Sequel: True Affection.
Status: Completed.

Fuel to the Fire.


I woke up the next morning with the sun blazing in my eyes; I really regret not closing the blinds. The sweat that was building on my forehead was unbearable. Why was it so fucking hot? I swung my leg over the bed and walked into my bathroom and stripping down and walking into the shower. I let the cold water hit my body and it felt amazing. Once I was out, I took my time before getting dressed. I walked over to my computer and turning on my iTunes, letting Envy on the Coast play, just loud enough to cancel out the yells of people outside. I finally got dressed and dared to walk out of my room. I walked into the living room, seeing Emma and some guy sitting on the couch, my shyness took over when they both looked at me. I just gave them a smile before walking into the kitchen to get some water.
“Dylan this is my boyfriend Jeff, Jeff this is Dylan the GIRL roommate”, she said emphasizing the word girl in her boyfriend face.
“Nice to meet you”, he said laughing.
“Nice to meet you too”, I said downing the glass of water.
“But hey babe I need to go to work”, Jeff said standing up and leaning over to give her a kiss.
“Text me about tonight.”
He just nodded and gave her another kiss before looking over at me with a laugh. I looked at him confused but he just lifted his hands up with another laugh.
“I’m just so damn happy you’re a girl”, he said before walking out of the apartment.
I served myself another cup of water, giggling to myself. I felt someone looking at me, so my eyes averted up to Emma who was smiling at me.
“Sit down! Let’s get to know each other”, she said with excitement in her voice.
I awkwardly walked out of the kitchen and into the living room sitting on the love seat across from here with my cold cup of water in the classy red cups I bought last night.
“So where are you from?”
“San Diego, you?”
“Here”, she said with a laugh.
“Nice, question? Is it always this hot?” I asked making her laugh.
“It gets worst.”
“Got a boyfriend back home?” she asked with a big smile.
“Nah, we broke up before school ended. I knew I was going to school out here and I didn’t want to prolong it. So I ended it.”
“Heartbreaker, I love it!” she said making me laugh.
“Something like that. He took it really bad, he was definitely a stage 5 clinger after the break up.”
“I hate that! I’m the only bitch in relationships”, she said making me laugh into my cup.
“I feel you on that one. So how long have you been with your boyfriend?”
“For a year now, we met when I was a senior in high school and he was a sophomore in college. What can I say? I have a thing for older guys.”
“That’s cute”, I said with a smile.
We continued with this 20 question game until I had to go to my appointment with my counselor. Once again I was lost but I managed to find the biggest building on campus. After I got all the information I needed, I ended up at the library. I looked around, this place was huge. I was in heaven as I looked around at the book shelves upon book shelves. I walked to the book store ready for the pain I was going to get into buying there book. I went through just about every aisle; this getting lost thing was really getting to me. I looked down at my list and started to get frustrated.
“Are you ever not lost?”
I turned around and saw John standing there smiling down at me, well more like smirking. I just laughed rolling my eyes at the comment.
“I guess not.”
“Need help?” he asked smiling down at me.
I nodded with a big smile before I saw the name tag hanging from his neck. He was only doing his job. I handed him the paper and he studied it closely before walking off, I followed him from aisle to aisle as he grabbed all the books I needed.
“Is that it?” he asked still holding onto the books.
“I think so.”
“I can ring you up right here”, he said pointing to the checkout counter.
I followed him once again before he started to ring up the book, one by one my heart started to break. Even the used books were beyond expensive. He laughed at my expression when I saw the price.
“1,100 and 50 cents”, he said with a face showing he knew my pain. “I paid 2,000 so don’t worry”, he said with a laugh.
“I know”, he said as I grabbed my wallet and handed him my credit card.
“Can I see an ID?”
“Yeah sure”, I said turning my wallet and showing his the ID.
“Cute picture.”
“Thanks”, I said blushing.
“So you’re from California? Just sign right there”, he said handing me a receipt with a pen.
“Yeah I am, you?”
“Here”, he said taking the paper from out of my hand and handing me the other receipt.
“Nice”, I said smiling at him.
“I guess so, here you go Dylan Gomez from California”, he said handing me the two bags containing my books.
“Thank you John, I have no clue what the rest of your name is, from here.”
“Bye”, he said as I started to walk off.
I just waved at him and walked out the nice AC filled room and into the hotness of Arizona. I got home and went straight to my room to put the books away. I felt my phone vibrating inside my pocket as I walked back into the kitchen to drink more water.
“Hola Papi”, I said answering the phone.
“Hi Mija, how are you?” he asked as I opened the fridge and grabbed my water bottle.
“I’m good, just really hot. It’s like 100 degrees here. How’s abuelo y abuela?” I asked wondering how my grandma and grandpa were.
I looked up and saw Emma walking through the door with bags in her arms. She threw them down on the couch and smiled at me.
“Really good, we all miss you. cómo está su compañero de cuarto?” he said asking about my roommate.
“Ella es muy agradable y tengo gusto de ella”, I answered with how nice she was and how we got along well.
“Okay Mija, I’ll let you go. Be good!” he said smiling.
“Of course Papi, te quiero.”
“I love you too”, he said hanging up.
I looked up at Emma who was looking at me with a strange face. I just laughed at the facial expression she was making.
“Was that Spanish?”
“Do you speak fluently?”
“Yeah”, I said with a laugh taking another sip of my water bottle.
“That’s so hot!”
I just laughed and watched her grab her bags and walk down the hall. I look through the open door and saw Eric walking by. He yelled a “Hey Dylan” before I could hear the door next door being opened and closed. I grabbed the water bottle and walked into my room grabbing my book. I was a big reader, everyone who ever met me were always surprised by that. I guess I look dumb? I laid back hearing the music from outside being blasted. I cracked open the book and started to let my mind float away, reading always gave me an escape from reality. But nothing was helping this home sickness I was feeling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update.
I'm starting to like this story (:
Any feedback would be amazing, thank you so much for reading<3