Danger Line


I dreaded what tonight represented. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Audrienne, but it's gonna be extremely weird when she chooses my father for a mate.

And when they actually have to mate.

And the fact that my room is right next to dad's.

It would be a long night, I'll tell you that much!

"Do I look ok?" Audrienne asked, fiddling with her dress. I rolled my eyes. "Audrienne. Look at yourself. You're fucking gorgeous! He's gonna have trouble keeping his hands off you!" I giggled. "So...you pick your mate yet?" I knew she had picked dad, but there was still a chance she would've chosen another wolf.

An extremely slim chance, but still a chance.

"Yes." She sighed happily, the look in her eye telling me it would be a surprise, yet I already knew who.

"Are you sure I look ok?" She asked as we walked toward the door. I popped her on the butt, shutting her up and getting her along.


Audrienne stepped into the circle, meeting the eyes of every wolf. All males sat shirtless, in only jeans, and the females in our ceremonial dresses.

We were all barking, some howling, calling for the elders. When they arrived, they silenced us with the raising of a single hand.

They took their places around Audrienne, raising their hands almost in unison.

Tonight was a full moon, as was every night a bitch came of age.

That's when the magic takes over, her body making the finale change.

The change to attract her mate.

The air thickened, all of us stiffen.

It was beginning.

Audrienne froze, gripping her stomach. Suddenly she shot up, howling, giving us the cue to all join in.

The air seemed to swirl, the moon gleaming brightly.

That's when Audrienne dropped to her knees, whimpering.

This is when she emitted the scent that only her chosen mate could smell, giving him full permission to rise, and claim her.

My father rose to his feet, throwing his head back for a proud howl, making the rest of the pack bark in celebration.

Audrienne looked back at him, smiling happily, true love written across her face.

Now they could touch.

Now they could love.

Without the fear that they would be punished.

They embraced, my father swinging her around.

The happiness on his face was heart shattering, the love for her completely evident.

We all howled a final time, the elders cutting off the circle, dismissing us to sleep.

We all rose, heading back to the house, all of us except dad and Audrienne.

They stayed behind, shifting into their wolves and trotting off together.

First they would run in the forest together.

Then they would return home and mate.


I held my pillow over my head, wishing that Audrienne would quiet down, but it was pointless.

All I could hear was a husky "Erik, Erik, Erik!"

I groaned to myself, sitting up.

2:29 a.m.

"Somebody kill me." I grumbled, picking up my pillow. It seemed to get louder when I walked into the hallway, if that was even possible.

I swear, when I see her next, I'm gonna beat her.

Or maybe him.

I did my best to ignore them, walking downstairs to grab a bowl of cereal or something.

Halfway through my bowl, I looked up to see Jakobi, in only boxers.

"Hey, what're you doin up, babe?" I shrugged, finishing my mouth full of Froot Loops.

"They're to damn loud." I growled, rolling my eyes.

He chuckled, coming to sit across the counter from me. "Can you blame em? They've been in love for like...years, and they've never been able to touch." I rolled my eyes again.

"They fell in love when she hit heat, and yes I can because I can't sleep! They're going to keep at this shit for at least a week." He chuckled again as I finished my food, putting it in the sink.

"C'mon. You can sleep in my room." I scoffed, picking up my pillow.

"Yea, right. You'd be all over me." He shrugged, not denying it.

"Yea, maybe, but would that be such a bad thing? We could drown out their noise with some of our own." He joked, winking.

Although...I'm sure he wasn't joking.
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The Pack's house except it's bigger than the picture, so everyone can fit :)