

Danielle shrugged, taking a bite of her shaved ice. “Just something about him, I’m always waiting for the Jack Sparrow voice to pop out of him.”

“If he looked like Johnny Depp, the arrogance would be well placed,” Evelyn sipped from her water bottle, looking at the ground instead of her companions.

“If he looked like Johnny Depp…” Rachel trailed off with a smirk.

“Do the doors open soon?” Evelyn peeked around the bus they had settled next to. The crowd waiting to get in appeared to be getting edgy.

“In about thirty minutes.”

“I think I’ll go check on the boys now.” Evelyn grabbed her bottle, standing up. “It was very nice meeting you all.”

She walked the aisles of the venue, hoping to chance across her two favorite boys.

“Belle! You came to help us set up just as we finish. Always such a help.” A sarcastic voice she was all too familiar with boomed. “You’re gorgeous, so I’ll forgive you for a little kiss right here,” he tapped his lips with his finger.

“Never going to happen, Keaggy.” Evelyn’s eyes widened as they fell onto the figure leaning against the tent.

“Looking for the boyfriend, Red?” His smirk danced all the way to his eyes, darkening the brown irises a few shades.

“The claddagh says otherwise,” she held her right hand up to show the heart facing outward. “My best friend, on the other hand, I would very much like to see.”

Stephen just looked at her, it was Ian who spoke, “Jamie and RK headed to talk to some fans in line, pass out stickers and posters.”

Evelyn nodded, “Will they come back here after?” She settled behind the booth, organizing the boxes.

“They should. How was your girl time?”

“Very nice, Mister Keaggy, thank you for asking.” Light reached the onlooker’s eyes as she spoke, her twang taking complete control.

“I knew you couldn’t keep the formalities off for long.”

“Kill ‘em with kindness,” she offered him a half smile. “Besides, you show no respect for me, so I have to show it for both of us.”

“You’re so strange, Belle.” Ian shook his head with a smile.

“I will never apologize for my manners, Mister Keaggy.”

“Just call me Ian. You said it in the van. Just say my name.” The last sentence was said quietly, in a half groaned voice.

“Ian Sebastian Keaggy, that is not how you talk to a lady, especially in public!”

“Just like that, Belle, just like that.” He leaned his head back, slamming his hands on the table.

“I think you’re making fair Lady Red uncomfortable.”

It took all of Evelyn’s self control to hide her sneer. “Thank you for your chivalry, Mister-”

“-Gomez,” he said quickly, smirk still in place.

“Gomez,” she repeated, “but I can handle myself just fine with Mister Keaggy, I’ve been doing it for years.”

“Belle, you couldn’t act like a person from this century for so much as a week, even if you wanted to.”

“We’re on this tour seventeen days, put money on it,” she spoke quickly, her face stone.

“Well that isn’t very ladylike!”

“Many before me have done much worse. I know your daddy’s good for it if you aren’t, and you know very well mine is just like this ring.” She wiggled the fingers of her right hand, the silver she got for debuting catching the light.

“Oh, we’re betting big bucks then?” Ian’s interest was sparked.

“No less than a grand, I believe you call it, would do.”

“Double it.”

“You’ve got yourself a deal, Ian,” she offered her hand.

“The way you say my name,” he met her hand, shaking on the promise.

“Evie, don’t tell me Ian’s finally corrupted you!”

“Jamie!” she smiled warmly. “We just made a friendly little wager.”

“I’d love that to be my definition of a friendly little wager,” Stephen reminded everyone of his presence. Evelyn felt his dark eyes on her as if he was trying to see what rested beneath her skin. In fact, he was curious about what he had witnessed of her, wondering what else this girl was hiding.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter three, what do you think guys? Does it make up for the fact that Tell Me When Your Plan Breaks Down is almost over?